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Everything posted by zer0Kerbal

  1. kindly submit issue / feature request on github. I will have to review the code - but probably a code artifact - ie nothing. (btw, FND is Foundations, another of my mods) same as above. I am planning on SYD/OHS pass shortly. Check my twitter feed and/or my profile here for the current list of updates.
  2. Thank you! I have no idea what would happen. I would suggest trying a backup or test save to try it and see. If nothing bad good. Else a module manager patch can be written to turn off Komplexity for that building if Strategia is installed.
  3. which dreamer mod? This one? It has been adopted and is pending release.
  4. Thank you - is very much appreciated. Been working on @Enceos's KerbalHacks, and @NecroBones mods. This one I will put on the short list though.
  5. this has been explored - it can be done, but has serious potential problems. See Module Manager thread for some more details, needless to say the limitation is in Module Manager and the `#` character. A new version (still pre-release) of MoarKerbals (and therefor MoarKerbalsParts) is in the short list for the New Year. I already know what code has to be added. Recommended to use a localization string in the part (like #SIMPLEXC-xxx) instead of just assigning. Extensive effort has gone into localizing both mods; more when there is news.
  6. best case would be KAS - attach a winch to the vessel - and have the EVA Kerbal pick up the end. @IgorZ
  7. if I understand it correctly, UZW isn't the issue ( @Lisias's version works great - just not after 1.7.x?) - the issue is with varients and also module manager.
  8. @Cheesecakethen I will put it in the queue.... and you thought Santa had a long list.... was thinking more like MKS and Pathfinder (iirc) skills (:NEEDS[])
  9. @Cheesecakemore skills have been added since it was written; plus could also add skills other mods add...
  10. https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/multi-role-kerbals/files by @Exodus_Solis I've thought about updating it.
  11. @MacLukyand @CardBoardBoxProcessor have given @zer0Kerbal permission to adopt this glorious mod under its current license. News when there is news.
  12. multiplies PitchTorque * mass of same part inserts "Unpressurized:" at the start of the part description same as #2, but uses a ReEx (Regular Expression) to place the insertion https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Syntax
  13. where did you download it from? Only place that has the most current pre-release AND the .dll is on CurseForge.
  14. and it's soundFX aren't by the B52's could also use Kaboom-SuperKlue! and/or SimpleConstruction!
  15. I will probably adopt most of @MacLuky's mods. News when there is news
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