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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. There is an easy fix, hold down Ctrl while selecting and it will deselect any vertices you choose. So if you catch some you didn't mean too you can remove them from your selection. There are so many instances where you need to be able see what is going on around and behind an area you are working on, that it would require a page to list and show examples, so I will leave that for now.
  2. P -25 Hi @Nazalassa, hope your day is going well. Almost sleep time for me.
  3. 4: You remember Rocky and Bullwinkle? You remember Boris? You like Cake? Just wait till you see this. CLICK HERE
  4. Every third Iphone model is when you should change the battery in the smoke detector.
  5. He has been around but very quietly. How about @Caerfinon?
  6. I was hoping it was the one about a plane, a treadmill and a washing machine walking in to a bar. The plane was always looking for an angle, the treadmill was constantly running but never getting anywhere and the washing machine was always dizzy. The bartender said "Why the long face?" To which they replied "Sorry, you have the wrong joke!"
  7. @kerbiloid It was a slang term from the UK to describe being falling down drunk but it wasn't that. Sadly I can't remember the word and I have had no luck trying to get the search engine to bring it up. So a simple vanilla icecream ban playing Greensleaves for now.
  8. A possible Comeback: Yeah, well I am a rocket scientist.
  9. Banned because I heard a slang word today for being drunk that had ban in it but have forgotten it.
  10. @RealTimeShepherd Just had an extra thought based on the shape and texturing of that models panels. You could delete your patches and then in editing, select a section of paneling from the original that matches the holes, by highlighting their vertices and and then duplicating it. Best done from inside looking out when in wireframe mode, so that you don't accidently get any other part of the model. Make sure you remembered to use merge by distance on the entire model first so that each vertice is a single point, they will get split again on export by the program because unity can't read all the vertice info like blender can. That way you won't accidently leave a vertice behind. Once you have your duplicate panel, maneuver it into the space so the vertices overlap, keep duplicating using whatever the last panel you you are on for all the holes that match that size, do similar for holes of different sizes. Then when all in place, highlight the entire mesh and use merge by distance to weld them in. If you weren't accurate enough you can open up the pop up that appears when you first do it, and then remove a zero one by one from the distance till they merge. If you increase too far so that the mesh becomes less detailed then just add a zero back and and increase a 10th at a time till you get the sweet spot. Advantage is that each duplicate panel will already be UV mapped like the panel it came from. So that might fix your problem as the duplicate panels will all have the same data as the originals. Good Luck.
  11. I don't know if the texture mod has any affect on that but what I can base it on is when I use the reflective shader that is part of stock KSP. When you patched you added new faces that weren't part of the original so first they may not be as finely done as the original, that is the original faces were much smaller and so the transitions from face to face were less noticeable, meaning the more uniform appearance. It is like you have taken a glass blown, smooth shape and patched it using rectangles from a mirror ball, so the angles of light reflection are always going to be slightly different and noticeable. Check your wireframe and see if your patched areas are wider between edges, meaning they are subtly flatter and and so the edges are more pronounced. If this is the case then you will need to choose all the panels you made and separate them into a separate mesh, then go in to the modifiers and use the "Surface Subdivision" modifier to increase the faces per section to get a more subtle curve. 1 iteration should do depending on how they look compared to the originals. You can experiment before clicking the tick to lock the modification in to get it right. Second possibility, if your faces are the same size, is that the original was shaded smooth. You can't shade flat a .mu to undo it and you can't remove the shade smooth once it has been saved, so you would have to do as above to separate your sections and then use shade smooth on mesh in the hopes it matches the original. If neither of these work then you need to use the original like a 3d template and build a new model over it so you can tell where all the distances and angles should be. The "move cursor to selection" to choose a vertice and then the "move selection to cursor" functions can be very handy for this. You sort of shrink wrap the new model over the old. It is tedious work but in the end it will be all a new model so that when you UV map it, all the angles will be uniform at the same time.. Based on the pic it is probably either or both of the first 2 as you can see the obvious, diagonally cut rectangular faces. See how that goes. You may have to look up some blender tutorials to understand how to use those funstions if you don't already know. I will get you make your replies in my thread so we don't keep clogging up this one and will see if I can help you more once you have checked using this info and got back to me. Good Luck.
  12. Thank you for that info. Please don't disable wheel colliders, they are still very useful and now that I know that the radius figure is there I don't have to experiment till I get it right. Thank you.
  13. It is faster than a youtuber doing a speed run of the KSP tech tree.
  14. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt, Nazalassa and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. The inspector later wrote a scathing report; despite having no memory of previous events, it was imaginative and entertaining in its depiction of strange hallucinations and bizarre potatoes. He was deliberately throwing doubt across the entire Kerbol system as to what had happened, so more inspectors arrived to grab a bunch of managers to remove the sting of the report. However, before they were ready for publishing, the Kraken released a piece of artwork based on macaroni cheese to surpass the wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. This caused a hyperbolic frenzy in publishing the report, resulting in an outrage towards its writers, who then asked, "Where are the snacks?" Boris suddenly saw an opportunity to sell copious amounts of Snacks. Hot cupcakes sold like hotcakes and cold cake sold like cold cream cups (which are good for puffy eyes). But something unexpected did occur: the inspector tasted his lunch and threw a party for everyone, although Geonovast excluded Gargamel. Curveball-Anders took everyone
  15. This is the basis and a requirement for @Caerfinons contract pack. The life Aquatic uses statics from this and other mods to create the environment the contracts are set in.
  16. They don't have to be perfectly square but they do have to have the UV map over the right parts, so when you changed the shape the UV mapping wouldn't be over the image in the right areas and so the black texture, because it could find the pic but it didn't fit. If it hadn't found the pic then it would be that grey colour. So there you go. It is a good way to learn how things work. Trial and error have got me to where I am today.
  17. Because the more you put labels on something, the less possibilities of it being whatever you want it to be. The only important thing is how you think of it. And that is not something that needs to be programmed.
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