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Posts posted by ColdJ

  1. @Vanadiumn I can give you a config file and resources config file to make a new part ballast tank out of stock  KSP foil Baguette fuel tank if you like.

    It works in 1.9.1 and 1.10.1 Unless there is a major change in the folder structure or mesh names in 1.11.1 it should work in it as well.

    I am creating parts and posting my progress in.



  2. If this merges then the stuff under this line is separate stuff.

    All achieved with only configuration files and the stock meshes and textures you get with KSP. Here demonstrated in 1.10.1





    This happens when you increase thrust.


    Type in water and you will see these.


    Type EMU to get these.


    Next trick is getting ducted fan blades to push water.




    Above is so the the Forum search engine might actually find this.

    Not working underwater I know but rather than start a new thread I just wanted to endorse this great plugin that makes building in the VAB and SPH so much easier.

    After looking in search engines with no luck, I asked a Forum member who has always had great knowledge about what is out there in Aether space. The Great KSP Librarian/Historian/Archivist  @Stone Blue. And he put me on to this fantastic plugin made by @linuxgurugamer.

    Trying to build in the VAB has always been a pain and as I had been trying to build a very tall rocket to compete in @Kerminator K-100 s Hypersonic Ballistic Challenge. I kept losing the ends. Not to mention cramped angles.

    WASD allowed me to go anywhere at any angle, at the speed of my choosing. Through the floor, ceiling, walls, as far as you like. Also to be able to gently go inside the model to find parts that had been buried inside so I could tweak them.

    If you really like to make detailed and acurate models. Then I highly recommend it.

    That's my 2 cents. Now back to the regular program.

  4. Hello all.

    Well, many typos and mistakes and learning from repeated attempts later. The Lite version that only uses the meshes and assets that come with the standard KSP is slowly fleshing out. Also found that I had to add the EVA Ballast resource amount to those extra EVA cfg s in the Serenity Prebuilt otherwise the female Kerbals lose it when they decide to wear the white with blue and red stripes spacesuit. Though not Jeb, very strange.

    Can anyone actually hear an Ion Engine in their games?

    Nobody in my family can hear it even with the audio volume keys in the cfg turned way up.

    I am wondering if my copy had a bad set. I can't go in and check because the location is not in a folder I can find, unlike the explosion sounds etc.

    I have got the Ion Plume settings for the RCS thrusters where I want. Just enough so it is obvious they are working.

    I have multiple size engines so you can go from micro sub up to Nuclear Attack, or Colony size.

    I have both circular (medium and small) and radial water intakes, and a small radial that acts as an Ion Steam generator, so that micro size subs can use the EVA size RCS. Turns out the atmosphere curve of the intakes tends to be more important than the engine one. Small sub doing 10m/s tops on the surface can get up to 100m/s at depth.

    You should only use the RCS thrusters yourself as the SAS tends to stutter them when cruising. Also set the authority limiter quite low on your canards when using small to micro size subs. SAS will happily drive you to a target as long as there are no high spots in the direct route. Prograde can be an issue as it tends to slowly curve in towards the ground over time.

    If anybody creates a cockpit with opening canopy that you can put an external command chair in, then I can have the chair eject and have an attached parachute on the back so pilot and chair can drift down.

    Turns out you don't need to mesh stack the Mechjeb AR202 into the model for the mechjeb core to work.

    Light on marine and EMU chairs are properly forward and slightly down.

    Ballast tanks in micro and up to Colony sub or even sink the colony you built in SPH ,to somewhere on the sea floor you want.






    Thrusters both sizes of 5 port.



    Seen out of water.


    Parachute attached to back of chair.



    How he got there.





  5. 10 minutes ago, frankieorabona said:

    It works now. I had to rename the file as you told me to it-it.cfg, but that alone didn't work. Also within the file I had to replace the string localization en-us with it-it. Now it works. 
    When I'm done do a pull request on github?

    If you have created a a localisation file that they don't already have then yes. Your contribution could help them with future releases.

  6. 3 minutes ago, frankieorabona said:

    Thank you for your suggestion...
    I'll try to create the it-it.cfg file, but shouldn't editing the en-us.cfg file work anyway, since it reads the English language?

    Also, I'm sure of what I'm translating, because I took the word Settings as a reference...it only appears twice individually (I used the search function with notepad++) but even though I translated it, it doesn't appear in Italian...

    Individual cfg files that use localisation have a hash and number that points the file where to look. And what is displayed on your screen depends on what your KSP is set to.

    title = #LOC_M2X_InlineIntake_title

    I have noticed that my MechJeb parts actually don't seem to have the #LOC set up in their config files, check yours, you may have to amend them to actually look for your changes.


  7. If that was for me, Thank you. It took a lot of almosts before finally getting my adjustments at speed right.

    I have cracked 5000m/s on the balistic but still no where near Kerminator K-100's record, Going to have to go less straight forward as my rocket is getting way too tall.

    48 minutes ago, Philae_Rosetta2021 said:

    I think this will end up in a contest between the two of us eh?

    Hats off to you for beating my original score, by the way. Very well done.


  8. Ok, my final entry in the Hermes class. Have updated the Smalantive at Kerbal X. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/Smalantive

    Final record. 4,043m/s , gotta go and find out what that is in Mach. :)

    Yay, next badge. Won't try for 5000m/s cause Hermes craft evaporate at that speed.

    Please update me on the leaderboard.


    1 hour ago, Kerminator K-100 said:

    I also managed to make this one survive!

    Hmm, Gold airbags.

  9. Hi @Kerminator K-100 Tried something different. I so want to break 4000m/s. a few more tweaks needed. Please update my Hermes position to 3,932m/s.



    The flight data is faster than my finger reaction.


    33 minutes ago, Kerminator K-100 said:

    Also your bade seems to have some strange stuff on it. I'll give you a link to the original badge, maybe that will work better

    I didn't know about the resize trick so I shrunk it on my pc. What kind of strange stuff. It  seems normal here?

    Seems I fluked fixing it, should be right now.

  10. 58 minutes ago, Kerminator K-100 said:

    Nice! I'm guessing this is the Hermes class

    Yep Hermes, took off from KSC runway and if it wasn't a 1 way trip I could have landed.

    So good news and bad news.

    Good news, my new model doesn't explode and has just enough left in the tank to land.
    Bad news, this 1 tops out at, 3370 and it is a 1 way trip. Popped it on KerbalX for you to try. Turns out no nose is good nose.













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