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Everything posted by JcoolTheShipbuilder

  1. You can ignore people on the forum? well I haven’t ignored any lol
  2. But it’s on the moon so there is a permanent 2 second latency I wish the moon had rings
  3. It stays locked i wish that at some point starship gets an upgrade
  4. Unless you somehow make giant solid terrain scatters that cover the entire planet. But you still can’t have biomes above biomes.
  5. Granted, but you drain all the air on Earth, so its a Vacuum, so all life dies... again... I wish the moon was habitable, and still orbits Earth at its normal distance.
  6. Granted, but they are too slow I wish earth had STABLE rings that didnt fall and didnt deorbit in any way whatsoever
  7. its in the center of Earth I wish that earth had rings
  8. You are now friends with a real kraken, but every single ship you launch krakens out horribly and leaves the universe in about 3.4 seconds. i wish Earth has two moons that are large enough to be in hydrostatic equilibrium
  9. Gran- nope, turns out they have so many alt accounts that they are the only other actual person here lol. (jk) I wish that the moon continues to orbit.
  10. All cute cat videos have been replaced by cute dog videos I wish the mun was sliightly more special
  11. i hope i can build ships that are longer than 1km and have a good fps lol
  12. 7.5/10 I see you in forum games a lot
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