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Everything posted by ttikkoo

  1. I was thinking, could this mod be made to work with Simple Construction for building bases? My idea was to essentially "extend" my base from each docking port by building it a single module at a time from the newly built docking port. Then, use KaBoom! to SuperKlue the two modules together. However, when I try this I get the "This part needs 2 parts on attachment nodes. Kaboom Cancelled." error. Is there a way to get this working? Here is an example - the docking port on the right is the first module from which I am using SCON and the docking port on the left is the newly built module. Not sure if this should be in the SCON! thread or here honestly, hopefully I picked the right one!
  2. I use it with Restock. Works just fine. If you want to test it, create a fresh, clean install and test mods on that so it doesn't affect your saves. And back up your saves every now and then to make sure you don't lose anything.
  3. Hi, just wanted to give a heads up on a tiny issue: the table in OP states GooExperiment has a timeToRun of 1 hour but the config file lists it as 1s.
  4. You might be interested in the Making Less History mod.
  5. Ah, that worked perfectly. Thank you so much. I've had a play around - great mod!
  6. Hi, I've not been able to get this mod working for quite a while. I first downloaded SCON! through CKAN on a heavily modded install and none of the features of the mod seemed to load (i.e no metal, no rocket parts, no SimpleConstruction augmented parts). CKAN install KSP.log CKAN install Player.log Most recently, I downloaded the most recent release from GitHub and placed it into the GameData folder of a brand new and clean install. Then I installed ModuleManager through CKAN - the result of this was that each of the parts seemed to be correctly configured in the editor but when I launched the vehicle, the construction UI was not available and there was no EL button on the apps. Manual install KSP.log Manual install Player.log I really like the idea of this mod but just have never gotten it to work unfortunately haha, I may just be missing something.
  7. Honestly, I have given up trying to understand the stock tools. My current game has KAC, transfer window planner, MechJeb, stock alarm clock and stock maneuver tool all installed and I just use whichever gives me the result I'm looking for in a particular situation. It's easier than trying to figure out exactly how each tool is coming up with it's corresponding results.
  8. Unlikely since The reDIRECT mod has Space Shuttle SRBs.
  9. Just a heads up: the SpaceDock link in the OP leads to your Pteron mod, not Probitronics.
  10. @Aelfhe1m Oh, I see! That makes sense, thank you very much!
  11. Hi, I've stumbled onto an oddity when I have the following mods installed: EVA Handrails Module Manager (dependency for above) Community Parts Titles Community Category Kit Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates If these are installed, the EVA handrails cannot be found in their usual "Utilities" category or any of the main categories. They can only be found in the "Tech Level 5" category. It's specifically the addition of "Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates" that causes this to happen. Here is the log file if it helps. It's not a major problem, just stumbled upon it so I thought I'd mention. Not really sure if this is the correct thread to post it in, honestly!
  12. Hi, My current game uses the Probes Before Crew tech tree. I created a small patch to move the small Cacteye telescope back a node from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Scanning Tech". To do this, I used the following patch @PART[spacedust-telescope-1-small]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = scienceTech } The part is successfully available when I unlock the Scanning Tech node except in the preview section of what each node contains, the small Telescope is shown as being present in both "Advanced Science Tech" and "Scanning Tech" nodes. Where am I going wrong?
  13. Ah, sorry - yes, I meant separate installs not separate saves! And that setting worked perfectly, thank you, much appreciated! As for mods, I was thinking BetterBurnTime or BetterTimeWarp changed it? But they're in both my installs so I don't know...
  14. Like most people, I have a few different saves with different mods. In one of them, when I click the warp to next maneuver button (circled below), the game warps to 60s before the maneuver. However, in another save, it warps to 10s before. Which mod or patch controls this? Is this something I can edit myself? Thank you.
  15. I'd like some option to allow comparison of parts. When there's a bunch of engines to choose from, it can be annoying to hover over each one to try and figure out which has the best Vac Isp and thrust for my needs. An option to compare the stats of two parts would be really useful.
  16. I'm guessing it's from Mike Aben's "KSP w/ Kerbalism" streams. His streams are on YouTube and his modlist is in the description (e.g. here) - the tech tree he uses is PBC. PS. Love PBC and the included contracts - I've tried all the available tech trees and I keep coming back to this one!
  17. Thanks for the heads up - fixed those issues. I've sorted by approximately how early they get unlocked as that's what makes most logical sense to me. The Google Sheets link has filtering and sorting options.
  18. I always found it a bit difficult comparing what the different SCANsat parts did while in-game so I collected all the SCANsat parts and their details in a table for easier browsing and comparing. I figured somebody else may find it useful so here it is: Here is a Google Sheets link. 9/10/2021 EDIT: Added SCAN-12 MS-R Fixed some typos
  19. The option to do this is already in the mod - you can change it in the difficulty settings along with the rest of the settings for this mod.
  20. Ah that makes a lot of sense. Yes, I do hope there are a few more updates to the tool, a bit more choice in the maneuver creator would be useful. Thanks for the clarification
  21. I'm a bit confused, why is the interplanetary transfer window alarm created by the Alarm Clock 100 days apart from the Maneuver Creator maneuver? I could understand differences of a couple of days but 100 days seems excessive. Am I misunderstanding something here?
  22. Haha, yup, I feel the same pain. AtmosphereAutopilot is great, I find some autopilot mod is necessary for career modes involving anything to do with planes. I've gotten somewhat decent at building planes the Kerbal way (i.e. after lots of failures and crashes) but I'm very keen on building my first spaceplane SSTO - it would be perfect for the tourism contracts. I've even got a tourist space station orbiting Kerbin but I just can't figure out SSTO's so I was hoping Kerbal Wind Tunnel would point me in the right direction. Fingers crossed!
  23. Thanks heaps for the detailed reply! I'll have to find some time to test some planes soon!
  24. Would anyone be able to provide me with some pointers on how to go about using the information provided by this wonderful mod? As an enthusiastic amateur at aircraft building in KSP, I am certain this data will help me understand where I'm going wrong if I know how to use it. I'm not looking for any detailed guides, just maybe a couple of tips on which charts are the most important things to look at so I can do my own research on those. At the moment, I just feel bombarded by charts that I don't quite understand. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
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