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Everything posted by Cruesoe

  1. Would you be willing to share your RSS Rescale configs? Sounds like a fun game. I'm currently doing a 2.5x stock game with Kerbalism. I'd like to try RSS next. Do you use all stock parts?
  2. Should of been clear, this is exactly what I do now. Just wondering if there is a way to hey them to auto stage like stock fairings.
  3. Speaking of fairings.. Does it work with Procedural Fairings? (Gravity Turn is on my must have list!)
  4. You could set them to automatically turn off at low power using the Kerbalism auto tab so that wouldn't be an issue, if that's what you wanted to do.
  5. If you played the mod from CKAN then it's very fault was it was missing the science configs and therefore balance. You don't need multiple flights to do one experiment, but you can't just slap on all experiments in an early career rocket without thinking about hard drive space, time to complete and electrical charge required.
  6. Work on the next version has been in progress for some time. No eta at the moment but given 1.7 came out less than 24 hours ago I think we should give them some time to asses the impact, if any. There is no 2.2, there was a release error. 2.1.2 is the latest until the next release. 2.1.2 is currently stable for version 1.6.1 of KSP.
  7. How is it surprising? 2.2 is incomplete, unstable, not finished, not ready, do not use, won't work, will crash, unsupported, not tested.. etc. Game breaking crashes are expected.
  8. As far as I understand it the building of the science experiments into Kerbalism's automation and the new feature of experiments taking time to complete breaks [X] Science. [X] Science relies on the stock instant click science so it's highly unlikely to work with Kerbalism, but due to the automation is largely unneeded. Science in the upcoming is very different, embrace the change! Reminder - although you may be able to download 2.2 in various places due to a release error, 2.2 is not ready or complete. Please use 2.1.2 until 2.2 is released officially!
  9. As I said not two posts ago... Your issue is related to the new science coming in version 2.2. The new science system is not finished or ready. Expect lots of things to be broken or not working. Version 2.2 was released in error and quickly rolled back to 2.1.2 If you want to play Kerbalism then use version 2.1.2. I expect you won't get any support using a version that is not finished or officially released yet. I'm sure the mod team will announce a new release soon and update the forum. But in the meantime if you want a stable game use version 2.1.2.
  10. The issue is 2.2 is not complete. The science configs are not complete. If you want to play Kerbalism now please ensure you're using version 2.1.2 as listed in the previous posts.
  11. Science gathering takes time and hard drive space. I would presume the external command seat doesn't have a hard drive to store the data.
  12. It's not supposed to. 2.2 was released early by mistake. Roll back to previous version, 2.2 will be out soon but KEI and any science mod like X science will not work with Kerbalism new science.
  13. Then don't be that guy. It's at least two weeks I say. In my mind it would be best to wait until after 1.7 drops next week to ensure compatibility. I'm just as keen myself and if you want to know what's going on then join the Discord for all the latest news, arguments and gossip.
  14. The title of this very forum post has [1.4.x] in it. Indicating it does indeed work in version 1.4.5. Give it a try!
  15. You mentioned this removes some of the stock parts so may break mods based on them, but.. How does this play with TechTree mods, are they likely to still work as they move parts around?
  16. Very much enjoying this SIMPLEX Living, I like the simple resources but still the challenge of Kerbalism. I would like to make one small request though Can you look into adding support for Universal Storage 2. It has a handy number of parts that I feel help you build really good looking rockets. However its life support elements are things like Oxygen rather than air. I have looked into changing the resources myself but for balance I could do with you taking a look. Please and thank you! (Note: There is Kerbalism code in the part.cfg files, just needs your Simplex balancing and thoughts)
  17. I think this was a MechJeb added feature in its recent 1.6.1 update.
  18. If you look in the 'Known Issues' link on the front page it seems to imply it doesn't work with Remote Tech. Given how much RemoteTech changes the way relays behave I wouldn't expect this to work.
  19. Look back through the posts on this forum. It's a known issue, you can ignore it and it will be fixed in the next release. It has no impact on the mod.
  20. This functionality is built into MechJeb since it's 1.6 update.l, I think. Either way they both work absolutely fine on 1.6.1. Did you even try it?
  21. The blank window is the options. There is a small bug that sometimes it's blank. Open the cube icon in the Space Center view, then the VAB and then the Space Center again. That works for me. Habitation is off by default.
  22. Can't speak to much to the balance but after working through the two trees I think the five branch just flows a bit better. It seems tighter and neater. As you say the balance lays better in this one I'd stick with the 5 branch. Looks good, can't wait to get my hands on it.
  23. For me it's the Near Future suite and SSPX redux. Maybe the Universal Storage 2 stuff that could all benefit from a little more room. Also TACLS and USI Life Support that many people use could do with perhaps a slightly bigger tree. I personally avoid too many part mods but it would make the tree more universal. That said I don't like the sprawling nature of CTT and use this Tech Tree as the layout is superior in my opinion. It's clean, and it fits better on the screen. I was toying with the idea of branches that appear based on what you have installed but so far I've been unable to dynamically adjust the tree layout to make this work and not leave gaps.
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