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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. got misplaced in the woods - where did 2020-21 go? working on this between other mods https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/HotBeveragesInc (one of seven(ish) releases) with new parts and new stuff. news when there is news.
  2. You are welcome@Joontry Hint: you can combine multiple parts into one patch (easier to read and maintain, same work load for Module Manager) by separating part names with either a comma `,` or a pipe `|` - no spaces. e.g. @PART(1,2,3,|4,5] I wouldn't mix and match and the comma is most often used. Happy patching!
  3. What it needs (if I am understanding correctly) is a model (.mu) with a special mesh - so it would add a part, unless someone would provide a modified stock part with that mesh (if that is even permissible under the EULA and copyright). But that would go against the whole idea of SCON! of not adding any parts (at least models and textures). With that being said, I would seriously consider just adding a recycler.mu and using the stock textures with it (see above caveats).
  4. well maybe @DeadJohnwill keep you company?
  5. It requires a mesh on the model; and since SCON! doesn't add models - it can't be a feature in it. NSSC has models that do this, as does Keridian Dynamics (both which need passes)
  6. let's see if I can do this from memory: @PART[xxx]:FOR[Me] { @TechRequired = } Could use :First or :FINAL for the :FOR - but this way it will group all these patches into one pass - instead of the massive group of unscheduled or :FINAL patches Just replace xxx with the part name from the config (not the title but the name) - replacing any `_` or spaces with `?` and off course add which tech node you want. (https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Technology_tree)
  7. almost ready to release new version. how'd that get there? removed. thank you @DeadJohn+1
  8. Hence the wish list for a SuperCoyote - with the engine section being as wide as two cargo containers plus a spine. wish list. I will try to work on the .dll very soon.
  9. most part mods don't need much updating, so it should work. the .dll probably does need to be recompiled and updated. Github Issues - Projects - Discussion @kennyc222 I am working on this between jobs on my shortlist: Taerobee (TBEE) MiniSampleReturnCapsule (MSRC) SimpleNotes! (SNOTE!) ScrapYard OhScrap! ... Pre-releases will be on CurseForge. Link when there is one. I am going to push on the readme.md so I can create a new thread. New thread coming soon™. News when there is news.
  10. it was designed correctly. If you don't think so, make the new parts in a 3D software (such as Blender), the textures in image editing (such as GIMP), import into Unity using KSP Parttools and submit through the GitHub repo, where (if acceptable and up to the quality and look and feel of @dboi88's work) I will create the KSP part.cfg and include in the next release; giving credit where credit is due. If you can't do that, then...
  11. The Gold Standard (GOLD) Version KSP version
    License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 AVC .version files

    Version - Gold Pans ReStocked

    • 22 Jan 2022
    • Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.3]


    Download from CurseForge



    1. Taerobee (quick update)
    2. MiniScienceReturnCapsule (end beta)
  12. Version - Gold Pans ReStocked 22 Jan 2022 Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.3] DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING INSTALLATION THEN RE-INSTALL Download from Release Notes: See More Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues Localization How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date What's Changed Add Spanish (Español) <es-es.cfg> by @Fitiales in #51 @fitiales Add Russian (Русский) <ru.cfg> by @DirtyThongSniffer in #52 - Gold Pans ReStocked by @zer0Kerbalin #59 New Contributors @Fitiales made their first contribution in #52 @DirtyThongSniffer made their first contribution in #52 Full Changelog:
  13. @scottadges, thank you and welcome - above (s.i.c.) contains latest version of Launchpad.dll - only released to CurseForge due to the beta status of EL.
  14. Wish list: Super Coyote Cargo Freighter - two new parts - that allow cargo to be loaded on both sides of the spine... the can use multiple spines (hulls) to make it longer... and a tripe drive unit - would look like an 'I' without cargo... (would need a new engine and hull part) probably won't happen...
  15. Great artwork by @DiscoSlelge should check out more by @DiscoSlelgeat deviant.art/discoslelge
  16. Thank you @CaelReader I skimmed the JNSQ GitHub repo and then skimmed it's configuration files. Komplexity should be compatible with JNSQ with the following caveats. The latest version of Komplexity has the TrackingStation and Administration patches turned on by default now. This affects JNSQ only if Strategia is installed; and all that happens is Komplexity doesn't patch the Administration building and Strategia does. (smart patching with :NEEDS) The other concern is whether or not JNSQ changes mass (other than for a couple of parts). I cannot find anything that says it does, so until evidence is presented saying it isn't. ∴ Komplexity is compatible with JNSQ; and in fact I would go so far as to say that Komplexity is in the spirit of JNSQ and suggest that it be used with. @Galileo chiu I have tagged the creators of JNSQ and Strategia: @nightingale, @Galileo
  17. it was just that simple. new release coming after new release of The Gold Standard @Galileo chiu
  18. that is what the .dll is for. it should make it fly much better.
  19. that would be swell! Am game! https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/CoyoteCargoFreighter/issues EPL.cfg update Add SimpleConstruction! support
  20. I haven't heard anything (that I can remember) definitely. I don't see why not with JNSQ, and since it adds resources that Rational Resources doesn't use (iirc) - maybe? yes, please do.
  21. @Galileo chiu Github Issue here. More information is needed. See big red box above. (ie kindly upload KSP.log to github issue, along with a snapshot of your game folder). might just need to change back to ModuleEngine from ModuleEngineFX
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