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Everything posted by Pxtseryu

  1. I want to be a normal person and do the Integrated Program Plan Mars Mission in my career... But the voices are so loud
  2. MEM test article landed on Mars from an interplanetary trajectory. A bit scuffed bit it works. Also confirms that a) the margins are thin and b) Valles is basically the only practical landing site due to the denser atmosphere. Meanwhile, the first orbital mission to Venus returns home after a two year trip, confirming the lifting capacity of a prototype nuclear shuttle. The shuttle will be repurposed as a low orbit tug, and the lessons learned from its flight will serve to improve the next three Nuclear Shuttles.
  3. Saturn V-C jettisons its recoverable booster skirt as the sustainer carries a orbital refueling depot's rear docking adapter to orbit.
  4. (and by that i mean fail at my first attempt and get @JadeOfMaar to handhold me through it, he basically wrote the entire B9 patch ) UNOFFICIAL BDB SUPPLY SHIP (Augustus Pod, AARDV, etc.) USI-LS SUPPLIES PATCH Uses the B9PS Cargo node as a blanket patch to allow a B9PS option for supplies and a supplies/mulch mixture into every module designated as a cargo one (don't worry this just includes the things intended to be cargo in BDB). Want more mulch, or just mulch? Change the ratio "0.04:0.96" in the second subtype to whatever you want, as long as the total ratio adds up to one. An optional self-made configuration with numbers I thought would work realistically, for personal use may be made available if you guys want - adds supplies on top of the B9PS options. TO INSTALL: -Open notepad/basic text editor -Copy everything in the spoiler -Paste then save as something like "BDBUSISuppliesPatch.txt" -Insert into gamedata outside of any other folder and change the extension to .cfg, confirming when Windows/Mac warns about the file becoming nonfunctional. -Launch KSP
  5. On the topic of Voyager, the Kepler probe core makes a good temporary stand-in, which is helpful for Mariner MK2 I couldn't find an efficient enough engine for MK2's purposes so I added ion engines. All things considered I don't think I did too bad Also, possibly dumb question - are the remotetech configs up to date? Asking because I'm considering installing RT2 mid playthrough (which yeah not the greatest of ideas but something something solar flare is my in-universe reason)
  6. Some people say that the Saturn C-8 Direct Ascent concept can't be done in BDB. I say they're not trying hard enough.
  7. Voyager Mars cinematic still coming soon, but in the Meantime.... Soon to be in my space program (and likely the final Saturn V/MLV launch after manned mars) is Voyager-Saturn (Wayfarer-Cronus). Using a Saturn ELV I plan to throw a heavily upgraded Voyager Mars 73 at Saturn, Also planning to recreate the Mars Observer mission. God the solar panels on this one were a pain to get correctly. Is there any mod that recreates Mars Observer? I spent like two hours figuring out the robotics on this. I realize it's not exactly the most faithful recreation (the antenna does pitch correctly) but it's close enough and works.
  8. Voyager Mars cinematic soon! Going with a two-panel style for everything past deployment to really sync things up, let me know if that would be inaccurate
  9. THIS is by far my favorite part of BDB. Throw together weird excrements and it'll stick if you know what you're doing. For example, launching Voyager 73 on Saturn H-03, launching a few Saturn Vs and hodgepodging together S-IIs to get a nuclear interplanetary transport, using the Titan IIIE for the orbiter and atmospheric probe Pioneer-10x variants - this mod is at its most fun making silly but plausible creations like these
  10. TEMPORARY FIX FOR THOSE USING SCATTERER/ATMOSPHERIC BEATS VOLUMETRICS: -Go to Jupiter in map view -Press Alt+F10 (or Alt+F11) to open Scatterer configs -Set HR setting to a lower value than it is (i set it to 14.something) -Mess around with the HM value below it until you have a sufficient setup -Save Doing this (mostly) abated the issue - it should only be an orbital thing. Thanks to Ballistic for basically holding my hand on this
  11. Still looking for help with this bug...the AtmosphericBeats config is also causing this black limb as well. Is anyone else with the AtmosphericBeats KSRSS volumetric config experiencing this issue? Really immersion breaking and ominous. Would appreciate any help as nothing has worked for me resolving this.
  12. Hey all, not sure if something's bugged with my TexturesUnlimited or if I failed to install it properly, but reflections aren't working on the Apollo CSM. Anyone else encountered this issue? If so any fixes?
  13. Good times on the moon with the Aether V crew. Long stay mission while Lunlab (a heavily modified Skylab) makes its way over. Mission was originally planned to use the Bungalow long-term habitat but life-support systems were not developed in time. c. 1974
  14. Setting a $10 bounty on updated USILS configs from whoever makes them. Double that if MKS configs are possible.
  15. While I'm here, not sure who maintains the USILS patches here - but if any of you have patches that enable USI-LS supplies to be loaded onto the Kanola and other cargo vehicles it'd be much appreciated. Currently it's limited to MKS supply kits, ore, water, and hydrogen+oxygen, rendering the supply vehicle semi-useless with USI-LS. I would really appreciate it
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