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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. In this community, everyone makes awesome cinematics that they spend so much time and effort on, only to get one or two thousand views. It’s honestly a real big shame. Well, here’s a thread where you can post underrated KSP cinematics! Just know that they CAN’T be made by you, they have to be made by other people. I would like to show one of my favorite cinematics, Enceladus, created by YouTuber CFKK. Channel link: https://m.youtube.com/@ConspicousFaux
  2. These are great suggestions, but I'm sorry to say the private agency submissions are over. Already it's quite hard to keep track of four agencies. Of course, to make it up to you guys, I could make Kerbals of you.
  3. Saturn Ultra-Heavy: A Saturn V with 8 SI-Cs around it. Holy crap, if this actually existed it would burn down all of Florida.
  4. Banned for mixing threads. (Ban the User Above You)
  5. I apologize to those who follow this thread for keeping you waiting, I lost the screenshots for the next two missions.
  6. This is a photo I got of the Philadelphia skyline, taken from the 33rd floor of the PSFS hotel. The brightness and contrast is turned up a little bit due to the fact that the actual picture was quite a bit darker. I can name a few of the buildings on the skyline too. Left is Two Liberty Place, in the middle right next to it One Liberty Place, right in font of them are Centre Square I&II, on the close right is BNY Mellon Center, on the far right is Comcast Center with Comcast Technology Center right behind it, right in front of the buildings is Philadelphia City Hall, and on the farthest right is Three Logan Square. Fun Facts One Liberty Place and Two Liberty place were Philadelphia's first skyscrapers, which raised a lot of controversy in the city. First off, there was a gentleman's agreement not to build higher than City Hall, and second, people were afraid it would ruin Center City's livability as the skyscrapers would invite more skyscrapers to be built. Comcast Center is said to have broken the "Curse of Billy Penn", where if a building was built higher than his hat, Philadelphia's sports teams would never again win a championship. When the building was done is 2007, the developer put a small William Penn statue on top of the building. And, guess what, the Phillies won the World Series in 2008! Coincidence? Philadelphia City Hall was the tallest habitable building in the world for about 14 years, until it was surpassed by New York's Singer Tower.
  7. So, over the weekend I will not be able to update this thread because I have to go to Center City. So, uh, see you on Monday I guess. I might hang around Forum Games though.
  8. L00NSAT 1&2 - YEAR 3, DAY 182 You're a l00ny... After rigorous testing to make sure the booster will make a safe return (and procrastination), Beyond is finally sure that they're ready to launch the RBS. The goal of this mission will be to launch two commsats into orbit, which are designed to make the internet more available to everybody on Kerbin. Of course, that's just the payload. Everybody's here to see the launch of the RBS, Kerbin's very first re-usable booster! Our goal is to land it at the KSC, but really anywhere flat will do. Anyways, it's time for the maiden flight of the RBS! The RBS is speeding through the atmosphere! Orbital insertion burn And the mission is in orbit! All that has to be done is deploy the satellites... which I forgot to put RCS on. Deployment of both L00nSat 1&2 With the satellites deployed, the next goal will be to return the booster. Easy, right? Well, not really. While parachutes are included on the booster, they can only take us so far. The rest is up to engines. So, holding their breath, mission control begins the Entry Descent and Landing (EDL) procedure. Kerbin sits on the edge of its seat. Re-entry begins Drogue chutes deployed Final approach, engine startup! The booster has landed in one piece, the first successful booster landing! Mission Control cheers for this success! The door to kessler syndrome-free spaceflight has been opened! Beyond would like to congratulate @Watermel00n Kerman and their company L00ntech for extraordinary technological achievement, as well the creation of the very first true SSTO.
  9. Thanks! Hmm... maybe I could do that. Maybe it could be the "butterfly" that let the soviets land on the Moon.
  10. May 9th, 1974 - Skylab 5 Quickly, the backup Saturn IB and CSM are scrambled to the launchpad. Just over a month after the Soviet Moon Landing, Skylab 5 is ready for it's flight back to Skylab. The mission will only be 20 days, but new crews are preparing for much longer stays aboard the station. The crew are commander Vance Brand, science pilot William "Bill" Lenoir, and pilot Don Lind. The goal of this flight will be to start a long term presence aboard Skylab, with the goal of making Skylab a constantly crewed space station. The Saturn IB lifts off the pad, marking the beginning of the Apollo-Mars program! Stage 2 ignition and insertion in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Stage 2 separation Skylab 5 begins its journey to Skylab. Hard dock with Skylab! Brand and Lenoir go for their EVA.
  11. I was thinking of uploading some of the craft I've made for this thread to KerbalX. I'm wondering, what craft would you guys like me to upload?
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