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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Jeb saw the movie "Birdman", it was good. Jeb thought it was going to be about him.
  2. Because you then up with buzzwords. e.g "That rock is "organic" because it hasn't been sprayed with pestacides" Where has all the common sense gone?
  3. The proliferation of pseudo reality TV is not a clear indicator of how much we have dumbed down the following generations.
  4. Yes. Does @SkyFall2489 answer mail?
  5. Whole point of a spoiler is to obscure a post so that only those who put in the effort to open them will see them. Now maybe you go in and look in every spoiler when you arrive in a new thread, but you would be in the minority. We are already on a new page so you don't even have to see the last one. There are plenty of things that annoy me in countless threads but changing them because I as one member don't like them is not only unlikely to happen but would also be ignoring the preferences of hundreds of other members. Please just live with a moments annoyance to you that is gone quite quickly. N 1
  6. Gumball Rally up Pikes Peak.
  7. Can toad cassette be the bloaty bug trap stimulator or all primes
  8. He didn't go to school. Hookie.
  9. Banned for expending energy at mass.
  10. Granted: Now all the characters set themselves on fire and bash each other with their firey arms. I wish I had gotten to try Skyrim.
  11. Make sure your power supply isn't failing too as it can cause the damage that makes your HDD seem to be failing.
  12. Sorry @Maria Sirona but the rules and tally need to be big and clear so that any new players can see them easily. Seeing as it 25 posts per page no matter the size of the post and just how long and many pages a game can go, it really isn't an inconveniance, you only have to see it rarely. N 2
  13. Nope. I see I have been called a few times. Paging @Dr Jones
  14. Gene designed a vinegar-and-bicarbonate broom rather than cry. Nobody expects the Mohole to appear before dark. The doctors thought of massive booster shots to counter the lack of superior thrusters on brooms. The mission would gradually devolve into something revolutionary
  15. If you hide elevons in the front fuselage you can adjust them to compensate for the thrust pushing the nose up.
  16. Jeb did not care, for the images only he could see were wonderous.
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