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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Oukey, Houston we have a problem! I will double check things this night. I'm being royally screwed toying with a new engine, and what you said may explain why in hell my trustTransform is screwed.
  2. Found this on the WeekEnd, found it pretty. and pretty useful! ATTENTION: This chart is wrong! The Y (green) and X (red) arrows are inverted on this chart! Their positive is on the other side (where the negative is on the chart) and vice versa! Source: reddit.
  3. Well, module manager complained about: [ModuleManager] ERROR: Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key title = #$title$ $/MODULE[FSFuelSwitch]/resourceNames$ So we know WHERE the problem is. Looking carefully on the pinpointed line, and knowing that MM didn't managed to parse the variable, besides the value being present on the Module, the problem should be so on the definition of the module - where I found you mistyped FSfuelSwitch to FSFuelSwitch. Fixing the typo will solve the problem (from the configcache): PART { name = FSdropTank <yada yada yada> title = FS3FD Fuel Drop Tank LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;MonoPropellant;ElectricCharge <yada yada yada> } MODULE { name = FSfuelSwitch resourceNames = LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;MonoPropellant;ElectricCharge resourceAmounts = 50;50;60;200 basePartMass = 0.25 tankMass = 0.5;0;0.1 testqty = LiquidFuel } Cheers!
  4. I did a peek on the log, and it's pretty weird - the thing crashed while trying toad a mesh. What I think it's happening is that the Garbage Collector by some reason is not garbage collecting. Why this started to happen is a mystery at this moment. Did you updated something on your rig? Device driver? Windows Update? Perhaps some monitoring tool? Any hardware change? Hooked something new on it? Updated something on KSP itself? Perhaps on CKAN? something should had changed in order to trigger this misbehaviour. Additionally, what's your CPU maker and model? It may be influencing the problem.
  5. Your ModuleManager dll appears to be corrupted, truncated or perhaps without reading permissions. Install a fresh copy over it and see what happens. Also see if the owner and permissions matches the ones used on the ksp_x64.exe (IiRC the filename).
  6. The INSTALL instructions (also present on the ZIP file) explains how to install the thing. The Extras directory are… well… extras, and they also contains instructions about why they are there and when (or if) you can use them. https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/tree/master/Extras/TweakScale/BreakingParts https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/tree/master/Extras/TweakScale/Deprecated https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/tree/master/Extras/TweakScale/HotFixes https://github.com/TweakScale/TweakScale/tree/master/Extras/TweakScale/Workarounds These instructions files are also present on the ZIP file.
  7. Please develop. This thread is full with cases of success, demonstrating it's possible to open the source and still be profitable - sometimes extending the lifespan of the product beyond expectations. If you have counterexamples, please share!
  8. I can't help but to remember this one: (oukey, urban legend - but terribly funny nevertheless!)
  9. Well… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concrete_ship
  10. Indeed, and the PD Launcher also is a hell of an incentive to do such. And there's also Epic, that did a huge giveaway some months ago, and we don't have the slightest idea of how many of that new users are still around. But since Steam have about 70% of the market (or at least it was so last time I checked), and since probably more or less the same proportion of KSP2 would have the game moved from the steamapps as KSP¹, the Steam numbers besides not being a precise information, it's still a good way to infer (taken or given) how the games perform compared with each other. So, besides the absolute number being highly imprecise, the proportions hold - and so it's reasonable to affirm that KSP¹ has 10 to 12 times more players than KSP2, what means that you will have 10 to 12 times better chances on getting engagement on KSP¹.
  11. I clicked this thread today To see if I still post I focus on the screen The only thing that's real
  12. Hey, nice! Good times may not come back - but we can revive them a bit!
  13. It's clicking again… Oh no my post is in the end… On no i'm clicking again… And you know it's hard to pretend!
  14. It's clicking again, hallelujah!!!
  15. 1920 Twin Piston Harley-Davidson Powered Airplane. Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines - or how to kill yourself while getting fun! (spoiler: no one gets hurt on this bric-à-brac. This time. )
  16. If you say so. Once bitten, twice shy. This is going to happen lot - in fact, I'm absolutely sure that at least 50% of the bad blood I'm seeing "out there" (as in Reddit, but no only) is due unfortunate choice of words while communicating. Ok, it's true that "I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand", but since you (AFAIK) have a stake on what we understand, it looks more productive to me to modulate the message to be better understood by your intended audience. Now I understand the message. As a side note, we old guys also had a hell of a good time doing the same in the past - but something changed, and part of the fun had spoiled into misery (sometimes, almost all of it). I'm reasonably convinced that a good part of the reluctance on adopting KSP2 is due most people still grieving about. It's easy to forget that there's nothing new under the Sun!
  17. Just stumble on this lass today. What a magnificent (but weird sometimes…) voice. (I strongly advise to check out her others songs)
  18. That you are aware! You are new around here . There's no way to calm down these fears with **one** example - mainly because the game are still pretty bleak in content, with a very small surface of exposition for regression bugs. These guys have years of experience on handling insidious bugs created by new releases of the previous game - some of them only really diagnosed years after the initial affected release. And since we know that a good part of the labourforce that worked on that troubling times is now working on the sequel, it's not only comprehensible but even logical to think that things will be like that again. Being condescending and dismissive with the old guys (even when they deserve it sometimes, not the case here) definitively is not going to help on luring them in the Scene. KSP¹ is a different game: you will find it running on kids' notebooks, but also on NASA engineers' computers! You will not lure engineers to the new game by using tactics that work for kids (except candies, candies will work) - you will get exactly the opposite result by doing that.
  19. I found this video today on reddit, and I remember it from way behind before I even started to play KSP. But I didn't found a place to post it, so I created this thread! Anyone else also have "classic" videos, slideshows, remarkable screenshots et all to share?
  20. ANNOUNCE Release is available for downloading, with the following changes: Closes issues: #38 Misbehaviour on the Settings Dialog See OP for the links. — — — — — This Release will be published using the following Schedule: GitHub. Right Now. CurseForge. Right Now. SpaceDock. Right Now. Being a simple fix release, I published it on everything and the kitchen's sink at the same time.
  21. "We didn't checked our staging…" — POST EDIT -- Already said. I did a search for "stag" on this thread before posting, but the new posts weren't indexed on the search engine as it appears…
  22. I second that. And there's the Science Mode for people not willing to deal with money, and this model worked fine IMHO. It's not a mutually exclusive choice, you can have both playing paradigms on the same game - KSP¹ did it at least.
  23. Convair Model 49. Really, these guys were the precursor of the Kerbal Space Program - they would love this game, no doubt!!!
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