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Everything posted by modus

  1. CommunityFixes fixes this! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/204002-18-112-kspcommunityfixes-bugfixes-and-qol-tweaks/
  2. Of course I'm benefiting from it in playing other games, but KSP2 (and cities skylines 2...yeah) was the direct reason to buy a new rig. I was already thinking about it, but ksp2 was the perfect excuse No regrets though
  3. Time does fly...I remember being all confused when WOLF came out (the tutorial does help!), I can only say: the best way to learn it is to just try it. Experiment, fail, try again. I allways hoped something like WOLF (and MKS in general) would be in ksp2, but yeah...we all know how that went...
  4. Well, release 100 (almost 2 years ago!) was a bit of an anticlimax (like I said back then) but congrats on number 200, señor @R-T-B!
  5. Kind of like Space Engineers with KSP on top. I'd totally dig that.
  6. Have you listened to the interview with Matt Lowne? His vision and would-be approach for ksp2 are very different than what IG ended up doing.
  7. Oh yes, so much yes. I've heard many times (I work for a local government in europe), especially by external consultants, 'we're going to do this agile'. Uh no, you want to use scrum or some kind of variant. We are not agile, so don't pretend. Same goes for some of the managers in the organization. 'Try to be agile' when they want to keep the budget in check. Uh no because we are not agile. I can try to be, but as long as we as a whole are not, don't pretend.
  8. Those reasons look totally valid I know next to nothing about coding, but since (to me) both this mod and community fixes really improve the game (haven't used your mod but if it's as good as the ksp1 version -or the adopted version- I'm gonna love it) it seems a good idea to have it as one awesome package
  9. Great! Could (should?) this be a part of the community fixes mod? Or is it totally seperate in what it wants to do?
  10. modus


    Uh...ok? Don't know what happened here (or what you're on about actually), but good luck with your mod.
  11. modus


    I know writing documentation can be the hardest/least fun part, but it's very necessary if you want people to use and understand this. Good job!
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