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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. Kerbals in that ksp plays ksp, and in that one, kerbals play ksp, continuing in an infinite inception, until your pc collapses into a black hole. i wish the moon has an atmosphere from forming naturally, and not by the sun swelling up
  2. Hmm... I just looked up how luminous a star that is 0.96 mass of the sun (or kerbol), and found the luminosity to be around 75% that of the sun, putting Oyst just inside the habitable zone, which makes it more than possible for ice lakes on Paxt to exist at the poles I think... Is a star that is only 4% less massive than the sun actually about 25% dimmer?
  3. You get a sterling engine that weighs one kilogram I wish that the moon had an atmosphere
  4. Granted, but they are only useful on any sized spacecraft I wish for big parts in an already implemented tech node
  5. Instead, they add creepers, which immediately run to an unlit rocket/base, and explode. They only come at night, and only attack spots that have no light. Also, they don’t run when lit up, so you may hit one and boooooom! I wish bigger rocket parts were added
  6. Hmm.. ok, yes I will remove the specularity, but I think the bright spot is also somewhat due to the stars having no intensity curves. But yes I think removing specularity will help a lot. hmmm.... ok yea I’m thinking less vibrant colors will look better on Correlae. Also, certain areas on that moon is still a little.. less detailed?, also I will add an atmorim to it. Im planning on adding some ice lakes at the poles, but yes, some craters will make it look a lot better. Should some mountains be taller, and other areas be large flat areas too? Also, I’m going to make have a bit more color, and not just one color. also, OystD does not actually have a proper height map as I had no idea what it should be for a while. I’m going to make a height map for it soon as I decided it is going to be a small desert moon. hmm.. I’ll try that for the gas giants. Would this add a slight variation to the lighting? Or just make it look better?
  7. Sqrt(-8281) it equals -91 .... wait... that equals not a negative, or even a real number.. it’s 91i, which is imaginary.. k -91(-)
  8. Hmm... im thinking "OystD" should be a small desert-ish moon, where it is just dry, and has a thin atmosphere, Doesnt that sound cool? Hmm... in that case, then it will probably be a bit bigger than Duna lol.
  9. you know only understand the last half and not the first half I wish no planet pack has broken normal maps ever again.
  10. Beaned for not deciphering what melon said
  11. Yep, tho most are uncontrollable and you get launched off at at least a few million c lol
  12. It doesn’t, but a raptor engine falls off before it’s static fire somehow I wish a random wish that the next person has no idea what it is, but ok it’s for finding life on titan lol
  13. Making something that is medium sized and not going overboard and making it over 100m in length. Tho making small spaceplanes is easier for me, but large sstos are hard for me lol
  14. Hmm.. yes, I am planning for scatterer compatibility mostly for the sunflares, as the stock flares make them seem to merge a bit too much lol.
