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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. Yes - download link below. I will see about finding time to push out an update. New employment is keeping my time limited and away.
  2. Welcome! Credit goes to original author. It is still considered 'beta/pre release' and I don't usually publish 'beta/pre-release' to anywhere but CurseForge/Overwolf. Also, I can't spend much time marketing mods, so word of mouth is really the only way that these type of plugins/mods get known. I might if I could find a good logo for it. I like the patch - would you consider pushing it to me on GitHub to include in next release? (When I find time to actually work on KSP) CKAN is a totally different issue - and not going to rehash their issues here (that goes for all my mods).
  3. @Admiral Naismith the actual plugin is only available to be downloaded from CurseForge (link should be in OP)
  4. Thank you - and thank you for the question. All the key bindings are hard-coded. if you know how to compile it, the changes needed are minor and just a simple find-replace. The hard part of compiling is the dependency libraries.
  5. just download from the Curseforge website should only be SCON files; else (and don't think this is the case) only copy the SCON files from the manual download archive. CKAN issues are with there end.
  6. yes please. I will also considering adding it (with credit) to the SCON/NSSC/KD FAKQ
  7. All good - just wanted to make sure. The issue isn't with SCON, rather with (probably) another addon that looks for XPL and doesn't also look for SCON. ie what happens is that mod finds launchpad.dll loading and adds patches, but doesn't realize that SCON doesn't use the resource 'metalore' and therefore doesn't supply the resource definition file for it. There isn't anything that SCON can do, however kindly send me a link to the .zip of your KSP.log (located in same directory as your KSP.exe) and I will see if I can confirm and track down which mod - might even be able to supply patch (no promises) Otherwise, you can just download the resource definition file for METALORE and include it in as a personal patch. Do you have CommunityResourcePack (CRP) installed? if not, installing that might resolve the issue, or you can just copy the MetalOre definition into a private patch.
  8. shall add to SpaceDock and click the 'CKAN submission' button when the new release is ready to go.
  9. corrected link. finding the incorrect link would have much easier if a link to the broken link would have been supplied. I wanted to support CKAN, they just choose to not support my addons.
  10. Thank you @Bimo1D! https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/OnDemandFuelCells/issues/77 nope - OP links still work
  11. @linuxgurugamer As always and with all my addons - GitHub PR's are always welcome with two notable exceptions: adding dependencies strongly discouraged and adding Harmony is forbidden. Awaiting your PR. Am still working with all my addons. You also have my private email address.
  12. @manosteele117 thank you for the query. I am still interested in this addon; just hit a snag on the GUI code.
  13. Am currently limited due to a shoulder issue.

    1. 18Watt


      That partly explains why we're not seeing 3-4 mod updates per night from you!  Hope ya recover quickly @zer0Kerbal!

  14. What does the current maintainer of Tweakscale say about this? @Lisias Don't think doing this to an actively maintained addon is well, kosher. Why not work with the current owner/maintainer to improve it?
  15. It's on my list of New Year's Resolutions to get done.
  16. by playing KSP and using any of my Holiday Themed addons!
  17. @milkgod no reason to suggest otherwise and haven't heard from anyone suggesting otherwise either. kindly report back your experiences.
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