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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. Going for a wild guess here. Does this cull objects from the scene based on their distance from the transform? Like, for removing other spacecraft parts from the image?
  2. ok cool -- that spreadsheet should be editable by anyone just in case, or whatever is easier for you whenever you get to it. in the meantime i'll start coming up with suggestions for the other params. I expect cameraType to be just a matter of investigation, and one of these four: color, b&w, IR, UV. But things like FOV and quality is where I'm gonna struggle. A bridge to cross later. I also need to get TantaresSP installed again and see how it's implemented there. If anyone else is using Neptune elsewhere and wants to chime in with ideas, PLEASE DO. ok fantastic, thank you.
  3. Man, I hate to be a pain. If this is just more work for you guys or bad timing then I don't have to pursue this by any means. Zero offense taken if you wanna put this off until later or whatever. Otherwise ... here's a spreadsheet I started, figuring the hardest part would be the Neptune params, but as you can see I'm not past the first column yet of cameraTransform names. I'm literally guessing when there isn't something specifically named "cameraTransform" so that's why all the blanks and "?" cells. Surely in some cases there actually is a cameraTransform that I just can't see, as that tool tends to draw text over other text like 95% of the time and I can't figure out any zoom or declutter or anything. Honestly all the rows should probably have a ? on them except Lunar Orbiter. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-_7J5hXN5fThRptQ-XN30xJekrVNKfORNUJTvebFq3k/edit?usp=sharing Is there a way for me to confidently determine the correct transform name? Or does this require more Unity info than I have access to?
  4. OK yeah, Lunar Orbiter was a snap and worked first time. As long as civil war doesn't break out today, I'll work on a couple more of these tonight and see if I can come up with values that make sense.
  5. @Zorg thank you for the help! Here's my updated findings, which conflict both with my earlier tests and with your suggestions, so let's see where to next... OK, using either cameraTransformA or UVTransform, I get hit by this: - using CameraMain, there's no debug spam, and I get images created, but the images are not showing where the camera was pointing, which doesn't surprise me if there's transform confusion. So my config and my results: edit: also, do you guys have magic tricks for testing minor cfg changes? 10-minute game reload time make head go boom. maybe i need a pared down install?
  6. OK .. I haven't done that I really don't know the syntax, so no idea where that goes. Here's what I've done so far that doesn't work:
  7. asking for a friend, who is me. So I want to mess around with NeptuneCamera. It's my (likely faulty) understanding that I can write a custom cfg that will detect both the BDB camera part and NeptuneCamera, and allow me to add the module and its values. I believe the opening would have to be some FOR or NEEDS or WANTS or THINKSABOUT statement that I have no idea how to write. The inner part with the neptune params, that part I can handle. Does any of this sound close to correct? Is that a difficult statement for someone to plonk out? Idc which BDB camera, I think I just need a small head start and I should be able to figure out what to replace where/when ... if this is even possible in the first place? Please advise. Standing by. N e e d d i s t r a c t i o n
  8. Hello. I would like to inquire about the feature captured below. This is Chrome on Win10. I'm hovering over the text in order to read the text and that's when this link appears that covers the text. Any way this could be maybe aligned with the bottom of the thumbnail, or really anywhere that isn't covering content?
  9. Just tested this by putting a random probe in orbit with the solar panels attached, and they definitely generate EC. What does your PAW say when you right click on the solar panel?
  10. From a purely subjective, fly by hand point of view, Juno II is the hardest BDB rocket to control. How funny that maybe Mechjeb agrees!
  11. Hiya. I'm getting lots of B9 startup errors on a new install. I'm trying to get KSRSS working, which means 1.8.1 and specific versions of kopernicus/eve/scatterer. Once I had KSRSS working, I dropped in the BDB 1.7.1 release, and the B9 startup errors are where I'm stuck now. Is the BDB github version of B9 still compatible with 1.8? Log here just in case: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14jI5C0am2flzfxgrpaehQDTSRQyyS878/view?usp=sharing Thanks for any help!
  12. I'm unsure about this recipe, but I put a CSM on top of an empty SLAM, on top of an S-IVB, on top of an S-1 first stage (4x + 4x), both with and without fins, and didn't have any flipping tendencies. Is that close to what you were flying?
  13. Quick video I made of a fictitious science mission. Features the Agena sub-sat and the MPA. Science package kitbashed.
  14. I imagine a lot of work goes into filtering down details of real-world hardware into KSP-sized chunks that can eventually be put into a cfg and onto a texture sheet, so that someone without a degree in rocket science can actually mess with it in-game. That's probably a long road, but you guys have a knack for it, and that's one of the things that makes BDB great. So, thanks! For anyone like me who wants to know KSP-level details about real-world missions, I use the NASA site linked below. (The link is for the Mariner 10 mission). It usually has high level details that are useful for KSP, like if there was an initial parking orbit or not, the sequence of deployment, when/if mid-course corrections where made, etc. https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1973-085A
  15. oh snap, I've never had to admit this in public before... Hi, I'm Dave, and I have a GTX 980. Before the heckling begins, I get 40-50fps in flight scene! I tried to upgrade to a better card, but it turns out that the GTX 1650 is not a better card than the 980. Drivers are kept up to date.
  16. I have a JNSQ install, and a resized OPM/AVP install both on 1.10.1, and I don't see any weird shadows. Here's anything that I can think of that might be pertinent: Removed TUFX until it's updated, using two different versions of Eve (published, and RTB's temp WIP build) both are fine, same scatterer on both (0.0632).
  17. You know that feature of the Lelantos where it continues to produce decreasing thrust after shutdown for a few seconds? Not sure what that's called, but it seems like EngineIgnitor (I'm guessing) defeats that feature such that engine shutdown is instant like stock engines. Is this expected?
  18. the peanut gallery chimes in ... google drive is free with a free gmail account and provides a very convenient place to put files for other people.
  19. Trying out parallax on 1.9.1 and wondering if this gap between ground visuals and collider is expected? edit: sorry - forgot to add that it looks gorgeous!
  20. that's nuts, why would that trigger the decoupler? idk! do you want to try my craft file and see if it does the same thing? I uploaded it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pO2180I5oVSPrtRtJ0-LDIYi0_ZtKWFh/view?usp=sharing
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