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Posts posted by ColdJ

  1. 13 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    Howdy,  @ColdJ. To clarify, RationalHydroDynamics doesn't add any modules. There is no plugin.  There's absolutely no need to be concerned about parts and craft files getting things that can become invalidated by players who are missing some mod, and no need to be concerned about this mod causing conflicts with anything expect possibly plugin mods that also affect part buoyancy, so it's actually very friendly to the purist or minimal modder audiences. It only changes 2 existing stock parameters, whch shouldn't even appear in craft files. It only declares the implicit and already present buoyancy and pressure rating keys and changes their values. The pressure thing is entirely optional and I explicitly wrote that you're encouraged to delete the pressure patch if you're sensitive to MM bloat and you don't use part pressure limits, so please reconsider. It could be quite helpful to your project. Lastly, I'm also pretty antsy about mods that do global patches so I try to design my patches so that they don't potentially preclude patches from other mods that may want to adjust what my patches do. But there's no escaping the fact that a matter like buoyancy will affect all parts and will warrant the use of global patches.

    Thanks for contacting me. My question is does it affect all stock parts or just those you choose?

    With the ballast system we are using 1 or two tanks, depending on the type of underwater craft you are building, that is all that is required to overcome buoyancy. The tanks use the generator module to create ballast. A resource that we define for it's density. So large tanks use a resource that is a ton per unit.  I have also created small to micro tanks for my Underwater RCS chair. That are only 10 kg per unit. If you are not into Tweakscale you can have different size tanks that you choose for the job. Or if you do use Tweakscale you can have only 2 tanks that scale to your needs. I actually had to add buoyancy to the version of the external command chair I created for the under water RCS. I also managed to crack having the Kerbals having a separate ballast resource on them that they can fill or purge to walk around on the bottom or to become neutrally buoyant. Which made me very happy. I had used a more primitive version to walk around at the deepest point in the ocean.

    So if your mod provides a UI in game to individually adjust buoyancy per part and work out how much is needed to become neutral, then I am all for it.

    I am just not comfortable having all parts reconfigured.

    More than happy to have your insights and any thing you can do to help. This is an open, free thinking space for those who would like to work in and under the water. If one day it becomes a parts mod or config pack that's fine. But if all that happens is we swap configs so we can all have the experience then that is fine too.

  2. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/APC-Mini-Wall-Hugger-KX

    @Weak Player You seem to like challanges so why don't you download my APC wallhugger and climb vertically up the building of your choice. Warning, overhangs take practive so maybe start with white wall either side of the orange door side of the VAB. I have climbed everything but the flagpole, and I do mean every structure that comes in stock KSP.

    @Stone Blue I read it again. I really don't like global MM patches. I have had plenty of problems with them. I also put things on Kerbal X. The number of times I have downloaded a craft I thought was compatible, only to find it has all these MM added modules that make it unloadable by me. Individual  parts are far less trouble. After disabling patches from BD and Mechjeb I had over 2000 less patches that needed to be uploaded by MM.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Weak Player said:

    @ColdJ noice
    can i help with uhh waterfall plume effects for nuclear powered water engine (basically a nerv that uses water) i can help with other stuff too you know ;) 

    Anything you can do is appreciated. If you look up a bit higher I gave configs  for Intakes, thrusters, and an engine for decent Large fuel tank bodied subs.


    2 minutes ago, Hohmannson said:

    In the intake, it's for the intake part. Choice of resource is yours.

    @Hohmannson Thank you very much.

    7 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

    I'm sure you all know that Angel-125 is working on an underwater mod... and that JadeOfMaar, IIRC, has released a mod that I think deals with underwater resources & stuff, in preparation & support of it... If you havent, you may want to go take a look at them, especially

    I suggest poking it, and seeing if it does some of the same stuff you all are trying to do. Or, mebbe you can use the cfgs/patches as examples/templates to work from?

    I have skimmed it before I will go more in depth. I didn't like the overcomplication of crushing depth pressures.

    Thanks for your help in everything. I am using imgur all the time.

