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Everything posted by Pxtseryu

  1. Thanks for the suggestions and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Will install conformal decals and explore Modular Launch pads a bit.
  2. Finally got a new, POWERFUL pc to run this mod with a ton of other graphical enhancements. Made a short video to test it with Explorer 1. Wonder if people like this style...
  3. Joined as a Patron and tried installing the new volumetric clouds. They break for me and the entire atmosphere becomes black. I am on a M1 Mac - I presume this is due to some software incompatibility?
  4. My computer hates this ship...pulling under 10FPS when fully assembled. This is what I get for playing on a M1 Mac Braking to dock in orbit... Now all that's left is the TMI. What a convoluted mess this thing is. All of this is being done in Career mode, by the way.... After injection, popping off the tanks is all that needs to be done. One refused to disconnect due to a bug, until a mysterious pale white cube impacted the port at a few hundred meters per second, severing it... 178 days later...arrival. God this ship looks good, even if my game hates it. What a money shot. After orbit is achieved the CSM undocks and the main module reconfigures itself to allow the MEM to be revealed. And with everything in place, the MEM is revealed... Don't laugh. NEXT TIME: Landings and science!
  5. Radial tanks attached...refueling in orbit. Turns out even a S-IVB can survive reentry if you land it on its engine. Considering how expensive this entire endeavor is even with Strategia, that's a blessing in disguise.
  6. Finally getting around to redoing it. Did it in 2019 and the results were...subpar, but worked. Life support mods and JNSQ make this a challenging (but balanced) experience. ...wait are you the guy with the weird desktop wallpaper?
  7. Been messing around with this for a while and it's really fun. Looking forward to see if it makes it into KSP 2 or not.
  8. Just got this reinstalled! Looking forward to more excruciating engine failures amazing recreations of real-life rockets!
  9. This was one of the first loading screens I got in the new version. I am definitley playing this again
  10. So, I was wondering why I felt a lot of anxiety when flying around the systems in KSS, and looked it up on the internet. Here's the short version >mfw on dev team of largest planet mod in the history of KSP >mfw megalophobia What do?
  11. Was Blalo originally the retextured Kerbin mentioned in Planned Features?
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