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Everything posted by BSS_Snag

  1. Yeah 502 errors constantly for a week or so now, Just have to spam refresh the page to hopefully get a connection once every 10 mins or so. Lucky to even type this comment
  2. It is nice to have srb plumes working again, However unlike most engines with waterfall configs, this one does not have the rocket plume expansion as you loose atmospheric pressure. The srb plume does change but it doesn't get the expansion you would expect to see, so it stands out against other mods's waterfall plumes. https://imgur.com/a/kfKmVgl ^ See above the SLS SRB plumes at ASL and at Separation. Other than this issue its great to have srb plumes working again.
  3. @Kochi when reading the installation instructions off github, it tells you to remove realplume, but in the readme.md its says the mod require realplume. You might want to clarify https://imgur.com/a/IwAWKCR
  4. Will Do later today. (I need sleep. Clock just went past midnight here), i should have specified in the original comment I am using the dev branch of HABTECH2 off GitHub.
  5. Just checked git-hub, its being looked into I reckon if you provide images and ksp.logs there, it should come to JonnyOThan attention faster
  6. @Well where would i go to request a fix with free-iva using parts with these mods? As it stands you cannot get through from the Hermes shuttle to its orbital module.
  7. @JonnyOThanThe Habtech 2 Eva airlock does not connect up with other parts in free Iva. It still says the hatch is blocked when there should be nothing blocking it. Image here of the issue https://imgur.com/a/3yVRC2e Ksp.log here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bpd0U9cQEfkCsPAIZZHqJADPH5TjcFDv/view?usp=sharing
  8. @linuxgurugamerCould i request that when i have another spacecraft target and i am using their relative pro grade and retrograde, that it sticks to the node on the navball instead of snapping to orbital during timewarp? Its annoying when I am approaching a space station and time warping reorientates my current craft.
  9. Alright @AtomicTech here is what i found using a Kickback srb on the runway. SRB sound effects do not stop after running out of propellant. I even fast-forwarded to the next sunrise and the srb engine sound continued. The flame-out animation seems to go on for a very long time. As i was fast-forwarded it seemed to take in-game hours to disappear completely. ksp.log here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bpd0U9cQEfkCsPAIZZHqJADPH5TjcFDv/view?usp=sharing Images Here https://imgur.com/a/c4MgLJy
  10. Oh, I thought that was on purpose. Guess I've been having the same issue then. I'll provide a ksp.log soon-ish
  11. What engine is used on Fregat in this mod? IRL its a s5.92, but what is the tantares equivalent>
  12. Thanks for that, ill remove that patch next time. currently got it around temporally by uninstall the bdb add-on for cck.
  13. Have a half-issue at the moment, parts are not showing up when searched for. I do have Community Part titles: CCK-No duplicates and Community Category kit installed. Parts appear when found in their relevant part sub-folder in the menu, but as soon as you search for them, Poof. Is this a BDB issue or should i go pester CCK? ksp.log here if you want it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eGhpQK-4OtRs2HkHMc8bx9GLEbL95BMQ/view?usp=sharing
  14. Have a half-issue at the moment, parts are not showing up when searched for. I do have Community Part titles: CCK-No duplicates and Community Category kit installed. Parts appear when found in their relevant part sub-folder in the menu, but as soon as you search for them, Poof. Is this a parts mod issue or is it something related to CCK? ksp.log here if you want it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eGhpQK-4OtRs2HkHMc8bx9GLEbL95BMQ/view?usp=sharing Saw that there is a current bug with the CCK- No Duplicates issue. Will uninstall that for now
  15. I think they were from this one https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/216375-deleted-for-now-future-station-construction-kit-axiom-station-and-beyond/#comment-4271241
  16. @Nertea Can I request a Near Future Construction a compatibility patch for 1.12.x? Using it with Free Iva would be nice
  17. Yeah, still works fine. Whatever duct tape that's keeping 200 mods working together is doing its job.
  18. Can confirm, Still works great. It properly makes sure you bring the right lifter for the job. Might test further with the smaller ones and see how they go. Atlas V -421 can get things to geosync at the 3.2x scale Superior Saturn IC, I don't care that it isn't real. Big Engine
  19. I was playing at that rescale for a while, but now moved to 3.2x scale. How do you think the balancing holds up at that point?
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