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Everything posted by Neebel

  1. Well, I've never played JNSQ, but if you say Luciole doesn't even have a realistic performance in 2.5 times stock scale, then I'm not surprised it's massively overpowered for stock. Well, the reason why you would download something like BDB is to recreate specific missions, isn't it? But I get your point, and it really makes more sense to design a mod for recreating real-life launch vehicles to be comparable with stock parts (and have somewhat the performance of their real-life counterparts) in 2.5x rescale instead of giving them realistic performance for stock scale and making the parts themselves incomparable to stock parts. I got it, I guess. But this means, since most real-life-recreation mods went this way, they're more or less limited to advanced players. Welp.
  2. @Cheesecakewell yes, but no. Some people say stock parts are overpowered for stock, and that's not really true. It depends on what kind of mod you have. A mod like for example NF launch vehicles or just simply stock KSP gives you parts to build whatever you want to and you decide if it's overpowered or not. Mods like BDB or Luciole however are made with real or conceptual vehicle designs in mind, but unfortunately they are often balanced for 2.5 rescale and therefore overpowered for the stock planet system. And that's what I was trying to say. Of course, you can always sit back and enjoy bigger payload capabilities, but, let's take BDB again, if you can take a Mercury capsule to the mun or even further, it's just somewhat game-breaking. It's the same with Luciole: A micro-scale launcher designed to take a few cubesats to orbit that can carry them to Duna instead is kind of game-breaking. The problem is that a lot of mods made to build real-life vehicles are optimized for 2.5 scale. Since the point of downloading them is to recreate real missions/launchers (even if they never flew), you're forced to use rescale or JNSQ, which somewhat limits these mods to more advanced players. And that's a bit sad in my opinion.
  3. JNSQ is "not for the player-base at large, but for seasoned players", and I only have KSP since about half a year. I mean I wouldn't consider myself as a noob, but I'm just not good enough for JNSQ.
  4. @Aerospacer well yeah, it's indeed a bit overpowered. If I didn't drop the second stage with lots of fuel in it, I could've probably managed to take the included 'Rescue Pod' craft to the mun or further. Some kind of stock version with tweaked tanks and engines for more realistic performance would be very nice.
  5. Thank you both! Just downloaded the mod Edit: Sooo I just played around with the new parts a bit, and first of all, I really love this little rocket and the cubesats too. One thing I've noticed however, the launchpads have crew capacity and inventory slots. Is this intended?
  6. Is this mod balanced for stock scale or 2.5x/JNSQ rescale?
  7. It sounds like you miss one of the dependencies or you might have the EVE stock planet configs still installed. Check these and also make sure there is no file called "BoulderCo" in your gamedata (that's EVE default config).
  8. I assume Space Dust is not compatible with Scansat since it has it's own scanners and telescopes?
  9. Oh, well, completely missed that. Was just wondering if he's still working on the update, I'm going to delete my question now.
  10. I'd definitely recommend you to do that anyway because 1.11.2 fixes the kraken attacks to your crafts when trying to repair something.
  11. I assume this mod only works with stock parts, based on what some people already reported here?
  12. Sounds like it has nothing to do with Beyond Home. Please check your modlist and remove any mods that add new science experiments or science reports.
  13. It isn't, because the Kerbol system is essentially the stock system after the sun's death.
  14. Not gonna lie, this is one of the few mods I absolutely couldn't live without! Amazing work, keep going
  15. No, it isn't. Scroll a bit up and read the information about the next Beyond Home update. Well, it isn't marked as 1.11 compatible, but I can confirm it works pretty fine. But I'd recommend you using the Kopernicus Bleeding Edge branche for 1.11, if you want to know why, go to page 52 of this thread.
  16. Service-post: The download link for the required Parallax version doesn't work anymore.
  17. Does this mod provide support for Snacks? Sorry if there's a list of all life support mods which are compatible, didn't read 70 pages.
  18. Is Tantares compatible with Snacks? Sorry if this was asked before, didn't read 800 pages haha
  19. I'm REALLY excited now! Eidos looks beautiful, I would love to see this in the game! One question, will the update also make Beyond Home compatible for 1.11?
  20. Sorry if this was asked before, couldn't bother to read 30 pages. Is Heat Control compatible with Real Heat?
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