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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Hm.. I found an odd bug.. With the melomania mod, and the camera tools mod, when in orbit and doing a flyby, the sounds seem to come from the craft itself so it fades after passing the craft.. Should i post this question on the camera tools mod post?
  2. Today, I successfully got a fully stock SSTO into orbit around Temporalis! The planet is 790km radius, 1.75g gravity, 1.6atm oxygenated, 50km atmosphere height. I think its quite impressive I managed to get it to work around such a high gravity planet. Its design is inspired by the Jool SSTO Stratzenblitz made a while ago. SSTO departing the KSC I gotta admit, I did have to clip the NERV and a nosecone to reduce drag at the back of the rapier for this to work. So yes, the kerbal is sitting on, or maybe even IN an operating nuclear engine almost in orbit! coasting to apoapsis A double sunrise! oh yea, I did fix the sunflares Orbit achieved! And then I began to add a simple part, which is a dual mode engine based off of a real concept I have, and its basically a hybrid electric scramjet. Has a fan mode that goes to mach 2.2 with a decent amount of thrust.. like.. 200kN.. And then a hybrid electric scramjet mode with a ridiculous amount of thrust at sea level, but drops off with altitude and speed until its at about 0.05atm and mach 7.5 where it cuts off. It is very effective at making SSTOs for Temporalis, but it is much better to use RAPIER engines on the other oxygenated worlds as the hybrid electric scramjet takes electric charge.. a LOT of it, I estimate about 500-1000 ec/s per engine, however its reduced to about 30 ec/s each for stock power systems. Example of engines getting torn off in initial testing https://i.imgur.com/ZOT1mSo.mp4 They still have the RAPIER model, but.. yea.. that SSTO would have otherwise needed 32 NERVs and 16 RAPIERs to even get to orbit.. these SSTOs usually go to max rapier speed of 1700m/s (ik its like 2000m/s but.. yea..), and use the nuclear engines to slowly cruise to orbit much like that Jool SSTO
  3. I am adding a custom hybrid electric scramjet to make SSTOs easier at Temporalis. It is a dual mode engine, an electric fan mode that produces 226kN of static thrust up to about mach 2 (it stops at mach 2.2), and the hybrid scramjet, which uses liquidfuel as well (technically the fan mode always runs), and it produces about 2600kN of static thrust, BUT the thrust of this engine drops off with atmospheric pressure until it is about 500kN at 2200m/s and 20km on Temporalis. While this engine seems quite OP, it *does* take a crapton of electric charge to run due to the fan. It does currently take about 20ec/s, which is less than 1/10 of the actual power draw. It is lowered for stock electric systems. I may balance it more by increasing the electric charge consumption. This engine is really only useful around Temporalis as it needs a big battery bank, and on other oxygen worlds, RAPIERS could just be used. Also, it cannot be used on Hados due to lack of oxygen. And it is actually possible to get a fully stock SSTO around Temporalis, but I have had trouble getting to low orbit with more than 100 liquidfuel left
  4. Hm.. I have decided that the lowlands biome on Hados is actually 'Exposed Mantle', where sections of the planet's mantle are directly exposed and cooled to a solid.. barely. And in these areas, there will be very high concentrations of ores and stuff, however the tricky bit is that its a very difficult planet to get off of, requiring about 7km/s of delta V to get to orbit, and the gravity and atmo losses are intense.. soo.. yea.. Very valuable planet, just very hard and dangerous Basically, I am pretty much adding a reason to go to Hados if you have more resource mods installed
  5. I successfully solved a bunch of issues with my planet pack! After doing some shenanigans by running beyond home alongside my mod and in general doing things to the game I shouldnt have been doing its a bit bright here! its a quatenary system now! four stars from Temporalis (it won over Rhode.. i set both .cfg files to the same name) dear god the system is just chaos Well.. I managed to screw up the game real bad and completely destroyed kerbin template textures It was so bad, that it somehow persisted after I completely wiped my ksp folder and reinstalled the game from steam.. and kept getting this cursed broken main menu screen And after tons of troubleshooting, I figured out that I could just.. ya know.. use a custom texture instead also I figured out the issue of the barycenter emitting light and fixed the flarereplacer flares! looks much nicer now However, the stars 'blocking light' when eclipsing is a kopernicus issue.. so we will have to wait..
