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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. Aren\'t there extra textures for the Titan in NP? AFAIK there are 3 texture packs for real rockets in the newest version.
  2. Let\'s make a deal. If you can\'t kill me in a singleplayer game, you\'re not allowed to kill me, okay? 8)
  3. Von irgendetwas muss sich MechJeb halt auch ernähren ;P
  4. It doesn\'t work in .15 for now. Get one of the 2 other versions published in this subforum.
  5. No, it was the fuel lines fault, it wasn\'t there ;P
  6. Full has -persistence -plugin loader -spaceplanes -Minmus ...
  7. Why didn\'t you want to deploy the chute? i always activate it in space...
  8. Not at all. Anything I can see on that pic has been already done. Uragan whould be the most interesting one I think.
  9. This doesn\'t work at all in .13, just donate the $15 ;P
  10. You did something wrong. 99% of the mod parts are still using Collada.
  11. And if you write a plugin to deorbit it, it goes through Kerbin and comes out at the other side ;P
  12. I had a piece of plane fuselage in the ocean near KSC in .14. I wanted to shoot it in pieces using a jet armed with Sunbeams and particle cannons. After around 50 dead pilots, I managed to hit it while being in a train without my joystick. It was pushed in the air, smashed the plane into pieces and landed in 2 parts. Did it like real military, wasted money and lifes for just nothing. Fail.
  13. Right-click then save it. In the .cfg of your solar panel, is there a part module at the end? { name = ModuleKRSolarPanel energyGain = 2 }MODULE If not, your config is outdated. If you use the panel from DSM, the config is somewhere in it\'s thread on the last 3 pages.
  14. You can give away your store acc, can\'t you?
  15. Yes. But only once, not as often as you want.
  16. You can resell them once, not copy. There is no difference to bought games with this, don\'t see your problem.
  17. Nice, exactly what I think about Jeb and rendezvous
  18. The whole pack is more or less based on it AFAIK. And please, please optimize these parts. They seem to take far more memory than similar ones for some reason.
  19. Right-click them? And they shouldn\'t be ?\'s in the newest version, they should be struts.
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