  4. 6 hours ago, MR L A said:

    Today, like every day, I did some tweaking to that ship I posted a few weeks back :)

    Also, we've not had a dev update since November 25, 2020 - anyone else worried that nearly half a year has gone by since we've had word on any updates?

    I think they are concentrating on getting KSP2 up and running, anything new is up to independant mod makers I reckon. Like we are trying to achieve in the forum thread, Working Underwater.


  5. 2 minutes ago, Weak Player said:

    seriously um is this a mod or an experiment @ColdJ i don't understand whats going on ;-;

    Starting from the begining of the thread and reading through would be helpful. But basically, some of us would like to be able to do underwater stuff. We are creating config files that allow us to take meshes/models that are available to anybody who has Vanilla KSP and create new parts to do this. Remember KSP started as just trying to get a rocket into orbit. It has evolved from there, and as the game now makes it possible to interact in water, we are creating the next step in opening the sandbox up to new things you can do.

  6. Many many stumbles later I have found that I missed a vital parameter in my EVA Ballast resource and thought every failure to make a separate ballast in a Kerbal proved it  not possible. After finding 100 ways not to make a Light Bulb Fillament. Let there be light. I now have the EVA Propellant back to it's original and have a separate EVA Ballast in the UI that works. I also pulped my forehead trying to get a command chair have adjustable ballast, but it will only display Electric Charge. On the upside it will use it's Electric Charge reserve to produce the IonSteam used by the underwater EVA Thrusters for the chair. I made the chair slightly buoyant and created a micro ballast ball to give the chair the ability to become 99% neutrally buoyant. Enough so that you can leave the chair to do things and have it basically stay at the level you exited it from for plenty of time while you work. It also uses  EVA Ballast as it's input/output.

    One of my collaborators metioned not liking putting things in the Squad folder structure. I only give you the configs like this so you can find the dependecies easily. Feel free once you have the configs to create your own folder structure that you are happy with. Just remember to copy all dependencies to your new folder and change the file path for the mesh in your config file. Obviously though not for the Kerbal EVA configs.

    So if you would like to try out the new configs let me know. 1 trouble is I had to use a Kerbanov mesh for the 4 way RCS so to create that thruster you will need the Kerbanov mod pack. Again. If anyone out there can create original meshes for the configs and is willing to do so, please let us know.



    @Hotel26 @Angel-125 @Tsar_bomba @Caerfinon @swjr-swis @Klapaucius @Dientus @Stone Blue @Astrion @Cavscout74 @BadOaks @JorgeCS @Weak Player @N_Danger @JB182@Hohmannson

  7. 5 hours ago, Hohmannson said:

    Bad idea, because some Kopernicus planet makers don't define every little pool on biome map, and biome borders may be harsh anyway. I think there was a string in ModuleResourceIntake part config called

    underwaterOnly = false

    (so you can make it true). And create a resource for it, something like IntakeLiquid, which is GLOBAL and thus will be present in any ocean/sea/puddle in any biome if not overridden(and can be harvested only when your vessel is swimming or underwater).

    Thanks. I will try it out. Do I stick it in the custom resource or in the Intake that creates the IntakeWater ?

  8. This interesting. According to this forum post from 2015. There are resources that are defined by biome. So if someone were to take all the work we have been doing to create a mod pack for working underwater. You could make it that If they run on Intake Water and your choice of fuel, electricity etc, that they would only function if they were in Kerbin or Laythe's water.


  9. 11 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

    A skilful landing of my new sailplane, Nimbus, upon a strategic hilltop with a slightly downward incline:


    allows a rolling start to catch the next thermal (after a short bio-break):


    In consultation with 'Dr Config' (ColdJ), I have fitted the 'Blue Sky Thermal' component to Nimbus...  It provides a limited reservoir of a resource named 'Thermal', which is replenished by a trickle generator.  (The instruction leaflet reads: "use it wisely".)

    I know you have to use vessel mover to move things to water. But in mine where I can launch from water I can attest that both your original thermal system and the 1 I did can get the glider to take off from water. So if you gently ditch in the sea, then if you have your reserve you could take off again.

