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Everything posted by Kass__XAP

  1. Delta IV Heavy's first flight with Demosat and two Three Corner Satellites called 'Sparkie' & 'Ralphie'.
  2. To the Saturnian System we venture, to supplement our current crew establishments on the Moon Tethys! Cryo Tanks really came in handy supplying the majority of the tankage for this MTV.
  3. Osiris is sent into the outer reaches as a supply vessel for the mining colonies.
  4. Mission control shots were taken from Paolo's MOCR who contributed to Reentry & Our Projects. Planet pack is KSRSS.
  5. Skylab 3 Full Mission | Used plenty of Mods & my own TUFX for this video. Thanks to LM5!
  6. Skylab 3 Full Mission Day 1 | Got to contribute some shots using Bluedog Design Bureau and my visual setup for the KSP parts.
  7. Video showing a Jupiter Approach Sequence on Pioneer 11's Photopolarimeter. Using Neptune Camera!
  8. hahaha, it was such a fun mission to do, I crashed the LM into the SPS when i tabbed out. Fun times
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