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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. (Another one from the picture war...)
  2. There\'s an IndestructoTank in your way, have fun destroying it...
  3. You probably have issues with te game folder being in Program Files (called \'Programme\' in German if you don\'t know it ;P). Move it somewhere else or give normal users all rights on KSP folder or run the game as administrator.
  4. Norton causes so much problems that it is nothing more than a special kind of malware, just deinstall it.
  5. \'Cause I dropped the MuMech stuff in the latest version of my plugin. I\'m still not working on this \'cause I have to finish the last school stuff. Half a week and it\'s over but that also means that I\'m running out of time...
  6. That looks cool, but what do you mean with WWII flying discs? That nazi conspiracy theory crap?
  7. Physics book + Laptop. And some other school papers. Sounds like failure.
  8. They won\'t stay 1m, the\'ll be auto-resized to have a diameter that could hold 1 Kerbal. You\'ll be able to turn that off, but then you\'ll break compatibility to other parts.
  9. They deploy if activated by staging, so kust put them all in the same stage and press space.
  10. Can you describe the problem a bit more? Just fail doesn\'t say very much.
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