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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. I do gradual deployments. GITHUB for the reasons I already explained CurseForge for users still there, and this helps me to iron out eventual mishaps that I may let pass trough. Finally, if no one complains until the moment, I publish on SpaceDock to be available to CKAN users. Very rarely I publish everything at once - usually hot fixes. This helps me control the deployment on the wild, preventing a tsunami of support tickets by wetting my feet first on smaller userbases. Well, essentially all what I publish are there, so I don't really need (neither desire) using github for this,
  2. Because this is screwing my pipeline. The packages distributed on GITHUB are meant for early adopters that wish to help me smoketest the damned thing before it reaches the masses, and to myself be able to easily deploy the thing on my test machines without needing to configure yet another repository. GITHUB releases are not meant to be CKAN safe, only what I deploy on SpaceDock is meant to be used on CKAN. I will enforce this on my next releases. In time, what happened with https://archive.org/details/kspckanmods ? CKAN wasn't supposed to rely on it?
  3. How I prevent CKAN from downloading from github?
  4. Oh, so it was that. I stand corrected on this one. But, the removal of the PD Launcher would demand someone there to push the button, no?
  5. Sure thing! I think we need to involve @JewelShisen if we will change or add something into the base partset, BUT... We called it HL Airships Core for a reason: to allow Expansions to be easily created using Core as dependency. So, in a way or another, I will more than glad into assist you!
  6. Curiously, what you said above is also used to describe some criminals... Emphasis are mine. Source: https://ccjls.scholasticahq.com/api/v1/articles/317-the-decision-to-commit-crime-rational-or-irrational.pdf Hedonism. I had forgot about this word...
  7. Given the current status quo, it would be wiser to get written consent first...
  8. ANNOUNCE Release is available for downloading, with the following changes: Fixes a long standing mishandling on the Life Cycle of the SingletonBehaviour’s extended classes. Closes Issues: #336 Finally Diagnosed a Memory Leak on EditorHelper Everything in life is ephemeral, including 2nd places! It's unfortunate that TweakScale™ popularity, apparently, is vanishing but so is the Wheel of Life - I always knew this day would come. With these stats, it's unavoidable TS will plummet on the ranks pretty fast. I don't have an explanation for so many add'ons, TweakScale™ between them, plummeting on SpaceDock but, still, I knew this would come one day. But we are not dead yet. Scale safe!!! (and keep launching) TweakScale™ has, currently: 1,217,389 downloads on CurseForge 1,176,948 downloads on SpaceDock And at least half of them are under my tenure. Known Issues There's a long standing issue on TweakScale™ about scaling ModuleEnginesFX's plumes - some engines' plumes is just not scaled, while others scaled pretty badly. It's something that never worked right on TweakScale™, and it will only be really fixed on TweakScale™ 2.5 (when this thing goes gold) The best workaround (and also the reason I'm dragging my feet on this) is to use SmokeScreen or Waterfall. For SmokeScreen, you need: SmokeScreen itself. Real Plumes (to enable SmokeScreen on Stock parts) Additional Part Sets and Add'Ons may need specialised support not included on Real Plumes. For Waterfall, you need: Waterfall itself. StockWaterfallEffects (to enable SmokeScreen on Stock parts) Additional Part Sets and Add'Ons may need specialised support not included on StockWaterfallEffects. See Issue #27 Disclaimer By last, but not the least... This Release will be published using the following Schedule: GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now. CurseForge. Right Now. SpaceDock. Right Now. Being a bug fix release, I hushed the thing into everything at once.
  9. Nome/Nickname: Lisias Idade: 50+ Nacionalidade: Brasil Estado/Cidade: Sao Paulo Capital Tempo de jogo: Desde 1.4.0 Mods: Melhor deixar pra lá.
  10. The information I have is that there's at least one dev to keep the lights on - I don't think there's an AI agent able to do thinks like this on Steam. Yet. They even managed to publish an update to KSP1... Now... If there's something really happening, or that dude is just doing something to pretend things are happening...
  11. Yes. It demands some highly privileged access to the Forum's server itself, however.
  12. I don't think this is related. Would be a shortage on the server itself, all the add'ons would had been handicapped the same, as I had shown on my previous post: However, digging around, I found that not all the add'ons are being affected! See: There's something else happening, and I'm failing to detect a pattern. On a (pretty naive) eyeballing fest, I think that approximately 3 in 4 add'ons are being handicapped right now since last September 9th. @VITAS, are you aware of this?
  13. I wondering if I should worry for my thumbs. Should I change my name to Gandhi?
  14. Can you, pretty please, lock the following thread? I think it l had ran its course and it's now just being derailed. Thank you.
  15. It has to start somewhere, no? And since I'm known to gladly help users no matter how they install things, it's hardly a suprise they mention it to me instead of doing it to someone that would reply "use CKAN" or "uh 100% no" and finish the conversation? Every time, every single time someone tells anything remotely not eulogistic about CKAN we have a flame fest. It's a surprised that some people choose to avoid dealing with CKAN as it would be the plague? Did you realised the length of the pain that it was endured on this thread just to have a single problem involving CKAN solved due the entitlement of some people that think they own my free time and I have an obligation to them? And when someone else read such a series of unfortunate events and realise that if I would just kept my mouth shut, none of this pain would had happen, what is the message they are getting? Don't have a clue yet. I used my scarse free time during this day dealing with CKAN - a mistake I'm not going to make again, you can be absolutely sure about. Once I manage to get a good night of restorarative sleep (I have DayJob(C) and RealLife(tm) issues to cope with - things are hairy around here), I will fire up my Windows box and give it a peek. Except by some CKAN zealots, I found more good references about NexusMods then bad out there. Granted, a few of these bad ones are a bit hairy and demand some research. But.. this thread is not about NexusMods neither Vortex. I think We should discuss this somewhere else instead of keep derailing this thread as it's being happenning. I just want to lock this damned thread and never touch this subject again.
