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Minmus Taster

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Everything posted by Minmus Taster

  1. Will this be in the game at some point cause these look FANTASTIC!!! Those ones with graffiti are amazing to look at.
  2. Happens to me all the time unfortunatley i cannot help you but i can try to get some planet modders to help u or something.
  3. Do the DEV's of BDB even realize that all these recent updates have mad radernicks mods on US spacecraft utterly obsolete. And do YOU reader's of this comment realize that you've been duped and that's ACTUALLY OK! ...Why did i make this comment.
  4. uh yeah?...i don't see how this is a shock. People can have families ya know.
  5. I'm sorry Dave i'm afraid i cannot do that. No really i wish i could help you but i'm terrible with computers.
  6. Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5rn3s33is34sxsu/StockalikeSolarSystem.zip?dl=0 This is a link Beale Posted in Tantares page 787:
  7. Totally random question but what happened with the martian moons mod? Did you lose the assets? or did something personal got in the way? Does it need some sort of revival?
  8. So i just watched Interstellar on friday and it was great, but one scene in particular caught my eye. The docking scene was full of amazing CGI and emotion and once it was over i instantly wondered if it was possible to do something like that in Kerbal Space Program. So here's the Challenge: 1: Dock a ship to another vehicle spinning very VERY fast. 2: Do it within ONE MINUTE of the start of the procedure. 3: Use any ships you wan't but i will paste a link to the Endurance mod AND the Event Horizon Mod if you want to be true to the film. Record your attempt and post it here so you can get your TOTALLY NOT FAKE PRIZE BECAUSE THIS CHALLENGE IS ONLY ABOUT PRIZES AND NOT ABOUT HAVING ANY FUN!!! Good Luck! Mods: Docking Scene, for reference (SPOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRSSSSSS):
  9. When i try to open the folder all it says is that it's invalid.
  10. In the singularity mod the my "cool mod" thing for the direction of the spinning of the disk does not work what do i REALLY type in.
  11. Goodbye my bouncy Frog friend.... JK i pasted the Prop F into the newer release gave it a new name and BOOM! ready to bounce around on Gilly!
  12. No But the same thing happens with Zore... And you should see whatever is going on with Edas...
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