  10. @Cavscout74 I love your posts. Both pretty and the feeling of a plot and adventure. If it doesnt upset the way you like to do things. you can create a part with an in hangar adjustable mass, that you then put inside your model and shift until you get the COM balanced to where you need it to be. I have a good looking F-14 Tomcat which would be unflyable if not for adjustable weight. One of the parts packs, Coldwar Aerospace introduced me to it and I just created a larger mass version so as to not have to put multiple weights in an aircraft.

    Keep up the great adventure. :)

  11. 9 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

    I may have to start writing GOP contract packs... Give Oceans a Purpose!

    The best games are always the ones that give you a great big open sandbox and then let you come up with creative ways to use them. KSP and Minecraft being the most obvious.

  12. @sarbian. Thanks for the great mod, I especially like being able to put custom readouts on my screen. I play 1.9.1 and use your version 2.9.20 Mostly fine a few quirks like the drop down moving randomly. I have learnt how to fix that in the global cfg file. At some point the Aircraft auto pilot for setting a heading and speed, height etc just stopped working, yet the Aircraft Approach and Autoland works fine. I have a landing sites cfg for all of the Kerbinside bases and , Hafco. but I had to be selective because Mechjeb2 doesn't have terrain avoidance. So not needing you to fix a problem I have. Just wondering if you are able to work with the people who did the BD Armory autopliot to have Mechjeb fly higher and avoid hills and mountains? Thanks for your time and great work.

  13. Well, thanks to no decent five port thruster for the job it took 4 configs. And a whole lot of wasted time trying to use the Squad 4 way to no avail. I find it weird how a lot of meshes are easy to work with but some are impossible. Thankfully Kerbanov came to my rescue for a 4 port and a resized and configed Linear "put anywhere" connects nicely in the middle for side to side.88374WC.png

    Anyhow, still a few  refinements to make but here you go. Thanks to the Kerbal being able to buoyancy compensate. 1 functioning under water RCS system. If some nice person would like to create a mesh with all the bits in 1 balanced unit. Yes Please!


    @Hotel26 @Angel-125 @Tsar_bomba @Caerfinon @swjr-swis @Klapaucius @Dientus @Stone Blue @Astrion @Cavscout74 @BadOaks @JorgeCS @Weak Player @N_Danger @JB182

    Oh and you might have noticed I added a faster purge button in the UI. The regular is great for compensation, but sometimes you need to stop sinking more quickly.

  14. 8 hours ago, ColdJ said:

    When I woke up I had idea of how to make an underwater RCS pack. 3 total reconfig parts should do it. and 1 of those is for a micro docking node so it could be attached to your sub and have the Kerbal climb in and detach from the sub. If it works I am going with S.K.E.T.A Submersible Kerbal Electric Thruster Apparatus.

    Spent way too long finding out the Squad 4 way RCS won't show up if you change anything about it. Thankfully Kerbonov came through. Little more tinkering and I should have it right.

  15. When I woke up I had idea of how to make an underwater RCS pack. 3 total reconfig parts should do it. and 1 of those is for a micro docking node so it could be attached to your sub and have the Kerbal climb in and detach from the sub. If it works I am going with S.K.E.T.A Submersible Kerbal Electric Thruster Apparatus.

  16. I towed @Hotel26 's Nimbus Glider up to glide height using my Harrier Jumpjet. If anyone else in the world has ever done that I will be flabbergasted.


    I balanced my Jet Doo to not dive or flip up into the air unless I wanted to, and got a working method to bring me down 9 times out of ten without breaking into lots of pieces. Or having to use the parachutes.


    When I got it wrong Kerbal physics played a joke on me.


    And finally I rebuilt the Ultralight with stock wings so I can put it on Kerbal X for those who don't use mods.


    Goodnight or Goodmorning to you all.

  17. 2 hours ago, rebel-1 said:

    It's not about MJ. I removed all the mods in general, on a fully stock game, Jeb with 1 star has all the control functions available.

