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Everything posted by Pxtseryu

  1. Unsure how this hasn't been posted until now, but Mars is entirely broken with this configuration. Verified that your configs are the problem as the issue is resolved upon an uninstall. > [EXC 14:51:49.840] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object > PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2.OnVertexBuildHeight (PQS+VertexBuildData data) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > PQS.Mod_OnVertexBuildHeight (PQS+VertexBuildData data, System.Boolean overrideQuadBuildCheck) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > PQS.GetSurfaceHeight (Vector3d radialVector, System.Boolean overrideQuadBuildCheck) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > PQS.GetSurfaceHeight (Vector3d radialVector) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > Vessel.PQSAltitude () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > Vessel.UpdatePosVel () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > VesselPrecalculate.MainPhysics (System.Boolean doKillChecks) (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > ModularFI.ModularVesselPrecalculate.MainPhysics (System.Boolean doKillChecks) (at <b988c8a28ef847e1b0f80a66bb19ef8b>:0) > VesselPrecalculate.FixedUpdate () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0) > UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) > ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) > UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
  2. A quick fix is to replace the elevons on the X20 with the BDB X15 delta wing elevons. Works for me.
  3. +1, same thing's happening to me. Not as bad with KJR installed but noticable. First lunar impactor in my save! Been very fun so far. A battery-spam ranger was fun as I haven't unlocked solar panels yet.
  4. Suggestion: A modular launch pads patch. Currently it's all being dumped into lost and found - maybe a blanket patch where it's all put into general construction or its own seperate node might be ideal? Doesn't need to be split up across the tree
  5. Yeah fair, having a different experience with KSRSS which basically amounts to running out of science to do very quickly, but in my case I'm basically just using that as a reason to be as incredibly thorough as possible. Also makes using labs much more appealing. I would suggest when you get the chance and want to run another balance pass to give KSRSS/JNSQ a shot as both are closer to what most people would use - only a couple (or just the one) moons in range and not necessarily the means to go farther. That being said, a few days into my own career save and this is fun as hell. I've been going out of my way to run contracts just to get that little bit of science - feels like a real struggle up the ladder which I'm enjoying a lot.
  6. Out of curiosity, what settings do you run for your careers? I typically run at reduced science (30-50%), and am running at 40% in my save, so it'd be neat to know what the baseline is for your testing so I'm not shooting myself in the foot also; no idea if this'll jibe but the placement of the ranger rough lander behind a 350 science node feels weird, might fit better in the surface probes node for the sake of progression though i completely understand if it's based around how overpowered seismic science can be point wise
  7. excrements, my bad - did my best to find them in the git code so if you can shoot the names of each that would be helpful :3
  8. Some good points here; glad to see you kind of agree with the hydrolox - the RL10s were a particular focus of mine as for BDB player's they're the backbone for...quite a few upper stages for quite a long time, so it felt weird that operational RL10s were so far down the line. As it stands the hydrolox branch in particular would benefit from one or two extra nodes in the progression - if BDB is one of the core facets some spacing out would be ideal as many of the higher end engines in BDB are hydrolox. Maybe 1 or 2 new nodes for hydrolox, then two heavy-lift hydrolox nodes, the first providing, say, the M1 and XLR129 alongside a few others, and the second providing the SSME etc. The heavy-lift hydrolox nodes could have spiked science costs. Gives a decent flow of progression for powerful hydrolox engines and lets the XLR129 serve its purpose as a 'SSME-but-not-quite' sort of creature. The vaccum node could do with one extra node as well. I agree that for this to really work, The thing with cryo vs ntr, in my general experience through many BDB playthroughs, is that NTR as a whole has its benefits and tradeoffs that justify continuing to use cryogenics while they exist. For NTR that's pre-aerospike based (aka most up to NTR3 and NTR4) they benefit the most from being on orbit. They have trouble lifting heavy payloads without nearly being all the way there. Cryogenic is heavier but often provides better thrust and is more convenient to use, and frankly there's not a whole lot of options for mounting nuclear engines that aren't the Alamo on anything smaller than 2.5m. tl;dr 1-2 extra nodes for general cryogenics, for BDB moving the prototype rl10 and the lr87-lh2 to the first node and the rl10-a3 and lr87-lh2 upgrades to the second alongside the first iteration of the j2, to allow for relatively gradual progression of the early game upgrades for hydrolox rockets/upper stages and such On the topic of tanks, could do with a bit of spacing out as while gameplay function is real, all of the Titan variant tanks unlocking at once feels...odd. Maybe for