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Everything posted by Cruesoe

  1. It should be installed in GameData\KerboKatz Make sure you also have it's dependencies installed, KerboKatzUtilities.
  2. @_Zee Scansat was updated so your ScanSat patch is no longer required, I believe the ScanSat new parts (15 in total) are nicely placed already.
  3. The disassembly of parts is an MKS thing and mention in those video tutorials you suggested I watch...
  4. Thanks. I resolved it after an epiphany. When I tried to remove RCSBuildAid I must of miss-clicked and dragged it inside another mods folder. It was sitting there inside a subfolder giving me issues on CKAN. Deleted it, properly this time, and everything works as it should. User error, apologies all, carry on.
  5. CKAN believes I have installed RCS Build Aid, it has AD next to it. This is preventing me from installing RCS Build Aid Continued. I have nothing in my GameData folder related to either mod. Is there anyway to get CKAN to forget/ignore/RemoveTheADflag on the original RCS so I can install the correct version?
  6. Press the tiny little save icon near the bottom right. And keep the padlock red, or it it will change itself again.
  7. Hello All! I quite fancy a break from Kerbalism and to try something new and more 'stockish'. I have never tried MKS but I have used USI life support a few years back. Can anyone link me to some good MKS tutorials and give me some info on how this plays with JNSQ? Thanks all!
  8. 1.10 came out TODAY. It's highly likely it will be followed by 1.10.1 and your asking WHEN will this be updated already! Sit back and relax and enjoy 1.9.1 and Kerbalism. It will be weeks until this is updated if at all. Don't poke the mod developers. Don't be that guy.
  9. But TETRIX does adjust positions of parts in the tech tree to where they fit TETRIX, not necessarily where the mod author put them in the entirety separate CTT. They are two entirely different Tech Trees. TETRIX redoes everything, it's not the same as Unkerballed start that changes tech node positions and a few parts too. Engineering Tech Tree, SlMPLEX, TETRIX are tech tree redo's. Unkerballed start and PBC use the CTT as their base. CTT does not fit with SIMPLEX and TETRIX goals. (Apologies if I'm talking out of turn @theJesuit )
  10. That makes no sense. The Community Tech Tree mod adds nodes to the existing stock tech tree. This mod completely reworks the entire tree and is specifically designed to work standalone. I do not understand what you mean by integrating the CTT. What do you expect to happen? Why do you want to use both? What outcome are you expecting?
  11. Is this a fresh install of KSP? Looks like it can't find a stock asset that it requires. Perhaps your install of KSP is borked.
  12. It's my understanding that 4.0 will require a new save but it's a way off yet.
  13. Does Gravity Turn work with Procedural Fairings? The stock fairings deploy automatically but not the modded ones. I want to make sure it's not something I'm doing wrong!
  14. Forget trying to measure atmosphere DV at different altitudes, the gains aren't worth it in stock. You need 3400 to 3800 vacuum dv to make orbit depending on how well you fly.
  15. Of course it won't work. It requires Korpernicus which is famously not up to date with1.8.1.. yet.
  16. With your latest tech tree and Kerbalism 3.2 is the recommended science reward level still 50% as it was back in early Simplex?
  17. It's a mod design to work with the KAL device and parts from Breaking Ground. To enhance them and how they work. If you don't have Breaking Ground why would you want this mod?
  18. I really don't see why it wouldn't. Surely this is something you're able to test though? Why don't you do that and let us know if it did work!
  19. Quote from the PBC thread that I took to mean full rearward for sample returns. -- Returningan experiment home always means that experiment never needs to be redone (also true in most transmission cases too,). --
  20. PBC does the same thing this mod does, it alters science rewards but it's always 'full reward' you dont need both AFAIK
  21. Would this work with a resized solar system like JNSQ?
  22. I don't believe BDB is a supported mod... That said do you have one scrubber in the pod or two?
  23. I believe they do pop up just in a different style. Bottom middle of the screen on successful transmission. You can adjust how long the message is displayed in the settings I think.
  24. I have personally halved the sliders in the options and always use high quality engines now money isn't a problem. I felt they occurred a little to often. It felt like an engine failure was likely to happen on every mission and the surprise was when it didn't rather than when it did.
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