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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. @Galileo chiu, am unfamiliar with JNSQ - someday would love to play with it, but my spacePotato™ just can't handle it. I would try it on a new blank save and see, let me know either way!
  2. *ouch* so it sounds like the only way to fix this is 1.12.4?
  3. this mod just cries out for a DeepFreeze part and waterfall configs... both well beyond me. plus Sandcastle.cfg, RemoteTech, and transparent pods (the .dll) as well. but I can add MoarKerbals, SimpleConstruction support.
  4. @KIMCHIplease, post any more here. GitHub Issues: HELP WANTED: Textures wrong (old) .dds format #52 thank you! when I get to the point where I am loading the testbed game to see if everything shows up (and snap up the @thumbs and other things) my logfusion will show those errors. patience kindly @Hypercore This ia a very Big, complex and has a complex .dll; takes time and 2020-2021 sucked.
  5. Since I spend 99.999% of my free time on making/updating mods and add-on's, I don't have time to play someday... One of the greatest things one can do to support the authors is to contribute. Brilliant! thank you @dboi88for spending countless hours of devotion to making it great in the first place!
  6. I forgot about the tiny parts in this one: https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/transparentpods
  7. shortlisted. just talking to CurseForge support to try and adopt the existing listing first. most part mods don't need much updating, so it should work. the .dll probably does need to be recompiled and updated. Github Issues - Projects - Discussion Pre-releases will be on CurseForge. Link when there is one. New thread coming soon™. News when there is news.
  8. that would be great! Solar Science is due to get an upgrade soon. https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/SolarScience/issues/22 Also: https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/MiniSampleReturnCapsule/issues/47
  9. This ^^^ as part of the Update/Adoption Am debating about doing that (already done on my fork) and PRing it to Kerbalism, or rather including the revised patch in the next release since I will be doing an update pass on MSRC. @Sir Mortimer/ @Gotmachine My thoughts are that the existing patch in Kerbalism should be left alone, and the new patch should be included in MSRC or Kerbalism, but as a new patch.
  10. Considerations: TheGoldStandard - track issues and progress toward
  11. https://github.com/KSPSnark/IndicatorLights/pull/18 @PART[HighGainAntenna5,HighGainAntenna5_v2]:FOR[IndicatorLights] +1 to both @MinchinWeb for doing the issue, and +1 to @Snarkfor this awesome mod! Hope you don't mind I did what I did.
  12. Sorry to hear that. You could ask them to add support. They might.
  13. where do I begin? that are some - check link in my sig for more. more: my best suggestion is to go onto CKAN and search for @linuxgurugamer and @zer0Kerbal (use the at `@` symbol followed by the name) and you will find hundreds of mods that are being updated.
  14. most part mods are good. This one should be as well. @Bit Fiddler, my backlog is months long. I will get to it.
  15. Komplexity Version KSP version
    License GPLv3 AVC .version files

    Version - Strategic Floating

    Download from CurseForge

  16. FINAL: Pre-release Version - Strategic Floating 15 Jan 2022 Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.3] DO A CLEAN INSTALL: DELETE EXISTING INSTALLATION THEN RE-INSTALL Download from CurseForge See More Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date What's Changed beta by @zer0Kerbal in #12 Update ResearchandDevelopment.cfg by @zer0Kerbal in #18 Strategia compatibility by @zer0Kerbal in #26 Version - Strategic Floating by @zer0Kerbal in #27 Full Changelog:
  17. CRP isn't a dependency, but it will not redefine resources (uses a :NEEDS(!CRP) in the definition file) Am listening @JadeOfMaar
  18. Nuke Tiny Parts (which I need to update) https://spacedock.info/mod/2175
  19. Thank you! Credit goes to original author @strideknight once it is a full release, and not a pre-release it will be updated on SpaceDock and CKAN. Agree! and because of @Staticalliam7(the great translator) it is a polyglot!
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