  16. I'm not your employee. It's not my job to convince users to reach you instead of me. @Snark, could you please lock this thread? I think it already ran its course. Thank you.
  17. What's completely irrelevant to the outcome we were discussing, the (so I call them) borderline use cases. They are pilling up, but you are not being informed - perhaps because every time someone reaches you to tell something similar, the net result is something like this thread? (or, perhaps, feedbacks like this one?) I'm not the one with a beef with CKAN - just saying. And exactly how this is going to help the user to solve their problem? As I said before: Stop covering your arses and start fixing the problems. Life can be as simple as that sometimes. I'm not your employee. And given the outcome we got here, it's surprising I'm not inclined to use my scarce free time to reach the users for information, when you can do it yourself? This whole drama started here. Feel free to go there and ask them yourself - you don't need me for that. Again, why not asking the users directly? After all, they were the ones reporting the problem, no? I just had the unfortunate and regretable decision to support their oppinion on this Forum. A mistake I'm not inclined to commit again. Because they don't want to use CKAN, and it's not my job to convince them otherwise. Giving the outcome of this thread, and the personal consequences I got, I totally sympathize with them. My job is to fix their problem, and not every time the problem is fixable with CKAN - it's exactly the other way around, most of the time I get involved because something bad happened after using CKAN. I diagnose the problem, fix the problem and advise the user how would be the best way to prevent if from happening again. And that's all I do. I will not deal with this subject again. And I will pinpoint this thread to anyone asking me why.
  18. [snip] So you don't know? If you don't know, how in hell do you make claims about 99.999% of effectiveness? Yes. Because they don't like how it break things sometimes. And one of the reasons are the terribly inaccurate way to set retro-compatibility as explained here: [snip]
  19. And, yet, nobody ever mentioned Vortex to you. That's the whole point. If the user's installment gets screwed after using CKAN and it wasn't before, the net result is a screwed up installment no matter who's in fault. On the other hand, if the user installs something by hand, screws it up and CKAN detects and fixes it... Can you see the huge difference it would do? This is not a Court of Law. We are not being sued. Nobody will be declared guilty and do time due it: it's merely the matter of getting the job done or not. If there's bad metadata on CKAN's database, it's up to CKAN to deal with it, not the user. It's the whole reason users are using CKAN at first place, to do not have to handle these problems, even the borderline ones. Of course, CKAN can choose to give the one finger salute to users that find themselves on some borderline use cases - but, by then, it's reasonable to blame the user for trying to solve the problem without CKAN? Because I support my users, not CKAN, Nexus or whatever. When an user reaches me with a problem in which anything I do is involved, I help them no matter how they installed the damned thing. Virtually all the support requests I get nowadays** is related due something else botched on the user's machine, causing collateral effects that affects something I published. ** Exception made on the following days I publish a new release, when now and then I bork something and let it pass trough into the release.
  20. Guys, @VITAS I think there's something weird happening on SpaceDock. Since Sep 9th, the downloads for the majority of the add'ons I checked plummeted from 6 to even 16 times less than the day before! This is a too much dramatic drop, something wrong must be happening - or perhaps was happening before? Not every add'on is being affected, I paid attention mainly to the most downloaded ones, but I found some newer ones also getting screwed - I'm still investigating. In a way or another, I think you guys need to do a public statement about what's happening - this is risking affecting the confidence on the site. === == = POST EDIT = == === Finally finished munching some numbers. SpaceDock had a peak of downloads at 2024-0908 in the early hours (4k downloads). On the early hours of the next day, the site's download reached the rock bottom (ONE download). Things apparently were coming back to normal on 2024-0910 peaking nearly 3K at 19:00, but then plummeted again and didn't recovered until this moment. Whatever is happening, is affecting the whole site. Are you guys under a DoS attack? === == = POST POST EDIT = == === SpaceDock downloads from the last 90 days. Note the rock bottom values on September 9th and 11th.
  21. But not all of them. CKAN is still causing (or being accused to) cause troubles on the wild. This Forum is not the main resource for support anymore, people (by some reason) are finding their way outside. And now people are asking for help, outside this Forum, on KSP installations managed by Vortex too. Please reread what I had wrote here and in the origin thread under this new light: I came here to warn CKAN that something is happening - hardly something related to someone that have a feud (or beef) to someone. I surely have my disagreements, but absolutely none of them reflects on the user - I will always support the user the best I can - I'm suggesting CKAN does the same, definitively something that I'm not seeing on this specific use case that triggered this FlameFest we are now stuck inside. Planet Packs are a very relevant niche on this Scene. I suggest to better serve these guys - or someone else will.
  22. You know, I think they are right on the money on this one. This damned thingy had the same problems on the 2nd Orbintal Test. I mean... They sit on their hands on the problem since then? Lockheed's Orion was launched to the Moon and came back at 2022, right? Someone at Boeing surely had received the memo... They surely know how to make you open your heart to them...
  23. [snip] Please read the original posts. Please also remember that you don't represent the totality of the current users of CKAN, and that at least some of them presented reserves about some of perceived CKAN's weaknesses that I took the unfortunate decision to bring to the table. There's a reason I'm getting support requests from people using Vortex on KSP.
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