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Noah Foloni

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Everything posted by Noah Foloni

  1. Hi, so I want to make a Patch to change the tracking station, I sort of know how to do this, but how do I make it so it overrides any pre-existing patches for tracking stations?
  2. Ok I figured it out. Follow these Steps 1: Go to your Kopernicus Folder, and then into Config. If your on windows just paste this into the file location bar thing: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Kopernicus\Config (this only works if your on steam btw) 2: Open Kopernicus_Config.CFG 3: Change "UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem = true" to "UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem = false" sorry it took forever, i forgot how it worked.
  3. No it’s an OPM asteroid config, If you go to the OPM patches you’ll find an asteroid config named KopernicusAsteroids.CFG, you can open it with any text editor, you need to change it to stock, that’s all
  4. Sorry, I’ll link it later. Actually I’ll just tell you now. Go to the kopernicus folder in your game data and then find the asteroids config file, then change the area where it says your setup, type Stock. Alright great!
  5. Sweet, now I don't Need kerbin side remastered! AMAZING!
  6. As the name implies I want to make more tracking station levels, I know how to write a CFG file, but how do I make it work?
  7. Hey poodmund, for some reason when I use the reflectors calculator, the minimum and maximum direct strengths are 0 and it’s breaking everything.
  8. ting back to a normal pace around here, which means bugs are squished as soon as I see them. You don't need to update every day of course. The usual philosophy I'd advise is "update when you see a bug." That doesn’t mean I’m not surprised that you posted 2 updates in one day!
  9. Hey, I can’t make maneuver nodes or warp to specific parts in the orbit now, is this because of the new maneuver creator / alarm clock apps being added? Or is my game just glitched
  10. Yeah it works on 1.11x, but ONLY if you install Kopernicus 1.11x Heres the link to kopernicus: https://github.com/kopernicus/kopernicus/releases click on 1.11.1.zip @Enkess
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