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Everything posted by KeaKaka

  1. Restock and Restock+ are not yet supported for KSP 1.11.0, so some things are not yet 'working'. Also RealPlume is supported for restock I'm not sure what you mean.
  2. Though aside from that, the mod works fine and I am yet to notice any other bugs. Great work!
  3. @Clamp-o-Tron Bug: The LV-303 'Pug' Liquid Fuel Engine is converted to hypergolic propellants, but has Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer as well as Aerozine and Nitroxide. no fuel switch is available either
  4. Let's stop talking algebra otherwise the moderators will come here again about us speaking in non-english languages.
  5. I played stock for about a year before installing my first couple of mods, OPT Spaceplane and Near Future Launch Vehicles. My mod install gradually grew from then on, to the point it's at today. Before: After: EDIT: Oh hey llok new page.
  6. This makes me very uncomfortable.
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_X-20_Dyna-Soar https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_IIIC https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_34D
  8. I'll just post this here because I can't think of anywhere else. Theoretically, if the X-20 Dyna-Soar program ever got flying, would launches be moved to Titan-34D Transtage launch vehicles after the Titan III(23)C was retired?
  9. You need to detach the retro motor when you deploy the parachute, and then the heat shield after it inflates. The only thing to touch down should be the parachute attached to the return unit.
  10. Ah right, that thing on the back end of Almaz 206. Will it have space for a second docking port as well as an airlock?
  11. Just putting it out there, but this could possibly be used to create a sea-level SRB plume.
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