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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. So using KER I have a degree/min/sec* readout for lat/lon. What's the transformation on that to a COS param? Or is there a better lat/lon display in KSP? edit: * or whatever that's called
  2. I was thinking about removing a few palm trees to make room for some KK statics, until I looked into how to do it. Ugh, I'm not quite that motivated, and I don't want to delete them all. Is there any trick to identifying particular instances?
  3. The RCS thrusters on the Zhengming Retro Module are not producing any thrust and have no visual plume for me. Anyone else?
  4. This is the price we pay for wanting to be on the newest everything Since JNSQ doesn't support 1.10.1 officially, I've posted a question on the EVE thread just in case there's another alternative, but sounds like editing the cfg should work for now. edit: check over there for an update!
  5. Hiya. Am I correct that the behavior shown in the short video below is explained by what you said above? This is the current JNSQ under 1.10.1, Kop BE50.
  6. I may have filmed this for nothing, but in case anyone wants to see the symptom, here it is.
  7. These are (now) the same versions I have, and the problem on Eve persists. Are you sure your Eve looks right?
  8. Here's my GameData folder in case something jumps out at you that we might have in common. I'm at a loss as to what I changed besides adding DOE.
  9. Wow, OK I'm an idiot. I did have this looking right on my machine on Oct 20 when I filmed the 30 second video linked below. The only thing I can think of that I changed was adding DOE, which I just uninstalled and it didn't change anything. Somehow in Oct my Eve looked like the video, but today it looks like the screenshot below the video. *bangs head against wall* No idea what I changed, but now I gotta dig this up.
  10. OK well that's what mine looks like too at that altitude. Changing the camera angle to see more or less of the planet also causes all those flat white areas to Rorschach around. I dunno if it's supposed to be different, but I see the same thing you see (I was at 112k)
  11. Congrats on getting this in. The animations all look great, and the solar panels are a huge addition to the Agena. Thanks for working on this!
  12. I use JNSQ 99% of the time, and have been using BE versions across a few KSP versions. My very stable current install is 1.10.1 with Bleeding Edge Release 46. Since I'm focusing on some other stuff and need core KSP to be stable, I've just been sticking with Release 46 for now and I have zero known problems. Full disclosure: I spend almost all my time from Duna inwards.
  13. Can I just confirm that releases here are intended to replace the RR that comes bundled with JNSQ 0.9.0? Like, JNSQ doesn't need that frozen version, correct?
  14. Thought I'd share some results with 1.10.1/JNSQ/BDB/etc.
  15. Oh, good news! As far as I know KSP is only looking for configs and plugins, so anything else should be fine. It's just having mods or ex-mods in there can be super iffy, as you can get unexpected conflicts and whatnot.
  16. I'm not this mod's author but I can tell that you don't have mods installed correctly. Little tricky at first, but ... the zip file you downloaded for this mod has a structure inside of it. There's a GameData folder, and inside there you'll find a RealChutes folder. It's THAT folder that you want to copy and put inside your existing GameData folder. You have a folder by the same name as the zip so I'm assuming you just unzipped the entire file into GameData, but you need to grab only the parts inside the Zip file's GameData folder. Also, "Unused mods" ... are *not*. Anything you place under the GameData folder will be scanned by KSP. If you have things you want ignored, move the whole folder outside of the GameData folder. I don't think you have DPAI correct, either. You're close! Just make sure to find the GameData folder in mod releases, and put whatever contents you find there into your existing GameData folder. At this point, I would recommend deleting all those folders except Squad, and looking at the downloaded zips again.
  17. what if I had a friend who didn't even know whether KSP was running in dx or opengl mode, and googled how to find out and came up empty? i can tell you that he's running a GTX980 on windows 10 and that he's clearly a noob.
  18. Can anyone comment on experience with RealChutes and BDB? I'm using EngineIgnitor and MandatoryRCS and thinking this might be a good next step in my self-imposed "realism lite" progression.
  19. This is extremely helpful for all the basic builds and getting familiar with parts: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki
  20. Saw the Kottabos review, knew I had to check this out. Finally got around to it today, and it worked perfectly. This is a really clever idea! Thanks for making this
  21. I'm not the author but I took a peek at the SmokeScreen code, and I think the toolbar button might only be in the flight scene. Is that where you looked? edit: sorry, not at the right comp to just start KSP and try it and tell you for sure
  22. Noob questions. Brand new to C#. I can already tell it's gonna be the "paperwork" (scaffolding/config/options) stuff that's going to kill me long before the actual coding part. Anyway, here's my situation... My DLL gets found by KSP but generates this: Could not load file or assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. My observation is that when I load other people's projects, VS shows a bold solution node, and under there is always a child node called References, and under there are all the referenced assemblies. But, when I start a new VS project and pick Class Library (.NET Standard) I get a bold solution node, under which there is Dependencies, with children of Assemblies and SDK (no References node anywhere). Under SDK is a node referencing NetStandard.Library (2.0.3). Doesn't seem to be a way to delete this node or make my explorer look like other people's mods, so I must be doing something basic wrong. Is this a wrong project type? Or ... ?
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