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Noah Foloni

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Everything posted by Noah Foloni

  1. hey I've heard OPM disables comets, is that true? If so, how do I re-enable them? nvm i figured it out
  2. yeah, but using the pilgrim center and crew portions with 2 tubes instead of 1, and without the struts
  3. okay so imagine a box and the box is connected to 2 giant pipes on the back those giant pipes connect to an even BIGGER box when you push E X T E N D the pipes E X T E N D moving the smaller box away from the bigger box does that make sense?
  4. I have an idea for the pilgrim centrifuge... How about, instead of folding up and spinning, the crewed portion extends out from the center on 2 rails, staying sideways
  5. BUT WHY?! WHY would you change the way the filter works?! Is there a way to un-update?
  6. ah thank you I wanted to move the stars around because earth isnt kerbin and vise versa
  7. 2 Challenges: 1: Duna Colony build a colony on duna that can house 8 kerbonauts Has a science Lab Has AT LEAST 1 rover Greenhouse and food (life support) Able to mine and refine ore 2: Duna Station same as before, but instead of ore and refinery just refueling 2 docking ports emergency escape pods back to kerbin
  8. and now I have suits for every Kerbal Proffession in Every type (Vintage, Future and Default)
  9. Small Question: How can i cheat myself all the launchsites in my sandbox save (they arent unlocked by default)
  10. Is there a way to just enable the event cards?
  11. okay so I would like to install this, but before i do, 2 questions: Number 1: is there a way to rename anything Number 2: is there a way to move anything i want the star systems to be in different places with different names on my save (because kerbin isnt earth) but i dont Quite know how.
  12. Specifically, I was wondering if there were any mods to use so I can keep comnet constellations, but not need a connection for probes/pilotless vessels to function?
  13. Hmm, I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled ksp countless times, better check the folders!
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