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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. Is this the right thread where I say thank you for the 1.11 update? Playing KSP without KER for a couple weeks was just not as enjoyable. THANK YOU!
  2. While I'm not in the interstellar market, I've been curious so I installed this last night, created a lander and cheated to some orbits and did some landings. Am very happy I did, as I got to see some really gorgeous work! These probably don't do it justice as I didn't really tune anything ...
  3. To echo the previous answer: heck no. I've been using the same JNSQ release in 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11. The "thing" you'll need to keep in mind if you move past 1.8 is the Kopernicus version - which is pretty trivial, since RTB's builds are built with the target KSP version number plainly visible.
  4. So you're on KSP 1.8.1 for KSRSS, correct? Are you using the latest BDB stuff, or do you have an older frozen version? Thanks!
  5. Oh, cool. Just to be specific, that one is HideEmptyTechTreeNodes by Orthethac ... idk if there are others.
  6. I am, yes. I couldn't tell you what options I have selected for it off the top of my head but if that's useful info, I can get that for you.
  7. Oh, I see what you're saying. If I understand correctly, there's special circumstances between KSP 1.8 and 1.9. I.e. once they fix whatever was broken by KSP 1.9, they'll be forwards compatible just like other planet packs already are (which they've doubtless already done on their dev version).
  8. Thanks for this! Small nit. Not even sure if you intended to catch these.
  9. Not sure if you've worded this the way you intended, but let's hope the devs aren't thinking anything like this. A minimum version, of course, but exclusively locked to one version? Why would anyone do that?
  10. In case anyone is curious, this seems to run fine with 1.10.1 and Kop BE. I also installed EVE and scatterer (with no other configs, ofc) and everything seemed to work fine. I normally play larger systems with much larger sizes and distances, so I also tried Sigma Dimension and Rescale 2.5x for grins. Everything loads and runs mostly correctly. I have a feeling that Rescale doesn't have the right atmosphere scaling in the default configs, because iirc, I went into and out of atmosphere on my way up, or something funky happened that I don't fully recall. Meh, was worth a try. Someone could probably figure that out easily, but it's a little beyond me at this point. Without rescaling, the trip to orbit seemed more normal, though the atmosphere slider moves in interesting ways during the ascent. Hopefully you can support both? I never would have even looked at this if it wasn't a replacement. Currently have zero interest in dealing with multiple stars. GPP seems to deal with this pretty well. Thanks for working on this!
  11. Hello! I've just updated to the latest version. Thanks for working on this! - A node beneath the engine mount for a launch pad has been previously mentioned. I'd just like to add my voice to the request for adding one. Using the stock launch clamps is just ... ugh. There's probably a simple MM patch that I just need to learn to write, but would always prefer something "official" when possible. Anyway, this ties into a question .. - Do you have EngineIgnitor configs for the KE-4? I'm guessing I could just copy whatever BDB has set up for the Atlas V engines but thought I'd ask first. @Atlas Gaming Plume on the RL10s is fine for me on 1.10.1, but I'm guessing you're on 1.11? There are SRM issues with BDB on 1.11 and I'm sorta holding off until they have a chance to look at 1.11.
  12. What I always do for sandbox games is start a Science game, and then Alt+F12 and cheat all technology. Now you have a sandbox game where science can still be collected normally.
  13. Can I ask what the altitude of space is (from Earth) in this mod? I see there's rescaling involved but not sure what the final size compares to. Thanks!
  14. Verrrrrrrrry interesting. You're not wrong, it's broken. It's the SRM. KSP thinks it has like 2k dv, and my circ maneuver is 1700m/s, but the SRM runs out long before the proper velocity is achieved. It appears to me as though it's producing almost no thrust.
  15. The secret keystrokes you see happen are W x2, Q x2, Shift+E x8. Surely there is an easier way but this works.
  16. The other way to tackle that is to just select the text (to the right of the line numbers) and copy it, then paste it into notepad and save a new file. Both ways should result in the same result. It's not at all uncommon to have a folder under your GameData folder where you put all your own custom configs.
  17. Thank you! I wasn't even sure what family it was coming from, so this was quite helpful. I guess the vented interstage should have been a clue.
  18. Thankfully a lot of this is cfg based, yes? And if you have alternate launch sites, then people will be able to tweak things if they want to. Whatever you guys decide it'll work out ok
  19. Sure, that makes getting to the moon easier. It has some other side effects, though. For example, lunar launches have to be done at night. Also, any interplanetary operations that use the moon as a staging/refueling stop are made much harder - as the moon's inclination relative to the ecliptic is 28 degrees instead of 5ish. There is no perfect solution while the game doesn't support axial tilt. Whatever you do will be the opposite of what some people want. Personally I would prefer the moon at 5-ish, the ecliptic at 0-ish, and an equatorial launch site on earth. I would gladly "sacrifice" a Florida launch for somewhere else as a compromise until KSP allows for Earth to be done right. In this arrangement you'd have 2 launch windows for the moon instead of 1, I think? Since I'm dreaming, might as well dream big: I'd also be thrilled to have an "unfinished" KSRSS, called "KSRSS - The Rocky Planets" Ya know, just in case those pesky gas giants are harder than the inner planets and you wanted to release an early WIP version .
  20. KSP 1.10.1, JNSQ, Science Mode game. The Orbit Selection menu shown below. Selecting any of the "galaxy" items (which do not show in the tracking station) leads to a crash to desktop. The log file is quite large but shows that the body doesn't have an orbit, which starts the downhill progression. Any way to filter these out before the selection dialog? Obviously "don't click those" but also, if you do by accident, it's rather unpleasant. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fijqbp9CdBFfbIiQkdDr3CBYDfhhOZjJ/view?usp=sharing
  21. Err, not quite? In reality, the moon is 5-6 degrees inclined from the earth's equator. The lack of axial tilt support in KSP 1 requires some concessions to be made.
  22. yup I needed to add this step. thank you again! Took a few tries but managed to remove the groups I wanted!
  23. Thank you, I really appreciate your help. I don't get the same result for the above equation, so I think I must have some basic misunderstanding. No worries, it's just trees.
  24. i don't understand planet pack structure enough to understand what i'm saying, so get ready: how about your remade Kerbin, and some of these gorgeous exoplanets instead of stock planets, as a homeworld pack? is that insanely stupid or already done or ... ?
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