    Created a new career game. The Jeb has all the stabilization functions at once.

    If it is not about MJ, and if you have removed MJ, then it is not. Then why are you complaining about it here? It is a topic for the troubleshooting KSP forums.


  18. 1 hour ago, Dientus said:


    Little off topic so forgive me, could you direct me to a good info source on creating a mod for KSP? Especially dealing with adding 3D models to create new parts. If not that's fine.

    Apologies, I was just considering taking your modifications and creating a separate mod pack.



    I'm afraid I don't have the software or experience for 3d modeling. I would love someone who could make things for me as I have so many ideas. Oh for custom tail planes for the f22 and f35.  @Angel-125 on the otherhand is Wild Blue industries. Who has made so many wonderful mod packs and is currently working on his SCUBA gear and custom ballast system. His Buffalo mod already has some great underwater parts. And I love his bubble trails for the impellers. So if he is too busy to help you, then I am sure he could direct you to someone who could. He creates his own meshes and textures to go with his parts so he is very knowledgeable. If you are able to make mod packs I would love to be able to put some of the reconfigged parts out into the world, as long as I don't infringe on the copyright of the original mesh builders. Having cosmetic versions of parts like the Mk2 Expansion chines has been fantastic for creating better looking Jet Fighters.. Apart from my rambling, I hope this help.

  19. 54 minutes ago, rebel-1 said:

    If there is a desire, then perhaps I will do it.

    Tell me, why is the MJ control registered by default in all command modules? Pilots do not need training, all the functions of holding control from the start of their career are available.

    If you have "MechJebNoCommandPod.cfg" in Mechjeb2/Parts. Rename the suffix to txt and then see how you go. If you want mechjeb in a craft you will just have to add the mechjeb part that looks like a walkie talkie.

  20. 3 hours ago, ColdJ said:

    It does, except for me because I'd already puzzled this out from other config files. You can config a new resource and call it what you like as long as it doesn't have the same name as another resource in your game. I will pop in the spoilers my resources config and thrusters config, and since I went with needing an intake for sub thrusters and Submarine engines, my intake config. I have also worked out how to have your kerbals have a buoyancy compensator built in, in games before they changed the system to be able to remove the backpack, I just have to write it up.

    Resource config, either create a new config or drop it into the Squad Generic resource file.

      Reveal hidden contents

      name = IntakeWater
      displayName = Intake Water
      abbreviation = INWater
      density = 0.005
      unitCost = 0
      hsp = 10
      flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
      transfer = PUMP
      isTweakable = false
      isVisible = false
            isDrainable = false
            showDrainFX = false




    Drop this in to Squad/Parts/Aero/airintakeRadialXM-G50/ I named the config file WaterIntakeRadialXM-G80, but you can name it what you like.

      Reveal hidden contents

        name = airScoopSub2
        module = Part
        author = NovaSilisko, Porkjet, CJ
        mesh = RadialIntake.mu
        rescaleFactor = 1
        node_attach = 0.0, 0.3370661, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
        buoyancy = 0.1
        TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
        entryCost = 2500
        cost = 250
        category = Aero
        subcategory = 0
        title = XM-G80 Radial Water Intake
        manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems in conjunction with CJ Marine
        description = An intake duct version that can be mounted at the sides of a fuselage. Warranty does not cover engine flame-outs or any objects, inanimate or otherwise, sucked in by the intake. Optimized for submarine flight.
        attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0
        mass = 0.02
        thermalMassModifier = 6.0
        // heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0.2
        minimum_drag = 0.2
        angularDrag = 1
        crashTolerance = 10
        breakingForce = 200
        breakingTorque = 200
        maxTemp = 2000
        bulkheadProfiles = srf
        tags = Submarine intake
            name = ModuleResourceIntake
            resourceName = IntakeWater
            checkForOxygen = true
            area = 0.0061
            intakeSpeed = 15
            intakeTransformName = Intake
                key = 1 1 0 0
                key = 0 100
                key = 1 9000
                key = 5 9000
            name = IntakeWater
            amount = 4
            maxAmount = 4

    And then thruster for large submarine. Drag under water is massive. So thrust needs to be big enough to compensate. An engine that will throw a large rocket into space above water, will barely move the same underwater, so your thrust has to be much greater. Note the Atmosphere Curve keys. If in a vacuum, key = 0 ,does not have a value greater than zero e.g, key = 0 0 .Then you thruster or engine won't work. At a minimum set, key = 0 100. Also For sea level and under give it something reasonable e.g key = 1 9000, key = 5 9000.

