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Everything posted by adriangm44

  1. So here's the thing... I love this mod and his amazing features, I think it adds a whole new level of mechanics to the game that expand your creativity designs. OBJECTIVE: A cargo lifter from the ground into the cargo bay of Tundra Exploration's Starship. The design is more or less acceptable apart from it coming through the walls of the rocket. This design was from 9 months ago, and it's pretty much the same up to this date. I've only found one issue, it's not the video's case though. The max force input it's not enough for me, IR is too weak for some of my payloads to be lifted up and fold itself into the cargo bay. SOOOOO if found a solution, or what I thought it would be. Looking into the IR parts' .cfg I found some lines regarding the force input for the robotics, so I cheated and changed to the max number I could think it'd work without breaking it. factorForce = 999999 maxForce = 999999 forceLimit = 999999 The truth is... I don't even know what I did there, it just allowed me to increase my robotics strenght in-game. THE REAL PROBLEM: The force settings in-game are by default the lowest, and so every time I want to increase the force value I have to press the increase button which increases it 5 by 5 points. I usually reach numbers of 1000 points of force just for one robotic part. Too much work for one single part, besides, sometimes I have EXTREMELY HEAVY payloads, that not even with 3000 points of force will bend it up like in the video. MY QUESTION: Is there a way I can change the default force value of every part's .cfg? or, A way in which I can change the increase button parameters so every time I press it, it increases 1000 points instead of 5? I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP HERE. Let me know what you think. Thank you'all
  2. This is amazing, is there a similar thing for stock fairings? Like a plugin in which the content of the fairing remains unloaded until staging?
  3. JSI Advanced Transparent Pods support?
  4. So for instance, if I add a broken gigantor solar pannel and stack it, it'll fix itself? Or a dead battery will be automatically recharched? That's what I understood... no negative behaviours, is it?
  5. How can I enter the grass config and make it the same as Parallax terrain?
  6. download the second file Page not found... May have to provide another link...
  7. Thank you @IgorZ , that was huge information to me, and indeed, with this knodledge I understand much better how it works and you saved me from making more similar tests hahaha. So my question would be: How do I whitelist the desired modules? Can I make a patch in case of KIS update? If so, what should I write in it? And how can I find the module I need for it to be allowed to stack?
  8. So... Here I am again. I'm sorry to keep addressing the same subject but I really need to solve this. This time I'm doing as more tests as possible so I don't overly bother you. Stackable parts, right? I thought there was an incompatibility with Tweakscale and I went to @Lisias' thread "Tweacsale Companion Program". Reported the issue and... long story short: He promped me to make a patch he wrote, didn't work, tried a bare test without tweakscale, and parts wouldn't stack either. You can check the whole conversation from here onwards. So there must be a problem with KIS, must it not? I don't know, let's dive right in: I knew that parts would stack before, so I made my own tests so you don't have to. I'm going to leave the logs and crafts to your disposal if needed. FIRST TEST) I uninstalled all the few mods I had but KIS & KAS. A few parts stack! As expected, not all of them though, the lights, landing legs, RCS and other parts are not stackable, despite being on the stackable list in the settings' cfg. Just a question... batteries? How is that they're not stackable? Logs and craft here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rmIFTfT7HbwWLZx_z5_N6pXrZ_UnT79r?usp=sharing SECOND TEST) After that I started installing all the mods I consider essentials, mods I cannot play without. SAME AS BEFORE, NO CHANGES. Then I added the visual mods I like, and this is what happened: Many parts such as solar panels, engines among others that were stackable before, they weren't anymore. Could Kopernicus have caused it? But there's more... Logs and craft: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gumaRv5tPwDe5vHWXdXyuPwFhTA3504G?usp=sharing THIRD TEST) Installed a mod I really like called Restock, Restock+ & Restock Extra and tested it. More parts stopped being stackable as they were... antenna, heat difusers... Logs and craft: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pjTKtA_Rok6TeYVJXETPaoKUsmO4dM_q?usp=sharing I will carry on tomorrow cause it's too late here and I'm very tired. Thank you for your support, I'll be back.
  9. I did my own checkings without Tweakscale & Tweakscale Companion and indeed there's a problem with the KIS code, same happened to me. I went a bit further though. Cause then I thought I could swear I saw KAS parts stackable when I did some initial tests. I went in without mods, only with a few visual and harmles ones, and I discovered that a few more parts were stackable! Just by disabling some of my few mods. I will report this to the KIS thread in the next couple of hours and I encourage you to go check it out and give a lil support please. Thank you for your time @Lisias, I'll update my patch until the next release is out!
  10. Here you go, I also added a speeded up video reproducind the issue. Hope you can find something. Thanks dude. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P3vXtjSBTCbS7QO21hN4OdMZYoR3yV2l?usp=sharing
  11. I just tested it with the patch.. it ain't working... Want my logs?
  12. Thanks mate, I'm gonna try it out now. No specific part actually, none of the stock parts or KAS parts are stackable into the KIS invetory. The only stackable parts are the KIS fun parts so... How should I name the patch and where do I place it? I have a personal patch folder at the top of GameData, is that okay?
  13. Hey guys! Anyone here knows how to make parts stackable in KIS containers with tweakscale?
  14. No problem with performance, is there a list of all parallax-compatible visual mods out there?
  15. Hey guys! What do you think I could combine Parallax with? What's the best visual mod combination I could get?
  16. Hey guys! Anyone here knows how to make parts stackable with tweakscale?
  17. I'll let you know once I've done a clean mod install, as I have lots of mods in my ckan list and I dont even know what some of them are, maybe dependencies... I'll be in touch
  18. Does the Planet Editor feature really work? I don't see any ocean when enabling it in other planets neither my kerbals can breathe in their atmosphere when enabling the oxigen...
  19. So here's the things... I love this mod and his amazing features, I think it adds a whole new level of mechanics to the game that expand your creativity designs. OBJECTIVE: A cargo lifter from the ground into the cargo bay of Tundra Exploration's Starship. The design is more or less acceptable apart from it coming through the walls of the rocket. This design was from 9 months ago, and it's pretty much the same up to this date. I've only found one issue, it's not the video's case though. The max force input it's not enough for me, IR is too weak for some of my payloads to be lifted up and fold itself into the cargo bay. SOOOOO if found a solution, or what I thought it would be. Looking into the IR parts' .cfg I found some lines regarding the force input for the robotics, so I cheated and changed to the max number I could think it'd work without breaking it. factorForce = 999999 maxForce = 999999 forceLimit = 999999 The truth is... I don't even know what I did there, it just allowed me to increase my robotics strenght in-game. THE REAL PROBLEM: The force settings in-game are by default the lowest, and so every time I want to increase the force value I have to press the increase button which increases it 5 by 5 points. I usually reach numbers of 1000 points of force just for one robotic part. Too much work for one single part, besides, sometimes I have EXTREMELY HEAVY payloads, that not even with 3000 points of force will bend it up like in the video. MY QUESTION: Is there a way I can change the default force value of every part's .cfg? or, A way in which I can change the increase button parameters so every time I press it, it increases 1000 points instead of 5? I'D REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP HERE. Let me know what you think. Thank you'all
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