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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. "Why is there a tarp with a Martian landscape printed on it surrounding the ship?"
  2. Floor 4535: the place where all those mysterious, hard-to-identify, and impossible-to-locate sounds come from.
  3. Steve Irwin helps make a cool documentary about the weird avocado frogs and both attain sudden immense popularity! It's a tie! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  4. My profile picture is now a more compact version of my logo and fits better in a square. It's not a png this time due to the constraints of my image editing software. I wish I could combine this with the full logo.


  5. The Celestial Lounge has finished design and construction and will be shipping out to the VAB soon for integration with the launch vehicle. Think of a cube with each side a Cupola module, and on two opposite corners are docking ports. It was pretty hard to make the shape because of KSP's part attachment limitations. Then, for fun, I started working on a centrifuge with a cool deployment mechanic, got frustrated, decided to be done with KSP, went to bed, and then suddenly had a great idea that would fix all of the problems I was having. Funny how brains work like that. :whatweneedisashruggingemoji:
  6. Perhaps, since there will be no attached payload, the length of the RBS could be increased and maybe given some larger monoprop tanks for more utility.
  7. Banned to Peter Banning's house from Hook.
  8. I'll put one on top and one on bottom, if that's alright. 1.2m unless otherwise specified.
  9. P 43 @Stormpilot, you should have substituted 42 with "the answer to life, the universe, and everything."
  10. I did! I found it a very enjoyable video. I made the timeline long before this video came out. I used the video to study for and help make a project for a biology class. Wrote a journal as if I was time traveling through all the periods of the Earth.
  11. The post said it was for tourists to have comfort, so how about... a viewing module! Several cupolas, along with other window-y parts, I guess. It'll be called the "Celestial Lounge." To also help with comfort, it'll have several pamphlets on managing existential dread caused by the Overview Effect. Oh, I forgot to ask, any tech tree limitations or not?
  12. Any construction limits? Like, the module won't be anything outlandish, but there's gotta be some limits.
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