  15. Estrela Dobre - A unique star system This mod was mostly born out of the idea of a planetary system with a main sequence star that is not the usual perfect (or near perfect) sphere. And that It seems that a star system mod with such a pair of deformed stars is quite rare! Also, there are multiple objects in the system that are a bit rare in other mods, and it has some lore surrounding some of the bodies! The current system Epafi & Adactus These two stars have a few nicknames lol... probably the most accurate one is "Beans", not "balls", because it would be a little... eh lol. When the system was first discovered, it was long thought it was a single star, but when scientists measured the mass and the brightness of the system, something didnt add up, however, when the one Kerbal found out a possible reason by accidentally dropping a mk1 light infront of another, it all made sense. The two stars, Epafi & Adactus orbit so close together, that they actually Touch. The two stars are 95% and 60% the mass of Kerbol respectivley. and they whiz around the system barycenter at 70km/s. Their SOIs do overlap a fair bit, and you can pull off some insane gravity assists of upwards of 70km/s! Ok, enough rambling about the two stars, now onto the planets! But first, a system map! havent done the delta V yet Size is to scale, but not distances Oyst and its moons Oyst is the closest planet, too close for liquid water to exist. It seems like a kinda boring gas giant at first, until you go into the clouds, as there will soon be some alien structures in the atmosphere (havent added them yet lol). Collait and Culair and their moons The reason I want these two gas giants to have surfaces is so there is something to actually explore instead of a GLOBAL BOTTOMLESS PIT OF DOOOOOOM!!!! (lol) Temporalis and its moon Hados and its moons Ichor and its moon Glacios - A large, oblate ice giant orbiting at the very edge ofthe Estrela Dobre system. It is 3 times the mass of Jool and will have five moons orbiting it. I decided to add Glacios due to discovering that the SMA of all of the planets in the system were for 1 solar luminousity instead of the actual system luminousity of around 0.76 solar luminousities. (Epafi is 0.76L while Adactus is 0.08L, but they constantly eclipse so it would average out to be around 0.76L) Glacios is technically landable, but due to general bugginess, its not reccommended to land here as there are 'magnetic anomalies' which upon entering its atmosphere, is like hitting a brick wall and will vaporize your craft. Glacios' moons - Pados - a duna sized moon that orbits near its rings Moon 2 - A kerbin sized moon that is covered in methane and ethane Periculum - an unstable duna sized moon that is covered in methane ice, but also has lakes of liquid oxygen and a thin oxygen atmosphere. Also, in the lore, Glacios is the only place in the Estrela Dobre system not touched by civilization due to its remoteness and difficulty to spot, and due to the way Excelsior was captured during the formation of Estrela Dobre, large bodies beyond Glacios just.. dont exist, the dust was disrupted there and unable to clump into planets. Next update will include these bodies (Scatters postponded to update after due to PQSCity being very difficult to work with) Excelsior - 0.1 solar mass, 12% the size of Epafi, and has 0.00081 solar luminousities. Orbited by a tiny wormhole and four lifeless worlds - system inclination is approx. 1 degree Calidum - eyeball planet dominated by desert, has a ring of water around its terminator, and a thin ice cap. Canite - devastated planet with a large portion of its surface blown off there will be a noticeable gap between planets 2 and 3, where stuff screams 'there should be a planet here' Periphial - a cold eyeball planet that is barely habitable, lost what little life it had in the great event, in a 1:4 resonance with planet 2 Neybiri - a strange, ice planet further out, has techno signatures, but no life. in a 3:2 resonance with planet 3. Pythros - 1.7 solar mass, with 3x the luminousity, it is a white main sequence star with five planets - system inclination is 26 degrees (avg of all planets) Prixos - a hot planet with planet of liquid lead orbiting quite close to Pythros Kataigída (pronuctiation of 'storm' in greek) - a very stormy planet with two moons Proxility - a habitable world that is 80% the size of Kerbin with just 0.8g and three moons that are around 110km radius! Bink and Bonk - a (nearly contact) binary rocky planet! Each planet is 790km radius, but spin so fast that the tips are at 0.6g. The binary will have seven moons, (the first two are Gongi and Dringo, a swamp and desert moon respectivley) Arcturus - 1.9 solar masses with about 10x the luminousitiy, it is a bright, light blue main sequence star with six planets - system inclination is 2 degrees (tho planets 3-5 have 0 inclination) Solis - the core of a gas giant with two asteroid moons, by far the most colorful planet in the sector with its surface coated in Bismuth with some