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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. You are handsome. (Compliment the user above you.)
  2. Yes. TUBM is trying to think of something interesting and witty to say. Nooooo, no new page, bad page, bad page, go to your room and consider what you have done.
  3. Do not forget to do what needs doing. I've seen a new page and I want it turn back, no new pages for me, I want them to turn back. I see them all go by, dressed in their summer clothes, I have to turn my head until the new page goes.
  4. Granted: The closest we could find was Aslan. I wish I could get a full run done.
  5. The thread is destroyed by a wandering mind.
  6. No, but somewhere in the last 36 years, yes. TUBM can see the moon at night.
  7. Floor 2887: Where the first negotiations between the Cylons and the Humans is to take place.
  8. Jeb saw ships float in the air, defying gravity and wondered how that was done.
  9. Don't you think, I don't think, that you don't know?
  10. The actual M1-3 pod is set up to use the KSP/Emissive/Diffuse texture. If you look in it's folder you will see that there is a second texture pic called. M1-3 Pod_GLOW.dds If you set your model to use the same shader and make sure you direct your model to use both textures then it should come out right. Using that shader and forgetting the emissive texture usually makes for an even brighter model because the emissive applies the darkness to the parts of the model that shouldn't light up. It has been a while since I have directed to other textures, but assuming you are set to the same shader as the pod and none of your UV map is over the bits that are meant to light up. Try this. MODEL { texture = PHpod25, Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/M1-3 Pod texture = PHpod25, Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-3Pod/M1-3 Pod_GLOW } Hope that works.
  11. Jeb saw the positives suddenly rally and the world became a brighter place.
  12. All your knowledge is wasted on this audience.
  13. Floor 2885: They are playing a game of Dice because they don't trust cards.
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