    I called this config file LinearImpeller, Drop it in Squad/Parts/Utility/linearvernorRCS/

      Reveal hidden contents


        name = linearRcsSub
        module = Part
        author = Pablo
        model = Squad/Parts/Utility/linearVernorRCS/Assets/linearRCS
        rescale = 4    
        scale = 1
        node_attach = 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
        TechRequired = advFlightControl
        entryCost = 800
        cost = 25
        category = Control
        subcategory = 0
        title = Place-Anywhere Sub impeller
        manufacturer = #autoLOC_501639 //#autoLOC_501639 = Reaction Systems Ltd
        description = #autoLOC_500895 //#autoLOC_500895 = For every space that really needs an RCS thruster, Reaction Systems Ltd has you covered with its new Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port!
        attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
        mass = 0.02
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0.01
        minimum_drag = 0.01
        angularDrag = 0.1
        crashTolerance = 15
        breakingForce = 50
        breakingTorque = 50
        maxTemp = 2600 // = 3400
        fuelCrossFeed = True
        PhysicsSignificance = 1
        bulkheadProfiles = srf
        tags = #autoLOC_500896 //#autoLOC_500896 = control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer thruster translate
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_rocket_mini
                    volume = 0.0 0.0
                    volume = 0.02 0.2
                    volume = 0.5 0.2
                    volume = 1.0 0.2
                    pitch = 0.0 0.75
                    pitch = 1.0 1.5
                    loop = true
                    modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
                    transformName = RCSthruster
                    emission = 0.0 0.0
                    emission = 0.1 0.0
                    emission = 1.0 1.0
                    speed = 0.0 0.8
                    speed = 1.0 1.0
                    localRotation = -90, 0, 0
            name = ModuleRCSFX
            stagingEnabled = False
            thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
            thrusterPower = 300
            resourceName = ElectricCharge
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
            runningEffectName = running
                name = ElectricCharge
                ratio = 2
                DrawGauge = True
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
                name = IntakeWater
                ratio = 1
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

                key = 0 240
                key = 1 9000
                key = 5 9000
            name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
            animationName = linearRCSGlow
            responseSpeed = 0.01    
            thrustForceMult = 2    


    This is the vanilla version. I use Ion Engine sound and WildBlues Buffalo mod Impeller bubbles in my EFFECTS section. Hope this helps.

    Sorry I realised I gave you thrusters and not an engine. this turns a Wheesley into a large Submarine engine. If it is too big or too powerful for a smaller sub just change the rescale and or thrust max figures.



        name = JetEngineBWater
        module = Part
        author = Porkjet
        //mesh = turboFanSize1.mu
            model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turboFanSize1
        //    model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/turbineInside
        //    position = 0.0, 0.972875, 0.0
        //    scale = 0.8, 0.6, 0.8
        //    //rotation = 0, 0, 0
        rescaleFactor = 4
        node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.972875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
        CoMOffset = 0.0, 2.3, 0.0
        TechRequired = aerodynamicSystems
        entryCost = 4000
        cost = 1400
        category = Engine
        subcategory = 0
        title = Advanced Submarine impeller.
        manufacturer = C7 Marine Division
        description = Submarine propellor with reverseable thrust.
        attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0
        mass = 1.5
        heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default
        skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
        emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating.
        dragModelType = default
        maximum_drag = 0.2
        minimum_drag = 0.2
        angularDrag = 2
        crashTolerance = 2000
        breakingForce = 20000

