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Everything posted by Dientus

  1. Would it possible to do a kind of How Its Made space station? Or mun rover? If you want to give it a shot, I think it would be interesting to slingshot a probe from Gilly to Eve... or maybe even something from Vall to Pol and back again. How Its Made style would be a bonus
  2. If anyone is still interested, I decided to upload the Peryton T1 to KerbalX https://kerbalx.com/Deintus/Peryton-T1 Hopefully that is the right link The T1 (Type 1) has the main tank with Liquid Fuel only. Also, please note that this is only the Orbiter and the Peryton itself, it does not have a launch vehicle attached so will not get to LKO as is. That part is still WIP. Also, it is modded. I believe the mods in this craft are: DLC (both), KSPIE 1.26, NF Solar, NF Electrical, NF Aeronuatics, Mk2 Xpansion 1.8, Mk3 Xpansion 1.5, AirplanePlus 26.5, KAS1.7 I feel I am close to my goals, just taking time. To be a kid again *Also, I have been making sure the Mk2 bi-coupler and Mk2 to 2.5 adapter that are located between the craft and the orbiter are empty on launch. If you don't mind @swjr-swis when you get a little time, could you verify the twin bicoupler/engine setup is only connected at one spot? I swear it seems both are connected, or I am just missing it when I go looking.
  3. Hmm.. Since the lander will be dumped anyway, you can attempt that portion of the mission (snacks allowing) then get 'em home. Snacks not allowing, leave the lander and components in orbit to return to later and bring them (kerbals) home now. Either way, I smell J6 Jool 6 mission in the works. Be safe lil' kerbanauts!
  4. I love the way you did this! Very unique fuel delivery system and presentation of that system. It almost gives it a realistic feel. I was hoping you would continue with making a few more.
  5. I really love this! Very imaginative! And I mean for both the entire ore to fuel process as well as the presentation! Makes me want to create similar videos!
  6. Why do I see a modern rendition of "Who's on first" coming? I wonder if they will use smoke plumes into the stratosphere for volcanic worlds.
  7. Understood. Still, such great work thus far!
  8. I'm not sure what is even in KSP 2... as far as I know no one does (besides whats been shown visually like orion drive) But if I have to guess, and assuming they are all in there. Antimatter hands down.
  9. I remember reading somewhere of the possibility that you have to "discover" them first. Don't remember the post and at work. I don't remember devs defining what that meant.
  10. Well, do you think an icosphere would increase the need for processing power by much? It is using the Unity engine. I don't KNOW this but I would guess the icosphere would give more maps to render in the same given area where using the cube would be less overall. I do understand the maps in cubic would use more memory, but it would be a one load and done, where triangular maps could potentially load and unload far more often leading to lag. Just thinking aloud really, never attempted to use triangular maps beyond simple 3D movie applications and you know that is no benchmark for gaming.
  11. Too awesome. Love the way you explain it. I am only a hobbyist, but I understood perfectly. Keep up the great work and believe me when I say that there are definitely people out here who appreciate your, and the others, attention to detail! VERY glad you included that Now to see how many ask this very question..
  12. Yes! Keeping these up and coming is really appreciated! It helps to explain some the things going on inside the development of KSP2.
  13. This. It takes literally years to work GIMP, even then you haven't mastered it. This. Or if you feel you have to try a paint style program, give PINTA a shot.
  14. Speaking of which.... Its almost FRIDAY!!!
  15. When you said this, I realized you had a point. The amount of fuel feeding 2 RAPIERS leaving Eve? Quick math of what I remembered deltaV being on Kerbin didn't add up... So as soon as I could (RL happens), I set everything correct in the game, loaded, and ONLY cheated that craft to the surface of Eve, full tanks. While it was impressive for what it is, it ran out of fuel before reaching orbit, so my last posted results were incorrect. My apologies guys. I will correct that. For the record, thats why the orbiter is fat with a lot of delta-v, to refuel the Peryton. Just performed a skewed test. I've not given up, it DOES work on Kerbin, I need to test Laythe and Duna, but as built, not Eve.
  16. No pictures to show yet, but I couldn't wait any longer. Between finishing other space projects and missions, waiting on the proper window, and RL job... I cheated the Peryton into low orbit around Eve just to see how it performed. Mixed results. I mean it was actually a success on the one hand, but using strictly the closed cycle it drained too much fuel and basically was a one shot lander. I could glide in all the way shuttle style, no power, land, take science, then lift off and fly to orbit, but by the time it exited the atmosphere, no fuel. I wasn't planning on refueling on EVERY landing. So ... Technically success in that it can do the original job, but a failure as a boost glider since it needs constant refueling.
  17. That is interesting. I will have to look that up. You saying that actually makes me wonder if any space agency could possibly use KSP 2 to design craft as well. If that were to happen, free advertising
  18. Always. You never know when those funny looking humans may invade your planet
  19. Haven't seen it yet. Did see that Ingenuity's first offworld flight got pushed back. It makes me wonder, did NASA get the idea from KSP? I hope they have better luck at flying a copter on Mars than I do on Duna!
  20. I believe they will as well, but as Tsar points out, when it's no longer profitable they will stop. I am taking a pure guess here... Mmmm.. looking at my magic 8 ball... 3 years after KSP 2 release it stops
  21. It's also a good way to find hidden bugs. With all the nautical things I have seen on this forum, it's making me want to try my hand at a sub. One question, for buoyancy I assume you use fuel tanks that have a certain amount of fuel in them to allow them to sink and rise? Or is there another way? I've never done subs before.
  22. Maybe you should go ahead and make a thread for Friday countdown
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