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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. Actually haven't had a chance to use the exporter as of yet. But I did find this thread about it maybe it can help.
  2. I myself enjoy it as well I assume by visual feedback you would mean something like some transparent circle surrounding the dish that shows you it's farthest range. That would be a quick way to go about it, but unless was very advanced wouldn't take into account the planetary bodies blocking it and such. I just do the math and go from there but having a visual representation wouldn't hurt for those who want it. If it were on all the time and not in a separate map or not being able to be turned off it would definitely make my map cluttered.
  3. Relays as in the antenna network designed to bounce and boost various signals across the cosmos? I like them ingame, adds a level of realism and a reason to built and launch satellites in particular advantageous orbits, if thats what you're asking.
  4. I like it, just am terrible at it. When I get home, if I get a chance I will show you my designs on your other thread. The other part of my problem is patience. Running my sub-par rovers gets aggravating so I rarely have the patience to go far from the landing site. Added.. heli rover eh?
  5. I like that angle. In general, I am for some tech tree style progression, but agree strongly with @Master39 that is shouldn't be completely unlocked so early in a standard game. But I believe that science should play some part in progression
  6. Try the Hanger Extender mod if you are able to. Not sure if it works with updated ksp however.
  7. Back in my day we played ksp by drawing frame by frame on the dirt with a stick, and we liked it!
  8. Not this time... @Admiral Fluffy?
  9. Not including discarded or spent parts, and defining satellite as self powered (by solar) and controllable (RC-001s controller) only 4 for me, but now I want to see if I can do a lot more.
  10. Whether you need a cast for that broken arm, or a blanket to keep the dogs off of your yellow polka dots.. we got ya covered Curious if there has ever been a reward suggested for TOTM.the
  11. This makes sense but how would it be implemented? I wished we knew more about the mining and part production process. Depending on complexity, or type etc, it could lead to parts unable to be made at one colony that's needed for another. While I myself kind of like the thought, to inspire those pre-programmed??? flight paths they're talking about and encourage intercolonial trading, it seems this may be another one of those slippery slope situations to where it could be overdone.
  12. I don't think it would cause the delay for both postponements, but it does seem plausible to have played a role in one of them. Something I have seen in the states is the severe lack of employees across the board in all fields of work. I can't help but Wonder if @Intercept Games has lost any devs/support personnel during this which may have also affected deployment.
  13. I myself just shoot for a few meters, even 20 m differences fine for me
  14. I don't remember, I think two maybe three because I do remember my first one and the craft landed too hard and exploded. I remember another one with the craft falling over and exploding as well
  15. Can you explain what is off to you exactly @jastrone ? I love the subtle coloring and new changes myself.
  16. I understand the point you're trying to make, maybe in a small way it's educational, but that would be to people unfamiliar with space and physics. I personally think of the game more as an introduction to basic mechanics and a way to have fun exploring those mechanics in creating things that could never exist in real life. That's what makes it a game and not a simulator. It's like you said very close (well, not really very close but that is splitting hairs lol), but no space agency such as NASA would settle for "very close" and no population or government would spend billions of dollars on "very close", they want exact. Being exact saves lives, time, and money. Being exact makes the experiments and the flight planning repeatable and reliable to advance us to the next phase. But for me that is a lot of the draw and attraction of KSP. The fact that it's not exact. Things like the "kraken" that can get you at any time when it doesn't make sense and the fact that you can actually complete missions when you mathematically really shouldn't be able to. Not worrying about time dilation or travel time for communication waves, for me it's relaxing and fun the way it is. Of course the devs can and do name features and places whatever they wish to. It's just an opinion of keeping in game and real life separate. Such as @Brikoleur suggesting to make it an option and @Kernel Kraken suggesting something as unobtrusive as discs you can choose to play or not. They are alternate ways of thinking about the naming convention as well as learning about inspirations and details I actually agree with myself. Nothing more.
  17. I think if this is done correctly, as you guys previously stated, this could be very interesting to those who want to know.
  18. For myself, I think it is in poor taste. To expand on that, in a game where there is no real 'death' and comes across as a, I can't think of the proper word but, softcore introduction to space with bouncy green beings that do not really experience the true severity of space, it seems to trivialize what what actually experienced and accomplished by these people. If this were meant to be a true, complete simulation, correct celestial bodies, life support, radiation, to the point of trying to be as real as possible, not only with physics but with humans, death.. i.e. serious.. then I would think differently. *Added - I love ksp, but it is meant to be a game and makes quite a few sacrifices for playability. Not asking for anyone to agree, just trying to clarify my point of view as asked.
  19. Just throwing this out there. >IF< the devs decide to add memorials then it could be done like the Vietnam veterans memorial in DC (U.S.A.) to keep the number of individual sites down to one. I myself do not advocate any memorial in KSP2. Yes they are all great people who did things I can only dream of and helped to inspire games such as this, however I feel a mod could cover that for those who want it and it has no place in base game. Thats just my two cents worth. We will just have to see what the devs do when KSP2 drops.
  20. I agree with the "in your own saves but not the overall game" crowd.
  21. If not the challenges section, why not browse/download kerbalx or look through the (very) long thread of One thing you could try for the heck of it, figure out how to get an odd shaped vehicle designed like a boat or crane all the way to Laythe or Pol.
  22. Ok, got it. To sum up, if you wanted to generate electricity underwater you would use the provided RTG ingame instead of creating your own or assuming piping from the steam pulse would also run a turbine style generator. Good enough for me. I was just wondering about it because I am a career tech tree type player is all
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