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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. P -4 Is anybody else getting that some threads seem to have a stretched font for the member names?
  2. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. The inspector later, having
  3. Having a date with a palm is cheating.
  4. This just in: A vast emptiness has been discovered.
  5. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the moderators. Later
  6. They didn't want to employ a subtitlist. TROP Fest?
  7. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of enthusiasm by the
  8. Very well if made of good materials. Just like plugin earphones the signal from the player along the cords is enough to cause the cones to vibrate and produce the sound. Bigger cones produce louder sounds up to a point. We are not talking loud enough for a party but you can get a size that is more than enough for just yourself while working in an average room. Both of these already exist, washer dryer combos are common where I am. With the toaster microwave they just combine different methods within the same casing. Generally quartz heating elements for toasting.
  9. Until you get back to me try this. Don't change this config in any way until you have actually loaded up to see if it works. KSP has rules and parameters that you can't ignore if you want things to turn up. If your .mu is valid this should work. The texture file should be in the same folder as the config and the .mu
  10. That doesn't work for me, your google drive tells me that I can't download because I am offline, which obviously I am not. Just copy the contents of the config file into a spoiler and I can work with that. @Future Astronaut
  11. Hi @Future Astronaut Trying to workout what you are doing, If the config that Hebarusan put up is of your original then it appears to be a mess. Could you tell me what your part is meant to be? Could you tell me the folder path? For example: C:\KSP1.12.2\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Belafonte\Parts\BelaComplete.cfg And could you copy the config into a spoiler so that I might have a look at it and see if I can fix it for you.?
  12. Back in my day when you typed into a search engine you got results that were actually close to what you put in. (Don't you just love the automated Ebay add that says it is selling whatever it is you typed?)
  13. Facepalm. Talking to the hand is cheating.
  14. Google monetization destroyed freeware.
  15. Geonovast became afraid. He expected the safety inspector to appear before dark. The team thought that massive boosters might counter the lack of struts on Kerbin. The mission would gradually devolve into reaction wheels, something literally revolutionary to Kerbalkind. How extraordinary that is, considering the effort required to make big ol' pitch forks and feather dusters with large torches, and wiggly tentacles playing the piano for fun. Exactly one week later, the inspector woke to find a great disturbance in the force - a PowerPoint presentation. The horror of it overcame him with great quantum superlinearecitation. A Massive vortex opened to reveal a terrifying cake-producing monster. The inspector immediately panicked and reached for his pogo-stick, deftly bouncing off the bed that he was floating on down the Nile and into the grasp of Curveball-Anders who spontaneously barfed. Rutabaga, meanwhile, emerged in the river of dreams. Snark saw Kerbiloid and thought, is that Adsii? What strange and bizarre manifestations appear when Aerodynamic Kerbal suffers from a ColdJ virus. Deddly, Vanamonde and TakeTwo ninja'd the cake as Admiral-Fluffy forlornly tried to soak a stolen dry bagel in lox. The cake-producing monster began slithering towards the first person to run a bakery in the best area of Dakota. Competition wasn't anything the monster felt like wasting time on. However, the mountain of cake was devoured by the kraken, leaving a steaming pile of useless debris. Boris (the monster) started a clearance war while Adsii cleaned his plate with an explosion of flavour that could've potentially rivaled the famed Tibetan chocolate croissant. Meanwhile 18watt and Starhawk were hatching a plan to take over Minmus with an icecream van. Scoops of Minmuscream were flung in every possible direction, while Vanamonde insisted on waffle-cone diplomacy complete with toppings and spoons. The outcome of the event was uncertain; the icecream was completely consumed by Gargamel and the cones became crushed from lack of
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