seas of the metal Tumidam- a puffy gas giant with two moons Claudere - a planet between the sizes of Duna and Kerbin with one moon, covered partially in cities (name is 'close' in latin, as its orbit is the closest to Solaris Solaris - a large planet with two moons covered entirely in cities Adurere - a kerbin-like planet with sections of its surface burnt to ashes with one moon and a few fragments in orbit, has some cities Messis - a fairly large gas giant with five large moon, a couple of them having been terraformed for farming, a couple have mutant plants n stuff. name is latin for 'harvest'. the first moon is habenaro. there will be four other moons planet 7 - a gas dwarf with three moons (planned 5th system?? will not add in update due to lack of ideas of what to put around as it is a dying red giant being slowly sucked up by the black hole it orbits) Longinquus - a distant planet around the center of this system Bugfixes in the next update: Fixed normal maps for all planets Adjusted the inverseRotThresholdAltitude of various bodies to be higher than their pqs fades to solve the 'surface breaks apart' bug Distances to: Excelsior - ~44 kerbin au - takes half a year going 100km/s to arrive (by arriving, I mean literally smacking into the star) Pythros - ~771 kerbin au - takes about 12 years going 100km/s Arcturus - ~1800 kerbin au - takes about 27 years going 100km/s The systems are close together to not require interstellar warp drives or crazy engines, but not so close that they illuminate each other. The only exception of this is Excelsior as it is technically a satellite system. A few fun facts: -You can sometimes see Oyst from the surface of Temporalis when they are at their closest to each other! -You might sometimes see Hados from Temporalis due to its dust ring! -(unreleased) The wormholes are tiny, and near the stars, so going too fast past them could result in not going through to the other system, or will send you flying in a very sub-optimal trajectory like straight into a star -(unreleased) Excelsior is in an ideal position for a homann transfer despite its inclination! It will take about 60 years to get there though.. -Ichor's terrain goes sky high! literally! It goes to 19km, meaning theres just 1km between it and space! (next update will move the entire surface 900m downwards so the lowest point is much closer to the actual stated atm pressure) To Do: -Name bodies -Add bodies -Fix various atmospheres -Add biomemaps Misc. To Do list: -Sciencedefs! flavor text for every single experiment in (nearly) every single situation! -Add kerbal konstructs KSC on Termania -Add custom part model to the H-1 hybrid electric scramjet Recent update: -Changed Temporalis' inclination from 3.6 to 7.6 degrees to make it easier to travel to planets without insane inclination changes -Added a few more sciencedefs -Change the SOIs of the contact binary stars to 500,000km. REDOING FORUM PAGE (I DO have access to ksp while at college, am working on planets! woo! tho PQSCity is such a pain) DOWNLOAD Github Release v1.2 Spacedock Release v1.2 This mod is available on CKAN Credit for the gas giant textures goes to NathlessOne for creating them via gaseous giganticus Dependencies: Texturereplacer - adds the custom skybox, if not installed, you will just see the stock skybox Kopernicus and its dependancies - planet packs require kopernicus KopernicusExpansion - for the emissiveFX and wormholes (Glacios has a wormhole config part just for the effect of being right next to it) KSPCommunityFixes (disable stock maneuver planner as the game freaks out over Temporalis being a trojan and far away objects) In the next update, CTTP will be required as some bodies will use textures from there Recommended mods: (while it can be fun with just stock parts, these mods can greatly improve your experience) Near future tech Far future tech Kerbal atomics (dont use a nuclear reactor on Hados, I am fairly sure it wont end well) Procedural wings and parts (mainly reducing partcounts as rockets here tend to be quite big) Known issues: -Odd emissive clipping when next to lava -Desert airfield spawning somewhere on Temporalis when making history DLC is installed (I dont have that DLC, so i didnt know that was going to happen) As usual for planet packs, kopernicus is required for this mod to work. IMPORTANT: the maneuver planner MUST be disabled for the mod the run properly or the game will die attempting to calculate a transfer to Collait-Culair barycenter, which has the exact same SMA as Temporalis (current homeworld) the latest Kopernicus has disablefaraway colliders enabled by default so no need to go into its settings anymore Liscense is All Rights Reserved! this will likely change to one where if i vanish for a while it can be modified but I dont know how to specify that and I am still working on this mod so it is still AAR
  16. ok i think ill made a thread for the mod to get some suggestions, even though im on the kopernicus discord lol
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