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Everything posted by EndAllFilms

  1. Maybe I can try doing it? and what about the launch expansion version? like 39C 39D 39E etc.
  2. My trajectories UI never showed up KSP Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b5gyftuoy9f9vcqy7z0cj/KSP.log?rlkey=bsilgndgery022tf12luqcu7c&dl=0
  3. The retro files is still there but there is no modern files, but I'm not sure if it's updated or not.
  4. If possible can you add an inflatable thing to the 2nd stage of sea dragon? like this one
  5. This has been adopted. Thank you @mcdouble! News when there is news! I do it all; except contracts and planets (not yet). Some better than others. More than welcome to collaborate. Any possible update?
  6. So where have you been for the long time? This has been adopted. Thank you @mcdouble! News when there is news! I do it all; except contracts and planets (not yet). Some better than others. More than welcome to collaborate. I'm expecting that there will be some IVAs, Model revamp, Improved aerodynamics, and a launch rocket thing including a fairing
  7. You have finally been back for so long! Anyway will there be a Falcon Heavy SLC-40 launch tower? Will there be a revamps of the launch towers and the accurate launch tower placement fix?
  8. So will you basically create russian segment for the ISS? or the tantares are just gonna do the same thing as you planned
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