        breakingTorque = 20000

        maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600
        bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
        tags = Submarine Impeller
            name = ModuleEnginesFX
            engineID = Cruise
            thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
            exhaustDamage = False
            ignitionThreshold = 0.1
            minThrust = 0
            maxThrust = 3000
            heatProduction = 40
            useEngineResponseTime = True
            engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.12
            engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5
            fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.74
            flameoutEffectName = flameout
            powerEffectName = running_thrust
            engageEffectName = engage
            disengageEffectName = disengage
            spoolEffectName = running_turbine
            engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
            engineSpoolTime = 2.0
            EngineType = Turbine
            exhaustDamageMultiplier = 1
            clampPropReceived = True
                name = IntakeWater
                ignoreForIsp = True
                ratio = 1
                name = ElectricCharge
                resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
                ratio = 2
                DrawGauge = True
                key = 0 10500 0 0
            // Jet params
            atmChangeFlow = True
            useVelCurve = False
            useAtmCurve = False
            flameoutBar = 0.02
            flowCapMult = 1.0
            machLimit = 0.85
            machHeatMult = 25

            name = ModuleAnimateHeat
            ThermalAnim = TF1Heat
            name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
            animationName = TF1ThrustReverser
            startEventGUIName = #autoLOC_502015 //#autoLOC_502015 = Reverse Thrust
            endEventGUIName = #autoLOC_502016 //#autoLOC_502016 = Forward Thrust
            actionGUIName = #autoLOC_502017 //#autoLOC_502017 = Toggle Thrust Reverser
            name = ModuleAlternator
                name = ElectricCharge
                rate = 1
            name = ModuleTestSubject
            useStaging = True
            useEvent = True
            situationMask = 15
                type = OXYGEN
                value = True
            name = ModuleSurfaceFX
            thrustProviderModuleIndex = 0
            fxMax = 0.5
            maxDistance = 20
            falloff = 2
            thrustTransformName = thrustTransform
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_jet_deep
                    volume = 0.0 0.0
                    volume = 0.05 0.4
                    volume = 1.0 1.5
                    pitch = 0.0 0.3
                    pitch = 1.0 0.5
                    loop = true
                    modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small
                    transformName = thrustTransform
                    emission = 0.0 0.0
                    emission = 0.25 0.1
                    emission = 0.5 0.25
                    emission = 1.0 1.0
                    speed = 0.0 0.0
                    speed = 0.25 0.0
                    speed = 1.0 1.0
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_IonEngine
                    volume = 0.0 0.0
                    volume = 0.05 0.2
                    volume = 1.0 0.45
                    pitch = 0.0 0.3
                    pitch = 0.05 0.5
                    pitch = 1.0 0.65
                    loop = true
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_vent_medium
                    volume = 1.0
                    pitch = 2.0
                    loop = false
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_vent_soft
                    volume = 1.0
                    pitch = 2.0
                    loop = false
                    prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
                    transformName = thrustTransformFX
                    oneShot = true
                    channel = Ship
                    clip = sound_explosion_low
                    volume = 1.0
                    pitch = 2.0
                    loop = false



  21. 6 minutes ago, Weak Player said:

    @ColdJ what are you trying to do i don't understand, is it a custom mod or custoumised parts or sth, then drop its directly in gamedata not squad

    Squad folder IN the Gamedata folder, Sorry. Most people I interact with already know that everything is done in the Gamedata folder structure. I shouldn't have assumed. It is ,I suppose if you want to put it this way, a mod or amendment to the stock set up that allows for a kerbal to walk around under water and buoyancy compensate so that you can sink or rise to a chosen height. Balance the up force of buoyancy with the down force of mass and then float at that height and swim around. Basically combined with the ballast tanks people have created to sink and balance craft for the same function. You can explore, build or practice Space walking and docking underwater. I can't make a Kerbal use an RCS pack underwater as I have no idea where that is configed but we have created thrusters for submerged craft and engines so that once you make a craft neutrally buoyant you can do the things you would do in orbit and practice them without having to heave them into orbit on a rocket first. Just like NASA trains their Astronaughts in large water tanks to do space walks before they go up.

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