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Everything posted by adriangm44

  1. My kerbals happen to to fly (taking steps up and up each) while walking down the surfaces of bodies. What’s wrong?
  2. Are those kerbals at the end walking by their own??? Just imagine that kerbals may have like tasks and they could perform them tasks while you're doing something else
  3. Does someone know a MM patch for being able to deploy parachutes inside fairings? (Rodan doesn't include chutes, so I have to snap them inside and they won't deploy because it's inside the part)
  4. SAME! Sometimes it won't show the landing spot you will get with drag, nor indicate the decrease of your orbit after reentry whatsoever.
  5. I've got a TERRIBLE idea to develop, although it could bring this mod to a whole new level of GLORY: What if we could store subassemblies into the containers?! Wouldn't that be AMAZING?! Is it possible?
  6. We need some explanation to this! It's BRILLIANT!!! Will you share the model and the tower?
  7. Fair opinion mate I tend to love cranes a bit too much and this is a very good option for them!!
  8. Amazing mod @benjee10!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it in your plans to make a one-cabled tether version? They would suit very much for things like these
  9. How can I download the robotic arm from this video? I believe it's Canadarm2 but I can't find it anywhere!
  10. Got a tiny issue... I can only see the mission window when I'm not on a loaded vessel. So only in the KSC, VAB... I can toggle it working perfectly but on the mission, whilst I'm on the vessel, flying, in space, wherever I am with a loaded vessel or kerbal it just won't show up Edit: I SOLVED IT Create a new career game, add some contracts and toggle the contract window in both the KSC and on a loaded vessel. Copy and paste the contract window lines in the persistent.sfs files
  11. It keeps happening to me every time I reload the same and the game...
  12. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  13. I do... but I LOVE both mods... can't spare any of them! Is there anything I can disable or tweak in the files? Maybe they could help me in Paralax's thread? Here are the LOGS, CRAFT, and SAVE FILE <------------- I don't know! Just loaded the solar panel and that was it, I put it in orbit with hyperedit to see how it behaves and it's very unpredictable, sudden explosions and that....
  14. How can I build a sun tracking robotic part?
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