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Everything posted by adriangm44

  1. I get what's happening: The modules are made to be assembled by docking them with the C-22 CBM docking part. This will give it more width and it'll fit perfectly.
  3. Cool thanks! But what do I write inside the PART and Needs brackets instead?
  4. Can I do the opposite? How can I create a patch so that every part that can hold crew has the observation experiment?
  5. @benjee10 I came up with an idea! Maybe you could use the new 1.11 inventory systems! You already made a helmet and lights for kerbals that show up the moment you equip the part... maybe something like this could work?
  6. Hello there! I have kind of a weird question... there's a .cfg called "...Rescale" and I would like to know what number I shlud put on the Dragon Capsule's lines in order to match Tundra Exploration's size. I noticed your Dragon Pods are slightly wider in the bottom radius than TE's ones. Any thoughts?
  7. Roadmap <----- Damon has answered this too many times even though all the info is on the main post
  8. Cause you don't have to deal with the huge horizontal velocity you'd have on a normal reentry, they work exactly the same for me
  9. It is planned for the next update, you can check it out here: Roadmap It'll be a while until this is out though
  10. I'm so eager for this It is soo hard to deliever payloads into surfaces with the aligator door Starship Damon is doing a great job though, I try to enjoy the things he's currently putting his attention into, just patiente enjoying what I already have, which is amazing!
  11. Where did my rescue contracts go? They were the only interesting stock contracts worth doing... free astronauts and they even pay me for them hahaha Any way to restore them or a mod that adds rescue missions to this awesome configurator?
  12. Sorry I don't know where to adress thid, I'll delete it as soon as it's solved... I messed my flags folder, could someone please send me theirs???
  13. The winches in KAS worked fine in previous versions, they were rigid and strong. Immovable. Now... What's going on????
  14. I dunno how to write code, is it too long? What should I put in it? If you could please facilitate a template to me so I could change the part name?
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