the 0.625-4.25m there's a couple of extra nodes in between form factors for say, lengthening rather than widening. Consider also segmenting 4.25m and 5m into their own nodes, and putting 6.25 and 7.5 into the final Tank node Also on a quick, possibly strange note I'd consider moving the Saturn IB tank to one of the earlier nodes as it's a unique case of being 8 clustered redstone tanks and pays the price for it in mass and lack of fuel. Maybe it's an exception rather than the rule but it would work balance wise for people who want to mess with Saturn 1, which was flying by 1961. tl;dr historically accurate and being clustered 1.25 tanks , technically gameplay accurate Solid point, XLR-129 was intended for SSTOs after all and a lot of shuttle stuff is limited by access to it - that being said a new node like GiganticAirframes might work better for the technological jump from shuttles to SSTOs. And balance wise the MK33 is hilariously optimistically overpowered for what it is so a little of that spacing out could be ideal. Yeah I think gameplay wise there should be a reason to be making little somewhat strange stations first before jumping to enormous ones. Thanks for potentially looking over the skylab tech stuff. A couple of miscellanious things - some of the SRB costs should be raised, as it feels strange spending 60 science to unlock the AJ-260 in particular. ALSO: Pull requests should be coming in the next few days for a few extra compatibility patches - I've personally made patches for: -Procedural Parts -Rocket Motor Menagerie -X-20 Moroz (the Dynasoar) -EngineIgnition -Remotetech -That one Stowaway mod Nertea did that has literally the best centrifuge tethers in all of KSP. I can shoot you the link to the repo if you'd like - I plan to make quite a few more Thanks for responding, I really am excited to see how this tree develops. It has a lot of potential to be the perfect mix between CTT and RP-1 and I wish you the best of luck.
  9. @loki130 Created a image containing all of the node names for the tech tree to make it easier for modders to place their parts into the tree once they find a node they'd like. I'd consider putting this into the initial post. I've also started a patch effort for mods on the Kerbal Community discord server. If you have Discord feel free to reach out either through that discord or to me (user: PXTSERYU) on Discord - would be fun to collaborate with some of the modders there to make it as compatible as possible.
  10. A number of other design changes I'd personally suggest: -Add two nodes on top of heavy airframes with costs of 300 and 600 science respectively, to allow for slotting in the SOCK and the MK-33 (Venturestar) SSTOs -Move some of the smaller laboratories, such as the Mercury Lab, down a node -Move MORL and the wet workshop version of skylab down a node as both are intended to be less capable than skylab, and move the VFB module into the node that the interplanetary workshop currently resides in -Move the initial RL10 model (the prototype models) into Liquid2 alongside the LR-87LH2 to allow for some very early access to these parts, and to allow the RL10 itself to be spaced out a little, and move its operational variants to Hydrolox1.
  11. Hi - having a lot of fun with this tech tree, and starting a community effort in the KC discord to create patches. One thing I'd personally advise is spacing out the hydrolox branch a little bit with one or two extra nodes so the J2 isn't getting its second and third generation, and moving the RL10 upgrades around so you're not unlocking the non-prototype RL10s alongside the CryoEngines J2X. And potentially adding one more node to the aerodynamics branch for advanced concepts such as the shuttle. Loving the tree so far. Keep it up.
  12. Figured this out, but another issue - is it at all possible to disable the background ec interactions, or is that fundamental to the mod's code? Would love a version that only has the science changes as the background EC is messing with my timewarp
  13. I know this may be difficult, but if at all possible is there a way to remove the data storage limits, or just make them arbitrarily high by default? The default storage space max of 2mb is pitifully small
  14. Somewhat of a necro but thank you for making these fixes and providing a decent amount of stability to this mod. OX10cs are too small for quite a few craft and concepts.
  15. Figured it out: Reinstall. Unless that nukes the structures you've placed
  16. Having the same issue with KSRSS's moon. Unable to build a base because of it, this is a pretty serious issue.
  17. Had this happen before too so I'll big-bold my fix: To fix the engine deployment bug, hold alt and turn to 4x physical time warp, then press x to end the warp, and the engine should successfully activate.
  18. Mare Smythii FLO on the moon - circa ~2005. This is my own personal kitbash of FLO - it's a damn cool concept but I get why it was canned. Craft files are available upon request! All that's needed is Restock, Planetside Exploration Pack, and procedural parts. P.S. if it's possible could we get some all white paintjobs for the Saturn tanks/interstages and all blacks for the interstages? Would be useful for recreating the Comet (FLO HLLV) paintjob. And would make me feel less guilty about using Saturn parts late into a KSRSS career save LOL
  19. Hi quick question -- which launch pad from MLP fits the Jupiter series? Been trying to find a configuration that works for my own save to no avail. EDIT: Damn I'm stupid.
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