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Fierce Wolf

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Everything posted by Fierce Wolf

  1. I downloaded USI LS yesterday and apparently KSP became very unstable since then, specially when entering the VAC, causing the game to crash. I took it out and it seems stable again. Am I the only one experiencing this?
  2. Editing the craft's JSON file sounds like a lot of fun, yay! (?)
  3. There is a video in the Scott Manley youtube channel where he straps a drone core to a pair of wings with elevons, puts it 50 meters up by attaching a Stability Enhancer. On the launch pad he releases it and voila! it glides for several minutes at low speeds.
  4. Is this a challenge? LKO with the fewer Dv possible
  5. Vertical takeoff! A lot of control wheels to steer the vertical engines in the right direction. You can even add either an engine pointing backwards for a quick midair full stop, or a rotating engine that can point forward, backwards and downwards.
  6. What engine do you use? Most jet engines will drown in the vacum of high atmosphere.
  7. Press CAPS LOCK to turn it on. Your input will be smoother on the control surfaces.
  8. If you don't have mods, inventory is to place a ground science equipment, even if you don't have the Breaking Ground expansion.
  9. KSP, where launching rockets is easier than making a plane
  10. That happened to me once, after i mistakenly deleted the persistant file in my save. Restoring it solved the problem.
  11. Do you have robot parts? Use a clamp and place the scanner vertically.
  12. Yesterday I decided that every Kerbal must be home in my current career (because I would be installing Kerbal Health), so I sent everyone to the return ships one by one of every base, up to each planetary Stations, and then interplanetary return ships. Everyone, but 5 guys in a Moho Base. I forgot to set up a station there... so no return vehicles. Sorry guys. I have a "no one left behind policy", so I had my trusty engineer repurpose (using KIS) almost the entire base into a big-ass ship with clamped parts everywhere, 0.89 TWR (one mk3 16-seats, plus mk3 fuel, oxidizer and monoprop, the biggest antenna, 2 solar panels and a couple bateries, total weight like 40 tons), which obviously had to be renamed: The Abomination. The Abby struggled hard to fly up, and after several tries it started flying!! Very slowly, but surely, it reached orbit! Then, an orbital re-planification. Obsolete parts went out (tanks mostly, now light enough to be picked by 3 kerbals in EVA), only the useful stayed as i coupled the Half-Abomination to a carrier ship i had in orbit (with electric-xenon thrusters, the one i used to bring the Base to Moho, with 1/3 of fuel left.) Half-Abomination+Xenon thrusters tried it's best to reduce weight until Moho disapeared from sight. After like an entire day burning gas, monoprop and fuel the heroes reached an encounter with HOME! It was time to reduce weight again, another EVA re-planification, every obsolete part left stranded. Even then they had not enough dv to brake around Kerbin, so I set it to Aerobrake-and-Pray Mode. And it worked!! The mk3 capsule with 5 crew is now orbiting Kerbin, awaiting a rescue party scheduled today
  13. To me hot staging is when i fire my boosters at the launch pad and realize RIGHT THERE that i forgot to check TWR because it struggles to go up, so i quickly click on the engines and start them before the staging secuence, saving the mission (more or less)
  14. The worst offenders are spring and damper force of wheels and legs, too much of it and they will start dancing on the surface. If you are lucky, you can physics time warp x4 to summon The Kraken!
  15. 1) escape Kerbin with your vessel 2) If it's for a contract, an orbit will be drawn in map mode, or if it's just something you want there, burn until you have the AP and PE of your choice.
  16. I don't know how to tackle the symmetry bug, whenever I place 2 servos, one of them stops responding to action groups!!
  17. Are you new to the game? Then you are using solid boosters until now, which can be turned on by pressing space bar. BUT for liquid fuel engines you need to 1) Turn them on 2) Give them liquid fuel. You can use space bar to turn them on (or right click on it, and press the Activate button), and to give them fuel use the Z key, it will throttle up to the max Z: Throttle up to maximum X: Throttle down to zero. Left shift: Throttle up increasely Left Control: Throttle down decreasely Of course, if this is not a weird bug you are experiencing...
  18. Nope, those just regulate the facial expressions the Kerbals have, and has no impact in gameplay.
  19. I just tested it, it looks like flappy bird lol I love it. I will try my own version too <3
  20. Press ALT and F12 to bring up the console, look for the Cheats menu, and able the Biomes visible tag. Now you can see the biomes in the map, not by name but colored zones. It's super useful for landing close to 3-4 different biomes and make the most return for your cash in a single mission.
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