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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Granted. You now have a Mine truck full of Legos tomato paste. I wish I had had twice as much sleep as what I actually got.
  2. It will eventually sink back down if you leave it still long enough, this is by design, because the alternative is that it will rise and keep rising to a height that is not hovering. KSP sticks things to the ground initially until you break the hold. If you have put the RCS blocks on, simply give a quick puff to push the pod racer upwards and it will break the ground lock. Once moving use the pitch control to put yourself at the height you want to travel at.
  3. Thank you, unfortunately it requires membership. I have started a thread in Suggestions and Developement discussions. So cross fingers.
  4. Granted. But being in the Quantum realm it is too microscopic to use. I wish to be heard.
  5. Hi to any developers who hopefully read this. We had a working buoyancy compensation system for Kerbals that I introduced in my mod Working Underwater lite. It works up to 1.10.1 but have tried it in 1.11.2 and something has happened now that the Kerbals have the new system that allows them to remove the things on their backs. Sinking and rising are much slower and now instead of swimming flat at a neutral buoyancy, they instead stay at whatever height they are above land. Which means that they will follow a slope down if it is going down, maintaining height above land but going deeper underwater or vice versa if going up. Is there any way that it could be patched so that they react in water the way they did in 1.10.1 please?
  6. Granted. A nice batch of tree cookies, piping hot from the oven are thrown into your yard. I wish Squad to fix the underwater swimming problem that 1.11.2 has created.
  7. Not yet, but hey, congrats on getting us to 700 pages. What do you think @Dientus?
  8. Developement with 1.11.2 discovered. They have changed the way that Kerbals react to rising and sinking in water and now when you swim you stay at whatever height you were above land when you started swimming. So if the land slopes down you follow it down. If the land slopes up you follow it up etc. There are changes within the parameters that existed before in the Kerbal EVA config , probably to compensate for the new removable system, as well. So sinking and rising work, but much slower. But swimming flat is not possible unless we can get them to patch whatever they have done. I will see if it is possible to get Squad to fix this by their last release, though I doubt I have any pull when it comes to such matters. If someone reading this does, could you raise it as an issue please.
  9. Developement with 1.11.2 discovered. They have changed the way that Kerbals react to rising and sinking in water and now when you swim you stay at whatever height you were above land when you started swimming. So if the land slopes down you follow it down. If the land slopes up you follow it up etc. There are changes within the parameters that existed before in the Kerbal EVA config , probably to compensate for the new removable system, as well. So sinking and rising work, but much slower. But swimming flat is not possible unless we can get them to patch whatever they have done. I will see if it is possible to get Squad to fix this by their last release, though I doubt I have any pull when it comes to such matters. If someone reading this does, could you raise it as an issue please.
  10. Granted. As you didn't specify, some random notebook out in the world has that error fixed. I wish the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series got made into an animated series.
  11. Rey was pregnant with Finn's baby when she kissed Ben.
  12. nope. @CatastrophicFailure hopefully will.
  13. I'd lose my head etc. Use either my micro docking port from Working Underwater Lite or just Change the rescaleFactor = in a Junior to 0.5, to have a docking port on top. I put pics in.
  14. The UFO from UFO. Slightly taller as I had to add a small pod to the top so that you can get in and out. Now has RCS nodes and the landing gear is defaulted to the gear binding. The configs for the various parts to make it work start here.
  15. The above uses the original Mk2 Lander internal IVA, which fits in very nicely. Hopefully it still exists in 1.11.1 onwards. The UFO has the ability to change control points of view just like a lander can.
  16. Now for the actual UFO. Adjusted nodes and added 4 at compass points for the RCS. The landing pads are now defaulted to the landing gear binding. Best to assign the main engine to independant throttle when in atmosphere and use RCS forward on throttle or the Place any node engine from above to push you along. GameData\SHADO\UFO\Ufo2.cfg And this texture. model000.png @Martian Emigrant I don't know if you are popping by to look at this thread every now and then or not, so if not please check out the configs above for the UFO parts pack. There will be Space 1999 coming in the near future. If you are popping by, just let me know and then I won't tag you in the future.
  17. Easily granted as technically it already is. But since it is corrupted, George Lucas gets his hands on it and re edits it to have young Anakin's ghost turn up instead of Darth Vader. (Making as much sense as his re edit of the end of Return of Jedi.) If you haven't already, check this out. I wish for lots of people to check out the awesome.
  18. Using the @MajorTom69 Space 1999 parts pack. This is a place any node LFO engine. I use it as retro rockets to slow the Eagle fuselages, for those who don't use firespitter, as I have nodes on the front of the landing gear pods. And it can be used instead of the rear RCS block on the UFO that I am about to put up as a push engine to fly the UFO sideways through the atmosphere if you don't want to use the RSC forward by throttle method. So in GameData\MT-Eagle\Parts\Engine\AnyNodeLFO.cfg RCS Block that uses the same Squad set up as before but with different texture and effects to blend in with the UFO. C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SHADO\UFO\UFORCS\UFORCS.cfg You will need to copy the model.mu from GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\rcsBlockRV-105\ into the above folder and put the following texture file in there as well. rcs.png The next is a capsule that sits on the roof. It makes the UFO slightly taller but means you can actually get out and get back in. Though on the ground you will need to use the reaction wheels to put the UFO on it's side to allow your kerbal to reach the hatch. You need to make a copy of the folder for the original Mk1 pod from Squad. GameData\Squad\Parts\Command\mk1pod\ or simply take it over if you aren't using it for something else. Then in whichever you chose create mk1PodC.cfg and paste in. The original has some good info on node parameters. You will need the following textures. hatch.png ladderrung.png outer shell.png
  19. Yay, my get to page 669 wish came true so I am granting 2 wishes. I am granting @Admiral Fluffy's missed wish back on 668. Granted. Everything you do goes throught Google and your browser is drowned in cookies. And Granted. You get toy dump truck full of Legos tomato paste. I wish that the guy who paid 36 million to go on a 1 hour ride to the edge of space, gives me a million in gold bullion.
  20. I don't think he wants to play anymore. Maybe @Lewie will pop in once just for a change?
  21. Hi. I just installed it in 1.10.1 As long as you installed the dependencies that come with it, they turn up in the utility section. If you type rokea into the search bar they turn up, because that is the manufacturers name. Hope this helps.
  22. Granted. Your ass gets hot while watching television. (I know HOTAS, don't know what WT is) I wish for horses that beggars can ride.
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