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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. This is a trick question. There is no such thing as playing too much KSP.
  2. This topic is covered in multiple places here. Search the forums and you should find the answer.
  3. Granted. The mail server is on the table. Again. Get that thing off the table! I wish for the borders of every country on Earth to be nullified, and that the people of Earth can live as one nation instead of...gosh, I'm not even sure how many there are now.
  4. Do you have an antenna on the probe, and if so, is it deployed?
  5. It's a missing texture, which could probably be identified by going through the log file.
  6. Need a list of mods you have installed.
  7. Rule: those September points are imaginary and are not valid when used with any other offer, discount, or points.
  8. It is pretty well established that I am ignoring the rules. It is Calvinball after all.
  9. I had wvery intention of not playing KSP until 2 dropped. And then Epic made 1.12.4 available for free, so I modded that install with all of the near future stuff...and its like Christmas. I will say that getting 2 won't stop me from playing 1.
  10. Granted. One bottle of Pepto-Bismol, just for you. I wish more people would wish for stuff I know nothing about so I have to go look it up. Like bismuth. That was interesting! And look! A new page!
  11. I have been taking a break from KSP lately as I have other stuff going on. However, with Epic making 1.12.4 available FOR FREE, I felt it necessary to download that and start a new career. Of course I added the standard allotment of mods I use: KER, MJ, and Kerbal Alarm Clock. I cannot live without these. But then I thought about what other mods I could try, what with BG and MH not part of the download. So I added all of the Near Future stuff, and then the Community Tech Tree. And when is atarted my new career, it was like a whole new game. Christmas in 2023 12 months early.
  12. So I downloaded the game through Epic Games today, and I'm going to install some mods...and some of the mods aren't supported with 1.12.4. In particular, B9 Part Switch, which is required for Near Future Tech. Now, I can potentially override that in CKAN, but should I have to? I know this isn't the thread for B9, but I want to ask the users in this thread what they have done in the past when B9 doesn't work/isn't compatible?
  13. Downloaded and tested. All of my existing mods had to be reinstalled through CKAN, but that's not a big deal. What is a big deal is that my current version is 1.8...which means my current versions of Breaking Ground and Making History do NOT work with the one I just got from Epic Games. And as they don't come with the download from Epic (the launcher says Coming Soon!), I'll have to wait for them to be available on Epic.
  14. In addition to resource needs, we also do not know what we have to do to establish an orbital VAB before it can be used.
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