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  • About me
    A bowl of soup
  • Location
    123 Laythe Avenue, Jool City
  • Interests
    KSP, Some other games like minecraft, roblox, slime rancher, AMONG-
    Also Drawing, making content n stuff, im pretty good at making music, and going on the forums!

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  1. If I may ask, what brush is used here? I can't seem to find any that look like it
  2. Just popping in on my birthday, no big deal It's also the 3rd anniversary of this thread it seems, so happy 3rd!
  3. It's been an honor fellas. If it all comes crashing down, then I bid you all adieu. Good luck with whatever else you all may go on to do.
  4. I noticed that this added some antimatter tanks, are you ever planning on creating sweet antimatter engines? That field seems to be really lacking in mods, and it'd be so cool to see 2.5M-5M torch engines! Maybe I'll finally be able to make my own avatar-esque ships
  5. Granted; he makes whatever problem you had with your HVAC much, much worse I wish I could fly!
  6. When removing the KK folder in JNSQ that seems to fix it, so temporary solution I guess
  7. Chipping in my few choices here
  8. I seem to have a problem with GPP, JSNQ, and Kerbal Konstructs. When both GPP and JNSQ are installed, KK throws a bunch of errors that result in an infinite loading screen with KSP not responding. For whatever reason, it only stays on that final loading screen and doesn't respond, instead of the loading screen being active but never loading to the main menu. When each is installed separately though, KK works fine https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/197jqb7Pu0m6OIjekfJWCPc6BPYs-g68y?usp=sharing <- Logs
  9. If we're allowed to, and someone wants to, someone could always try creating a new forum, though I'm not sure if that'd go well legally. If it doesn't there could alwags be a technically-totally-legally-distinct-STRICLY-FAN-forum with no ties to KSP or Take-Two
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