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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  3. (FATAL ERROR) It was obvious, the joke was lethal. No one could read it and live...
  4. I really don't want to be pushy or anything but, when will this come out?
  5. I shall not rest until Pol is g *Snoring
  6. (Joke) What Beale thinks we want: What we really want: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbellona.org%2Fnews%2Fnuclear-issues%2F2018-11-russia-is-building-a-nuclear-powered-spaceship-yes-you-heard-that-right&psig=AOvVaw0yyu3zxewDli2kITg72nSe&ust=1608495641047000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqGAoTCKCGqK_v2u0CFQAAAAAdAAAAABCwAQ (Russian anthem)
  7. Everyone talks about how Dres and Gilly being super underrated places to go, but you know what object is really underrated? POL! Almost nobody has ever talked about Pol, this moon seems to have been mostly forgotten about it. Sure the spiky rocks might be a little dumb but WHO SHOULD CARE? Even the Squad Dev's seem to have mostly forgotten it even in the game, seriously when was the last time Squad mentioned Pol? It's lying there.... On the edge of the known Universe.... Waiting for revenge.... Pol SHOULD look like this though: And I will wait with great impatient(ness?) for the day it looks like this. What do you think about Pol?
  8. Don't worry everyone! I'm SURE Squads Dev's are gonna prioritize THIS over their families and winter breaks... (But really tho, YES it is annoying I get that and BONUS some of the Experiments do this to but it ill probably be gone in 1.11.1, probably in January, so yeah there's ANOTHER reason to look forward to next year!)
  9. hate to bother everyone with a bug complaint BUT the lab module is no longer solid (the ladder is solid tho) I am using restock so after school (6 hours) I will make an edit to see weather or not its just the mod glitching.
  10. Ranger 3? This is a Ranger 7,8,9 type of probe (Block 3 if you will) This was Ranger 3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_3
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