  6. Ok, I successfully added a texture t- wait I need to replace a bunch of placeholder textures with my own stuff before releasing next version... So yea.. I.. screwed up the kerbin template REAL BAD.. Anyways... I solved the issues with terrain n stuff, then I figured out why the flareReplacer wasnt working (it was config names.. had to change the stars config name and not the flare replacer config reference or it would brick the game), and figured out how to completely replace the sun! Unfourtinatley, the star eclipsing each other issue is because of kopernicus multistar plugin not working properly
  7. The update to Petrichor was overall fixing the enormous quantity of seams I didnt expect to see when opening up the texture file to fix a few seams I saw The next update will include a texture rework of Termania, fixing seams n stuff And hopefully a bunch of biome maps too
  8. Ok, the newest update DOES change Petrichor's terrain, mainly the smooth lowlands and the weird north to south mountain range. Be careful if you have any crafts in those areas when updating!
  9. Added sciencedefs to my mod today. I did get a bit carried away and did most of the situations for half of the experiements! It includes lore! Oh, and of course, attempting to eat rocks thinking its something else on 3 bodies, Thermometers explodings, Barometers imploding, sentient goo, etc. Oh, and the corrosive moon? Yea a kerbal even brings a terrarium home with creatures from there!
  10. Ok, I have added a LOT of sciencedefs to the bodies for the newest update. I havent done all of the experiments for each body, but i did quite a lot, and it adds a bit to the lore!
  11. I successfully did a homeswitch with my star system. And then i sent a mothership to orbit around the homeworld with 6km/s in low orbit. I then went to and got stranded around a corrosive moon orbiting a gas giant that is in a binary pair lol
  12. accidentally blew up a ship with over 100 kerbals onboard and im going to yeet a 300m long ship with 4000 kerbals onboard into a super-kerbin's atmosphere just to make a shot for a movie
  13. yeeted a giant ship into my new planet to see how it would look for a movie scene
  14. thanks! yes, I am currently trying to figure out how to get Scatterer to work with the planets, i tried copying kerbin's scatterer config but that broke scatterer
  15. the only really notable issue is that SAS sometimes locks for ingame years.. though now I realize that is what happens when you do negative physics warp, it causes SAS to unlock at the UT value you went to negative warp, which.. yea the game doesnt like it when you go at a negative phys warp value
  16. Created a moon around my new homeworld which i made yesterday. The moon is as close as it can be without getting torn apart from tidal forces. I did make the oceans look better as well. I placed the moon here so it isnt so hard to go somewhere after using up nearly all your fuel launching to low Temporalis orbit
  17. wip moon around Temporalis. it is nearly at its rhoche limit, and has a ring of lava, appearing to be getting slowly torn in half the views are amazing tho!
  18. Its not fully complete.. it needs some slight adjustments to its colors near the ice cap (as those spots are arid regions and more desert-like). oh and of course it still has Hados' biome map lmao
  19. Returned from college for winter break. Added a new planet to my planet pack! It is a lush super-kerbin, even bigger than Eve. Thick atmosphere, possibly better for life than even Kerbin itself! I also made a boatplane, which did faceplant a few times I then flew two at the same time, and even did a synchronized landing! Tried to fly three at the same time (using target navitation to have the other two follow the big one), but one rammed it in the tail and they both crashed into the water.. I was bringing them down for a landing and all the kerbals survived. the other one was further back and landed without issue. and I did fly it on Temporalis! It performed surprisingly well! Also, a kerbal paragliding 'next' to the boatplane (the plane was going twice as fast as the kerbal cause high gravity n stuff)
  20. Ok, I have decided that the name for the trojan planet should be "Temporalis" instead of Tempora as that name is already taken by a moon in another mod.
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