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Everything posted by modus

  1. Could be a problem yeah. Maybe not the problem though.
  2. @XtraI'm sorry my response seemed 'snarky'. The => has no functionality apart from telling you what the next recipe is. I agree this can be confusing. I also made a mistake by saying you can change recipe by clicking on 'next recipe'; you have to click the '...=>...' button. So, a harvester that says 'Dirt => Metallic Ore' harvests dirt. That's it, the metallic ore doesn't do anything. A fabricator that says 'Material kits => whatever' fabricates MK. That's why I said to (only) look at the recipe. So, your KSC WOLF biome has 590 dirt to be harvested. A bulk harvester can harvest 5 from the dirtvein. 590-5= 585 dirt left in the biome. The goal is not to get this to zero, it just tells you how much dirt there is left in the biome (not the depot!). The 5 dirt from the dirtvein you harvested gets transformed to 10 dirt in your depot. So the planner will say 'incoming 0(+10) outgoing 0 available 10'. In your case it says 'Incoming 0 (+10) Outgoing 0 (-25) Available -15'. That means you're already using dirt for something else. If you harvest 15 more dirt, it will say 'available 0'. Nice, but you can't do anything with 0, so you want more. How much more? Depends on what you want to do and how much dirt is needed for that. That's why I said to use the planner, plan i advance and work your way back. None of those It's building MK, the CS play no role. So for MK you need stuff (none of which is CS): You need to produce that stuff first (or have it available in your depot) before you can make the MK.
  3. Also, 2 material kits in your depot. Forever. That's not the same as having 2 units of MK. Have you tried making MK without WOLF? And then, doing stuff with those MK, like making colony supplies? Talk about monstrosities, lagging your game. The (imho very cool) thing with WOLF is that you can set up huge mining bases, all running in the background. Yes, sometimes you have to make weird looking big things*, and yes, setting up a WOLF base off Kerbin can be hard and maybe a bit of a grind, but in my experience it's totally worth the effort. *It's very much possible to build WOLF stuff in pieces, you just have to make good use of the planner, like @RoverDudesaid. Don't try to do everything in one go. You have to look at the 'recipe'. If you want to fabricate MK, the fabricators recipe has to be MK. To change the recipe, click on 'next recipe' untill it says what you want
  4. Literally on the first page of add on releases there are 2 planet packs for 1.12, your search wasn't very good
  5. But...to watch it you'd have to click it? And you can't? And shouldn't? I mean it clearly says so if I follow the provided link? Please guys, follow the instructions. Also I am confused about what should not be locked.
  6. already clicking partner! Although it says we should not
  7. you forgot a little click there buddy!
  8. you'll know if I clicked if you can read this
  9. @R-T-B it's cool that there will be more asteroids spawning, but the game (using your latest release) really wants me to know there are no new objects at this time Is this intended behaviour? (this is just a short snip, it goes on and on)
  10. I'm a clicker. Cuz I click.
  11. I checked that thread because I was curious. It clearly says don't click so it's a good and responsible thing it's locked.
  12. If I'm not mistaken he also clicks
  13. @AlamoVampire @kerbiloid @Spaceman Spiff @SSTO Crasher @DunaManiac Click!
  14. He did it everywhere, I think he left...
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