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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. 2/10 I’ve never met you before, but you’re apparently a long time member.
  2. Banned for putting down today's date.
  3. EVE III STATIC TEST FIRE - YEAR 3, DAY 275 In order for the Aurora Program to be fully functioning, we need a new launch vehicle. So Beyond has created the newest rocket in the Eve line, the Eve III! The Eve III is capable of launching 32.5 tons to LKO, and is the brand new Mun Rocket of Beyond. It may also be the pinnacle of the ULV Program, as this is a launcher capable of launching all kinds of payloads! The Eve III is the future of space exploration, and its first launch may actually be sooner than you think...
  4. The screenshots your taking seem to be getting a lot better! If you told me this was blender, I'd believe it. Also, what is Calbert's obsession with landing backwards?
  5. YEAR 3, DAY 266 - EXPEDITION 4 Routine mission baby! Crew: Lebro, Malgard, Genenie Just 3 day after Expedition 2 came home, Expedition 4 is rolled out to the launchpad. Just like all the previous missions, it will spend about half a year in orbit, doing science and such. One unique thing about this mission is that they will oversee the docking of a new module. What is this new module exactly? Nothing much, just a bigger habitat. After all this time, the crew will finally have a nice place to rest. But that's all for the future. The mission needs to get there first. The mighty Eve II lifts off the pad mid-morning, carrying the crew to their new (temporary) home. Stage 2 ignition Expedition 4 is now in orbit! The solar panels are deployed, systems are checked, and a maneuver is set to head on over and dock to the space station. Rendezvous burn Hard dock confirmed The crew open the hatch and are greeted to the station by the crew of Expedition 3. They unpack their things, settle in, and get to work. Their mission aboard the station has begun. A bit cluttered, eh?
  6. 10/10 You’re everywhere on Forum Games. Like, EVERYWHERE.
  7. It appears I’ve been on a bit of a Wurtz-wave recently. Now his song “If the World Doesn’t End” has been stuck in my head.
  8. YEAR 3, DAY 263 - EXPEDITION 2 RETURN What. I just feel like writing that. Crew: Valentina, Virsen, Wensy After 7 months in orbit, Expedition 2 will finally begin to make its way home. Coming with them is a bounty of science, covering subjects from healthcare to zero gravity. The crew themselves were even experimented on. When they come back down to Kerbin, they will be thoroughly examined to see the effects microgravity has had on them. The crew clamber into the crew ferry, undock, and began their journey back down to Kerbin. De-orbit burn The re-entry path the crew took was steep. They pulled about 7gs during re-entry, quite quite steep. Why this steep exactly? Well, apparently, one of our engineers wasn't paying attention, and let the craft burn longer than it should've. And that engineer was... me. Oops. Nyoooooom... Parachutes deployed Splashdown! The crew once again feel gravity's beautiful embrace! Even if they can barely walk, the crew feel refreshed to finally be on solid ground again. That, and the huge paycheck they know they're about to receive.
  9. I have finally finished the thread, and all I can say is... absolutely magnificent! Your storytelling is top notch, your spacecraft designs are very cool-looking, and the way your able to immerse your audience in these missions is amazing! I was genuinely tense during the whole Spacelab 4 saga. I can't wait for the next update!
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