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    Jool Aerocapture Blunderer
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    NGC 5679C

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  1. you should google walkthroughs for Outer Wilds before playing, it's a very difficult game and you'll be lost without them (DISCLAIMER: do not do this, Outer Wilds is a game in which your only boundary to not beating the game in 15min is knowledge. do NOT use walkthroughs or you will not be able to "play through" at all.)
  2. Small but hazardous asteroid with a current 1 in 63 chance of impact. Projected impact risk corridor includes a lot of ocean, sub-saharan Africa, northern South America, and densely populated sections of India such as Mumbai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_YR4
  3. Update: I don't remember when, and I forgot how, but this mod got on CKAN somehow!
  4. wow, you people are not being nice to one another, can we bring the discussion back to the topic at hand (the video and its contents) and what it means for KSP2 (the subject of this subforum)?
  5. Context: I made a Diplomacy variant board to play with friends. I decided to be both the player and the GM, but turns out this was a terrible idea for conflict of interest reasons, logistics reasons, and mental health reasons. I decided to leave the game via civil disorder (your units and claims still remain on the board, but you don't submit moves, so it just takes however long it takes for someone to kick your zombie units out and take over your land), but it was too boring to simply do that, so I (Pawa pi Suneta) decided to make this video announcing my renunciation of Kerbin and claim over the rest of the solar system and also stars. As of today I am now just the GM of the game. This cinematic took 10 hours of my precious time, near-consecutive. Let me know if you like it!
  6. Hey! I'm having some issues with these contracts, specifically the "request clearance for takeoff" step of the first contract ("Let's Start an Airline"). The plane hasn't launched yet and is still in the Prelaunch state, and has started at the KSC runway as requested. The passenger was added to the flight using the prelaunch passenger GUI (as opposed to launching the vessel with them inside), and the contract should be started. Do you know why this might not be working?
  7. While you can in theory skip past probes entirely and just go through science mode with only manned landings and completely ignore all other missions, you maybe should not. It's no fun that way. Part of the fun in KSP is setting up orbital infrastructure like scanning satellites and relays (I always play with SCANsat), and part of the fun is working yourself up to those big missions. When I do an interplanetary landing, I need it to look like it could support the crew for that many years, despite how unnecessary that usually is.
  8. Hello! Does anyone know where in the files the random name generator is for the contract location names? I think it'd be fun to mess with it. Thanks!
  9. in the somewhat unlikely case the forums do shut down and the community's contingency plans fail: thank you to all who ventured here, and godspeed to all who venture farther
  10. Addressing a few things since I unfortunately feel the need to This was my plan. I knew these companies are subsidiaries. I'm committing to it. I never was going to buy GTA6 for dozens of other reasons, and in the OP I've linked to a page which lists games and companies owned by T2. I'm doing this out of principle, and not entirely because I think Take Two only makes bad products. I just cannot trust their management any further. and yet, somehow, judging by the fact that my post has a thesis that is directly against your belief, my post seems to have already made the assumption that it is the publisher's fault. this is something I'm going to stay firm on here, and I'm not fully sure why this post was the one you chose to express this view as opposed to a more contextually relevant one from someone more like-minded who you can relate to and agree with I do when I can, I avoid Nestle when I can accurately track down which companies and products it owns (which is unnecessarily difficult-- thanks, Nestle), I avoid Apple under as many circumstances as I can, and I don't like to excessively fund companies who can't prove they care about not killing our ecosystems. That being said, there are often situations where it's unavoidable-- such as when I can't figure out which companies Nestle owns, or when Apple holds a monopoly on a technology or software that I need for school or work, or when all my options are equally terrible from a pollution perspective. Video games are a noteworthy exception: you will only ever buy a video game when you do not need it. Thus, I can always not buy it.
  11. I am also experiencing this same issue, as have many on the Github. I'm not able to use any weapons, as the ammunition always reads "0" regardless of what I do. In addition, the target crosshair seems to be broken, and stays at the craft's spawn point on the runway. Weapons that experience these issues do not fire even if Infinite Ammo is enabled. Anyone have ideas or fixes?
  12. unfortunately, when I see people fight over something I care about, it just makes me sad yeah, similar story here. I try to become vegetarian but I am in a family and thus I do not control what everyone else buys and cooks. Something I've done is taken a look at the carbon footprints of different meat industries and noticed that chicken has a much smaller footprint than beef, so if I can't avoid meat, I try to select chicken over beef, which helps me feel a little bit better about my inability to avoid meat altogether.
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