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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Everything on that post could make me very sick. Customer: Is that a wish in my soup?
  2. ColdJ

    Say yes!

    Hey Moff, can't we just blow up the Gas giant, rather than slowly go around it? No!
  3. Smart, now it will never be locked
  4. @Abel101126 not being able to see through the mask to read the title of the thread is cheating. Cheater!
  5. That is very true. TUBM is tired of all the cruelty in the world and comes on the forums to try to distract themselves from it.
  6. Found the problem..... Joking of course. If I could program and work that out then I would have solved it and given you the fix already. I know that that is not my forte and I very very much appreciative of the work you do. I know there are people who expect you to be able to just click your fingers and have it done, but I am not one of those. It is just frustrating, not being able to upload when I used to be able to quite easily. And I would prefer not to install the intrusive Chrome that has had over 20 major vunerabilies found in it in just this year. I will keep constantly trying in the hopes that 1 attempt might get through, but I am feeling like my days of being able to share what I have made might be over.
  7. Ok. Granted: Better landscape but now things can only move in 2 planes as if on rails. I wish for Jump gates in KSP to take me to other Solar systems, and to be able to establish trade routes.
  8. Not right now. @sonic the hedgie?
  9. Use Kerbal Konstructs to make my own. Custom Hill.
  10. Wish will be granted once an explanation of LBA is proffered.
  11. I don't know about with the latest blender, but it does not work with 2.93alpha. I just tried it and got the error window come up and no model. I have gone back to the version I had installed and that still works. @taniwha
  12. Have you had any progress in working out why the fix for Chrome would cause problems for other browsers?
  13. Hi, I don't use Chrome, before the fix I had no problems, after it is very hit and miss and very slow for me. As you can see from my posts, it has been a month since I brought this up previously. As it was still happening I was wondering if maybe there was another way to approach it.
  14. Every second time. Sometimes I just swap out the word for one I can spell. TUBM is more awake than me.
  15. Banned for not playing this for so long.
  16. The Hand Maidens Hill. Also the hill of the new page.
  17. Hi. Still having trouble uploading to Spacedock. My last mods only made it after about 10 attempts each. The dropouts seem to happen at random times in the upload. I am trying to upload an update today that is around 29 mb but after 2 hours it still can't make it. Is there any possibility of having a choice between the pre Chrome fix upload method and the post Chrome upload method?
  18. Banned for not seeing that the whole Star Wars saga is actually the Adventures of R2D2.
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